Author Topic: The Wages of Cultural Enrichment in Austria  (Read 199 times)

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The Wages of Cultural Enrichment in Austria
« on: February 13, 2016, 10:04:59 pm »
The Wages of Cultural Enrichment in Austria
Posted on February 12, 2016 by Baron Bodissey

[Illegal immigrants in Spielfeld, Austria]

A Macedonian immigrant has been arrested in Vienna on suspicion of committing at least one rape as well as a series of molestations or attempted rapes. There’s no word on the alleged perp’s religion, but there is a substantial Muslim minority in Macedonia, somewhere between 3% and 10%. And “Ibraim J” doesn’t sound like a Christian name to me.

Below is a brief Austrian news report on the case. Many thanks to Nash Montana for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Nash Montana has also translated an article about the culture-enriching rapist that was published in Österreich. A slightly different version was posted previously at Vlad Tepes:

    Serial Sex Criminal: Already 10 Victims

    Arrested 22-year-old is assumed to have raped a 15-year-old.

    Based on attempted rapes, the police on Monday published pictures of the suspect — the assumed sex offender: a 22-year-old man from Macedonia who is living in Austria illegally with his fiancée Claudia (name changed). She had presumably fished the slender pretty boy from the internet two years ago.

    It is probably slowly dawning on the Vienna native just what a terrible mistake she made. Because in the meantime Ibraim J. has been accused of ten cases of rape, in which he pursued women from the U2 as well as the Bim-Line 26 or the 26A bus lines on their way home.

    Investigations broadened into lower Austria

    Normally he would put his arms around his intended victims from behind with all of his force and then grabbed them between the legs or under their skirts, not showing thereby any age-specific preferences — the youngest was 15; the oldest victim was 46. He even attacked two women in separate incidents in just one night. Most of the women could defend themselves from the attacks through biting, screaming, or through help of friends or other passersby.

    Only one girl (15) did not have that chance — she was raped in the stairway of her parents’ apartment building. On Tuesday alone seven women identified their attacker in a police lineup. But there could be more. As Ibraim J. also worked in a Pizzeria north of Vienna, the investigation is now being broadened into lower Austria. The rule of presumed innocent until proven guilty is in effect.

    — 11/26, 23:40

    The suspect grabbed a 40-year-old woman from behind in District 22. He brought her down to the ground, slapped her face and groped her. When she screamed for help, he ran.

    — 11/29, 4:00 AM

    The suspect grabbed a 26-year-old and slid his hand down her pants in a parking garage in District 2. She bit his hand, and he fled. A short time later he came back and tried to attack her again. As she bit him again, he took off with her wallet.

    — 1/4, 23:50

    On this day the man raped a 15-year-old girl in the stairway of her parents’ apartment building.

    — 1/19, 19:30

    The suspect groped a 26-year-old in the stairway of her apartment building. As her boyfriend walked up, the attacker fled.

    — 1/21, 23:00

    The suspect stalked a woman all the way to her multiplex house near Eibengasse. In the stairway he pressed himself against her. After the partner of the victim discovered what was happening, he fled.

    — 1/25, 13:15

    Right around the corner from the apartment of his fiance, the suspect harassed a 46-year-old woman who defended herself vehemently. He slapped her, and then took a bus to District 22.

    — 1/25, 18:10

    Arriving in the 22nd District, he stalked a 35-year-old in the Siebenbürgenstraße all the way from the street tram to the stairway of her building, where he groped her butt.

    — 1/25, 19:55

    Only a few moments later he stalked a 21-year-old on her way home from the 26-vim into Schlettergasse. He grabbed her from behind. As her boyfriend and her brother ran to her rescue, the man fled.

    — 2/2, 22:45

    The suspect stalked a young woman all the way into her apartment building at Vorgartenstrasse. There he entered the elevator with her, groped the 18-year-old under her skirt and put his other hand over her mouth so she couldn’t scream. As they exited the elevator, she screamed loudly, and the suspect took off running.

Video transcript:

0:00         More and more women are coming forward after the arrest of
0:03         a young man in Vienna, an alleged rapist.
0:07         The police meanwhile know of ten victims,
0:10         they speak of nine attempted rapes, and one actual rape.
0:14         Vienna police had their worst fears confirmed.
0:18         After the apprehension of the 22-year-old man
0:21         more women are now coming forward to the police.
0:24         Until now the Macedonian attempted to rape nine women,
0:28         and the man has in fact raped one 15-year-old girl.
0:32         The man always committed these crimes when
0:35         he was visiting his fiancée in Vienna, and the police request that
0:38         further victims to step forward, as in the case of
0:41         one woman who called the station, but then immediately
0:44         hung up the phone again.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2016, 10:06:00 pm by rangerrebew »