Author Topic: Study now says global warming slows sea-level rise  (Read 732 times)

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Study now says global warming slows sea-level rise
« on: February 14, 2016, 09:57:35 am »
Study now says global warming slows sea-level rise
Extra 3.2 trillion gallons now 'soaked up' by lakes, aquifers
Published: 12 hours ago

A prominent global-warming skeptic is marveling at a new NASA report that concludes the purported human-caused changes in the climate now, after years of being blamed for raising the sea level, is slowing down the rise.

“Is there anything global warming can’t do?” Marc Morano asked on his Climate Depot site in response to the NASA assessment.

“Now it seems that there is so much global warming that it is slowing the rise of sea levels.”

He noted that 30 years ago, scientists blamed global warming for sea level decreases.

The new theory behind the slowdown is that as the Earth becomes more parched as a result of humans pumping more water out of the ground, water that otherwise would cause oceans to rise is “being absorbed” by lakes, rivers and underground aquifers, much as a sponge absorbs water.

The estimate is that 3.2 trillion gallons of water “has thus been soaked up and stored and is not pouring into the streets of coastal cities.”

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The London Daily Mail said it means islands and cities such as Venice and Miami might be spared from flooding in the near future

NASA looked at satellite measurements collected over recent years to estimate the rate of sea level rise has slowed by 22 percent.

The author of the study is JT Reager of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, California.

“We always assumed that people’s increased reliance on groundwater for irrigation and consumption was resulting in a net transfer of water from the land to the ocean,” he said.

“What we didn’t realize until now is that over the past decade, changes in the global water cycle more than offset the losses that occurred from groundwater pumping, causing the land to act like a sponge – at least temporarily.”

NASA launched a couple of satellites in 2002, Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, that provided the data.

The government agency said that from 2002 to 2014, it looked at changes in gravity as well as estimates of glacier melt.

The Daily Mail reported the analysis suggests climate variability resulted in an increase of about 3.2 trillion tons of water being stored in land.

The report said the gain partially offset water losses from ice sheets, glaciers and groundwater pumping.  The rate of sea level rise, consequently slowed by between 0.7 and 0.2 millimeters annually.

The results were published in the journal Science.

The authors cautioned that much more data is needed to “fully understand.”

At the Climate Depot, Morano pointed out the widely divergent predictions about the effect of global warming on sea level in the scientific community.

He noted that in 1987, Florida State University geology professor William Tanner said climate change would cause the sea level to fall. Tanner plotted 4,000 years of sea-level data on 5,000 years of climatological data, Morano said, and every time the climate cooled a couple of degrees, the sea level went up.

Even further back, the National Science Foundation estimated that a large part of the Antarctic ice mass appeared to be collapsing, which could cause oceans to rise by “almost 20 feet.”

“It has nothing to do with a warmer climate, just the dynamics of unstable ice,” said a scientist at the time.

Morano pointed out the sea level rise over the past 200 years or so “shows no evidence of acceleration, which is necessary to assume a man-made influence.”

“Sea level rise instead decelerated over the 20th century, decelerated 31 percent since 2002 and decelerated 44 percent since 2004 to less than 7 inches per century. There is no evidence of an acceleration of sea level rise, and therefore no evidence of any man-made effect on sea levels. Sea level rise is primarily a local phenomenon related to land subsidence, not CO2 levels. Therefore, areas with groundwater depletion and land subsidence have much higher rates of relative sea level rise, but this has absolutely nothing to do with man-made CO2.”

WND has reported extensively on global warming, including a few months back when, despite no rise in average global temperature for nearly two decades, some two-dozen scientists with major U.S. universities urged President Obama to use RICO laws to prosecute opponents who deny mankind is causing catastrophic changes in the climate.

That’s the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, which can put people in jail.

In a letter addressed to Obama, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Office of Science and Technology Policy Director John Holdren, the scientists said they “appreciate that you are making aggressive and imaginative use of the limited tools available to you in the face of a recalcitrant Congress.”

“One additional tool – recently proposed by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse – is a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) investigation of corporations and other organizations that have knowingly deceived the American people about the risks of climate change, as a means to forestall America’s response to climate change,” they wrote, according to Politico.

The scientists said their critics’ methods “are quite similar to those used earlier by the tobacco industry,” which was the target of a RICO investigation that “played an important role in stopping the tobacco industry from continuing to deceive the American people about the dangers of smoking.”

“Climategate” exposes the global warming scam. Get it now at the WND Superstore.

“If corporations in the fossil fuel industry and their supporters are guilty of the misdeeds that have been documented in books and journal articles, it is imperative that these misdeeds be stopped as soon as possible so that America and the world can get on with the critically important business of finding effective ways to restabilize the Earth’s climate, before even more lasting damage is done,” they said.

But WND reported new evidence indicates the polar ice cap is growing, not shrinking.

Blogger Steven Goddard at Real Science cited information from the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, showing the Arctic ice mass, as of Sept. 7, 2015, was substantially bigger than it was in September 2012.

“Nobel Prize winning climate experts and journalists tell us that the Arctic is ice-free, because they are propagandists pushing an agenda, not actual scientists or journalists,” he said.

In the past three years, he pointed out, the Arctic ice mass “has gained hundreds of miles … much of which is thick, multi-year ice.”

WND long has reported the predictions of an ice-free Arctic by scientists who believe mankind is causing global warming.

But in just last few winters, Cairo saw its first snow in 100 years. And Oregon, like several other states, reached its coldest temperature in 40 years. Chicago saw the coldest days ever recorded, and – as if to add finality to the trend – Antarctica reached the coldest temperature ever recorded anywhere on earth.

London’s Independent newspaper declared at the turn of the millennium, “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.” The report quoted David Viner, senior research scientist at the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia, long considered an authoritative resource for global warming research, saying snow would soon be “a very rare and exciting event” in Britain.

“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he claimed at the time.

Former vice president and current carbon-credit entrepreneur Al Gore told an audience in a 2009 speech that “the entire north polar ice cap during some of the summer months could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years.” And his 2006 documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth,” famously predicted increasing temperatures would cause earth’s oceans to rise by 20 feet, a claim many scientists say is utterly without rational basis.

See Gore:


A 2013 column by Mark Hertsgaard was headlined: "The End of the Arctic? Ocean Could be Ice Free by 2015."

He wrote: "Say goodbye to polar bears and a whole lot of ice. New research suggests the Arctic Ocean could be ice-free by 2015, with devastating consequences for the world. Can it be stopped?"

Goddard also cited Gore's prediction that the "polar ice cap may disappear by 2014."

Taking one more step back in time, the BBC said the Arctic summers would be ice-free by 2013.

Sierra Club Canada also said in 2013 that the Arctic sea ice would vanish that year.

Tim Ball, a former University of Winnipeg climatology professor, said global temperatures have been dropping since the turn of the century, prompting the change in terminology from "global warming" to "climate change."

Activists are also spending less time discussing temperatures and more time pointing to more extreme events such as tornadoes, droughts, cold snaps and heat waves. Ball said there's a shred of truth there, but it's being badly distorted.

"Yes, there's been slightly more extremes," he said in an interview with WND and Radio America. "That's because the jet stream patterns are changing, because the earth is cooling down. All the arguments about sea-level rise, about Arctic ice disappearing, if you recall it's not that long ago that our friend Al Gore was saying that there would be no summer ice in the Arctic. I think the year he set for it was 2014. That proved to be completely wrong."

Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Tim Ball:

"Climategate" exposes the global warming scam. Get it now at the WND Superstore.

Scientist Art Robinson has spearheaded The Petition Project, which has gathered the signatures of at least 31,487 scientists who agree that there is "no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate."

They say, "Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plan and animal environments of the Earth."

Robinson, who has a doctorate in chemistry from Cal Tech, where he served on the faculty, co-founded the Linus Pauling Institute with Nobel-recipient Linus Pauling, where he was president and research professor. He later founded the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine.