Author Topic: Rubio: Cruz 'lying about all sorts of things' (full debate)  (Read 317 times)

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Rubio: Cruz 'lying about all sorts of things' (full debate)
« on: February 14, 2016, 10:02:58 am »

White House hopeful Marco Rubio ripped rival Ted Cruz at Saturday's presidential debate for a "pattern" of telling lies, particularly about immigration reform.

"This is a disturbing pattern now. For a number of weeks Ted Cruz has just been telling lies," Rubio said. "He's lying about all sorts of things and now he's just making things up."

The Florida senator said that Cruz had lied "about Ben Carson in Iowa," referring to the Carson campaign's accusations that Cruz's campaign spread false rumors during the caucuses that the retired neurosurgeon was dropping out of the presidental race.
Rubio's comments came as he and the Texas Republican battled over their stance in a 2013 fight in the Senate over a wide-ranging immigration reform bill.
Cruz has repeatedly knocked Rubio for working with Democrats, calling the "Gang of Eight" bill the "Rubio-Schumer amnesty plan," referring to Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), who is expected to be the next Democratic leader.
"The question for anyone on illegal immigration, is where were you in that fight," Cruz added.
Rubio, however, has pointed to amendments that the Texas senator pushed that removed a path to citizenship from the bill but kept work permits.
Asked about his tactics on the Senate's immigration bill, which ultimately stalled in the House, Cruz has said that the amendments were meant to expose Democrats' "bluff" and ultimately undermine the Gang of Eight bill.
Rubio wasn't alone at the South Carolina event in accusing Cruz of lying. Donald Trump also said Cruz "is the single biggest liar. ...This guy will say anything."


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Re: Rubio: Cruz 'lying about all sorts of things' (full debate)
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2016, 10:04:58 am »
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: If the previous Republican debates have been World War I or II this is is thermonuclear. I have is not seen as many personal attacks or high temperature attacks as we saw in this debate. I am not sure that you can judge the debate on who won or lost on the actual sound bites of who won this exchange or, that that, it was the tone. I think that if you counted up the number of times that the word 'lie' and 'liar' was employed, it would exceed the number of times it has been used in all previous debates.