Author Topic: New California Law Forces Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers to Advertise Abortions  (Read 363 times)

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Offline Paladin

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What a state.

"Did you hear about the new bill that California Gov. Jerry Brown has signed into law?

Under penalty of whopping fines, the new law orders the abortion giant Planned Parenthood and every other abortion facility in the Golden State to post a prominent notice in their waiting rooms, or give the mothers written or digital notice, that they can go to pro-life pregnancy help centers instead and get what they need to give their babies life.

You haven’t heard that news?

I haven’t, either. That’s because what Brown really did was just the opposite: The bill he signed (AB775), named the Reproductive Fact Act, aims to punish pro-life pregnancy centers, which offer women and girls compassionate alternatives to abortion. Under penalty of ruinous fines for every “violation,” the law orders the pro-life centers to post notices and tell mothers that they can abort their babies and have California taxpayers foot the bill via the state’s expansive Medi-Cal program.

That program is paying for an increasing percentage of all California abortions, rising by nearly 69 percent between 1990 and 2010.

The new law’s text was reportedly written by a pro-abortion pressure group. It singles out pro-life facilities. The intent is clearly to put them out of business. Under penalty of crippling fines of $500 and $1,000 per “offense,” the law would make licensed pro-life medical clinics directly contradict their baby-saving mission, and violate their staffers’ consciences, by advertising for abortion providers.

The new law also orders pro-life centers, some of which do not need a medical license, to post the following notice on their sites and in all of their print and digital ads: “This facility is not licensed as a medical facility by the State of California and has no licensed medical provider who provides or directly supervises the provision of services.” That makes the pro-life centers cast doubt upon their own qualifications and credibility. Again, this provision is not applied to other entities in California that take a different view of abortion.

What? you ask? No government body would dare impose such a totalitarian violation of Americans’ individual consciences? No lawmaker would dare coerce a group to do the exact opposite of what its whole purpose is? No politician would dare force private entities to refer clients to their competition? No law could tell selected private groups they must utter government-mandated speech, especially speech they regard as damaging to the person receiving it? And surely no court would uphold such an obviously unconstitutional trampling of individual liberty?

But unbelievably, all this is exactly what has happened. As of Jan. 1, thanks to the pro-abortion state legislature and its ratifier-in-chief Governor Jerry Brown, the state of California now officially targets pro-life medical clinics and pregnancy counseling centers in precisely those ways—and three courts have deemed the new law constitutional."
Members of the anti-Trump cabal: Now that Mr Trump has sewn up the nomination, I want you to know I feel your pain.