Author Topic: EXCLUSIVE: How the Clintons embraced Wall Street and made $76,000 a DAY by cashing in with speech after speech - but now Hillary wants to fight to 'rein in' the money men  (Read 290 times)

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EXCLUSIVE: How the Clintons embraced Wall Street and made $76,000 a DAY by cashing in with speech after speech - but now Hillary wants to fight to 'rein in' the money men

    Hillary and Bill Clinton have taken in a total of $150 MILLION since 2001, when he left office
    In 2015, at the height of their earning power,  she and Bill made $27,946,490 in total - $76,565.72 every day
    They made speech after speech to Wall Street big names with 39 appearances for banks and other financial and legal institutions
    She refuses to release transcripts which she ordered to be made of the speeches unless every candidate does the same for all private sector talks
    Hillary spoke to series of other bodies, never for less than six figures, and even got $100,000 for a satellite appearance
    Now she says she wants to 'rein in Wall Street' and get 'secret unaccountable money out of politics'

She said in her losing speech in New Hampshire that she wanted to get the 'secret unaccountable money out of politics'.

And she said: 'Wall Street can never be allowed to once again threaten Main Street. And I will fight to rein in Wall Street—and you know what? I know how to do it.'

But Hillary and Bill Clinton made up to $76,000 a day fueled by large payments from Wall Street banks that date back to at least 1999.

The leading Democratic presidential candidate and her husband raked in nearly double the average American’s annual wage every 24 hours at the peak of their earning.

The vast sum was driven by speech fees and from 2001 onward the Clintons earned $7.7 million for at least 39 appearances in front of the likes of UBS and Goldman Sachs - the equivalent of $210,000 a time.

Name over the door: Clinton spoke in September 2014 as Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women hosted its annual dinner at the Clinton Global Initiative

15: Calendar years the Clintons have been on the speaking circuit

729: Paid speeches made by the couple since Bill left office (not including in 2016)

$153 million: Couple's total earnings from speeches

92: Number of speeches Hillary has made

$207,000: Average payment for Hillary speaking

637: Speeches delivered by Bill Clinton

$207,000: Average for a Bill speech

Source: campaign finance records and electoral filings

Hillary also gave speeches to unlikely organizations who paid her more than $200,000 for speaking including the American Camping Association and the American Society of Travel Agents.

She even earned $100,000 for one speech even though she was not there - and gave it via satellite link.

The candidate is under pressure from her Democratic presidential rival Bernie Sanders to release transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street because he claims she is too close to bankers.

Reports have already begun to surface suggesting the speeches could be damaging.

'She sounded like a Goldman Sachs managing director,' an audience member of a Clinton speech, which made the candidate $225,000, told Politico.

'It would bury her against Sanders,' another attendee of the October 2013 speech in Arizona said.

Hillary's critics say that she is part of the financial establishment and with her massive wealth she cannot relate to normal people.

Her disastrous performance in New Hampshire on Tuesday night will cause soul-searching in her campaign, and already she used her concession speech to suggest that she will step up attacks on Wall Street.

But she will have to square that with the sheer amount of money she has taken from the financial establishment.

According to figures from the Social Security Administration, the average American earns $44,000 a year, less than half of what Hillary earned in a day during 2014, her highest earning year.

An analysis of tax returns, campaign finance disclosures and her own filings shows that her close relationship with Wall Street goes back at least 17 years to when she was running to be a New York senator in 1999.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics' website,, which tracks campaign contributions, during her time in office until 2009 when she resigned to become Secretary of State, Hillary's top donor was Citigroup, which gave her $824,402.

The second was Goldman Sachs on $760,740 followed by law firm DLA Piper in third place on $700,530.

In fourth place was JP Morgan on $696,456 followed by Morgan Stanley on $636,564.

Among Mrs Clinton’s other top donors were Lehman Brothers, the investment bank that collapsed in the 2008 financial crash, which gave $362,853.

Credit Suisse donated $318,120 to her campaign as well, campaign finance disclosure records show.
Shovel load: Hillary Clinton at the 2005 groundbreaking of Goldman Sachs's Manhattan headquarters, with (from left), Sheldon Silver, then speaker of the New York State Assembly, then NY mayor Michael Bloomberg, Henry 'Hank' Paulson, then Goldman chairman and CEO, then NY governor George Pataki, NY senator Chuck Schumer, and James Gill, chairman of the Battery Park City Authority. No Goldmans banker has been jailed since, but Silver is facing jail after a federal conviction for corruption. Bloomberg is considering a presidential run and Pataki has ended his

Holding office did not stop Hillary from raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars from giving speeches, a practice which is completely legal but raises questions over conflicts of interest.

From 2001 onward she got at least $1.8 million from at least eight speeches to Wall St banks for which she criss-crossed America to talk to some of the wealthiest people in the nation.

She gave three speeches to Goldman Sachs for a combined total of $675,000 in 2013 in Palmetto Bluffs, South Carolina, New York City and Tucson, Arizona. Two were within days of each other in October.

She gave one speech to UBS in New York 2013 for $225,000 and one to Morgan Stanley in Washington D.C. the same year for the same fee.

Hillary gave one speech to Bank of America in Bluffton, South Carolina, for $225,000 in 2013 and two to Deutsche Bank for a total of $485,000 the same year in New York City and Washington, D.C.

She has also given addresses to major financial companies like Fidelity and money managers like Golden Asset Tree Management.

Some of the speeches have already proved controversial even without the transcript being released.

Shortly after taking office as Secretary of State in 2009, she intervened in the investigation of UBS when the IRS was suing to obtain names of Americans who had accounts in its secretive Swiss division.

The highly unusual move led to a deal under which UBS handed over data on just 4,450 accounts out of a total of 52,000 which had been sought.

UBS later booked the Secretary of State for a speech and UBS increased its donations to the Clinton Foundation, the Clintons’ charitable initiative, from $60,000 in 2008 to $600,000 by the end of 2014.

Hillary's biggest donors 1999-2009, as compiled by

Citigroup $824,402.

Goldman Sachs $760,740

DLA Piper $700,530

JP Morgan $696,456

Morgan Stanley $636,564

Also on the list...

Lehman Brothers $362,853

Credit Suisse $318,120 

The extent of Hillary's appetite for giving her lucrative talks becomes clear after an examination of some of the organizations she spoke in front of - and how far she traveled to earn her money.

In November 2013 she flew to Troy, Michigan to earn $305,000 to talk at Beaumont Health Systems, a not-for-profit healthcare provider.

In January last year she flew to Winnipeg and Saskatoon in Canada to give two speeches to tinePublic Inc, a local firm which books big name speakers and sells tickets to the public.

Hillary’s speech in front of the California Medical Association took place in April 2014 in San Diego, California but she was not actually there.

She earned a lower fee - $100,000 - for appearing via video link.

The speech for the American Camping Association was in March last year and took place in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

It was her last paid speech before she ran for the presidency and earned her $260,000.

In total the Clintons earned at least $153 million from paid speeches between 2001 and 2015 for a total of 729 appearances.

Hillary earned $21 million from 92 speeches, or $235,000 a time.

Bill earned $132 million from 637 speeches, or $207,000 a time.

Figures show that 2014 was Hillary's most lucrative year and was when she was promoting her memoir: ‘Hard Choices’; she and and her husband earned $27,946,490 in total, or $76,565.72 per day.

The presidential candidate is now under growing pressure to release the transcripts of her Wall Street speeches to show that she was not cozying up to bankers.

There is no doubt there are transcripts and McClatchy reported that Mrs Clinton insisted on a stenographer at each event to be paid for by the host.

Asked about the transcripts in Manchester, New Hampshire, where voters go the polls in the second Primary of the election season, Hillary physically turned away at the idea she should make them public.

She later said she would make them public if all the other candidates released transcripts of their speeches to private groups, something Republican Presidential candidate Jeb Bush supports.

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