Author Topic: Diversity – Rob The White Folk, Give To Entitled – Redistribute, DoD Comrades  (Read 180 times)

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Diversity – Rob The White Folk, Give To Entitled – Redistribute, DoD Comrades

Posted By: Rick Wells

While the United States is probably the most diverse nation on earth, the Obamanistas have taken it upon themselves to promote the lie that more diversity is always better. It’s to be expected as it invariably shifts opportunity and wealth from the white devil majority to their non-white “victims”. If any cracker dares to complain, they’ve marked themselves as a racist. Their career is over.
Diversity Dollars To Celebrate Anti-Whiteness, Some Racism Is Good, Desirable, Taxpayer Funded

The Obama Marxists created a goal at the Department of Defense of “implementing a robust diversity strategy.” There’s no justification for it outside of advancing their commie agenda, but in an age of promoting cross-dressing mental patients as military role models, don’t ask don’t tell has taken on a whole new importance.

Clarence Johnson, the DoD cash candy man in the Pentagon’s Office of Diversity Management and Equal Opportunity (ODME), distributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to radical extremist affiliate groups in what is a patently unconstitutional abuse of power and a means of transferring taxpayer dollars into the hands of Obama’s radical ideological comrades. Even more egregious, Johnson funneled the money using a “consulting firm” that received a cool half million dollars for their troubles. We’re cutting back on the stuff that matters, like military preparedness and body armor while they’re busy making sure the next “pride ball” will be just fabulous.

According to Judicial Watch, the motley list of race-based recipients included:

    The notorious open borders group League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Minority Access Inc., a Maryland-based nonprofit committed to decreasing disparities and reducing incidences of environmental injustices, and the renowned National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Others include the Society of American Indian Government Employees and the Asian American Government Executive Network.

    In all, ODME gave these and other groups over $300,000, according to a DOD Inspector General report released this month. These are considered “affinity” groups involved with networking or professional associations that are often race, ethnic background or gender based.

Johnson violated regulations by handing the cash over to unqualified “non-federal entities.” According to federal law, the public money was not supposed to go to private groups. Under Obama the law is no longer the law. Expect a nice bonus, Johnson.

    In its report the DOD watchdog concludes that Johnson “improperly co-sponsored NFEs that he had selected.” Auditors found that Johnson spent $301,000 on NFE sponsorships and recommended “corrective action.” The money flowed through a company called New Concepts Management Solutions (NCMS) that was evidently handpicked by Johnson. In 2012, the Office of Diversity Management hired a consulting firm called Deloitte for $480,554 to handle the diversity outreach allocations.

    Here’s a brief breakdown of how some of the money was divided. The Thurgood Marshall College Fund Leadership Institute Conference got $25,000, the Society of American Indian Government Employees got $12,000 for a training conference and a conglomerate called Latina Style Outreach received $20,000. LULAC and the Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Corporation (HENAAC) received $25,000 each. It appears that Johnson knew well that he was violating agency rules when he headed the diversity crusade because the report reveals that the DOD Office of Special Counsel has consistently said that the agency should not “sponsor” non-federal entities like the ones Johnson gave money to. In addition to money, Johnson provided these various groups with logistical manpower compliments of Uncle Sam.

For the sake of clarification, when the discrimination is against white people it is called diversity and it is desirable. When the discrimination is against any other group, it’s racism and cannot be tolerated. When racism is condoned for the benefit of non-whites it is called equal opportunity. When racism is condoned for the benefit of whites it is called a myth to facilitate the anti-white racism, it never happens.

Celebrating diversity is a celebration of anti-white bigotry. Diversity outreach means giving money to folks with the right skin color, much of which originated in the wallets of those despicable pasty people. White lives don’t matter, yo.
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 01:08:42 pm by rangerrebew »