Author Topic: Purdue Staff Member Allegedly Threatens Pro-Life Students, Family Members  (Read 510 times)

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Purdue Staff Member Allegedly Threatens Pro-Life Students, Family Members

by Dr. Susan Berry11 Feb 201677

Purdue University is reviewing the situation surrounding a school staff member who allegedly threatened to rape a group of pro-life students who set up a display on campus that featured information about the disproportionate number of abortions performed on black babies.

Purdue Students for Life placed posters on campus last week to mark Black History Month. The posters emphasized the large numbers of black babies aborted in the United States.

Students for Life of America (SFLA) president Kristan Hawkins notes on the organization’s website that the pro-life students’ posters were ripped down as threats against them were also waged on the group’s Facebook page.

“They were compared to ISIS and the KKK, called ‘malicious,’ ‘human garbage’ and ‘ignorant c*nts’ all because they deemed it necessary to shed light on this horrible injustice that is especially prevalent in minority communities,” Hawkins explained.

Purdue employee Jamie Newman of the school’s Visual and Performing Arts department allegedly referred on Facebook to the pro-life students as “vile, racist idiots who richly deserve all the opprobrium that will be heaped on them as a result of this unbelievably thoughtless, stupid escapade.”

Hawkins said Newman continued: “And that you should have pulled this stunt at the beginning of Black History Month suggests you are either epically clueless or profoundly malicious. So, which is is [sic] – embarrassingly dumb or simply evil?”

On Wednesday, SFLA reported “the story took a dark turn.” Using his Disqus account to respond to an article published by pro-life Live Action News and titled, “Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
right to call Hillary Clinton pro-abortion ‘even on the due date,’” Newman allegedly called for the rape of the pro-life students. Newman’s Disqus comments were subsequently deleted but not before screen shots were grabbed.

According to a screen shot, Newman allegedly said in one of his comments:

    Oh, I’m sorry. So, let me make my intentions quite explicit: I did in fact offer to rape Tom’s wife/daughter/great grandmother. Free of charge, even. I’m generous that way.

“Obviously, a threat of rape is outside the bounds of any definition of protected speech,” Julie Rosa, Purdue assistant vice president for strategic communications, said in a statement to Breitbart News. “Due process requires that, before taking any action, we verify the alleged facts and give this staff member the chance to explain himself if he can. Needless to say, the statements, as alleged, are reprehensible and unacceptable in the eyes of the entire Purdue community.”

Hawkins said in a statement sent to Breitbart News:

    This is intolerable behavior, period. Purdue must terminate their relationship with Mr. Newman now. For the past week, our students have been called ‘racists,’ ‘human garbage,’ and ‘ignorance c*nts.’ They have courageously stood their ground and have met with black students who were offended by their educational display to explain their event and ask for help for future events. But now the safety of our students has been put into risk. Purdue cannot let a staff member publicly call for the rape of their students no matter how unpopular their speech.

Hawkins also noted the information discussed by the pro-life students:

    Black people make up 13 percent of the U.S. population but they account for almost 40 percent of all abortions. There are almost 2,000 black lives ended by abortion every single day in the United States, and overall, a black baby is more than 5 times as likely to be executed as a white baby. And abortion kills more black people than heart disease, cancer, strokes, accidents, diabetes, homicide, and respiratory illness — COMBINED.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 10:54:47 pm by rangerrebew »