Author Topic: Obama’s final budget proposal calls for $4.15 trillion in new spending  (Read 309 times)

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Obama’s final budget proposal calls for $4.15 trillion in new spending
By Steven Mufson February 9 at 4:20 PM

President Obama presented the final budget proposal of his presidency Tuesday, a $4.15 trillion package that he is calling “a roadmap to a future that embodies America’s values and aspirations.”

The proposal would boost total spending by 4.9 percent, mainly as a result of increases in mandatory programs, most notably Social Security, and a rise in interest payments on the national debt. In keeping with the two-year budget deal struck with Congress in December, the president requested only a slight increase, less than 1 percent, in discretionary spending programs overall, although Republicans blasted him for profligate spending.

[White House budget: fiscal 2017]

The budget, whose cover is illustrated by the Alaskan peak Obama rechristened Mount Denali last summer, lays out programs that would not fully take effect until after Obama leaves office. But it also includes some that the administration believes can harness bipartisan support.

Under the proposal, the federal deficit would shrink to $503 billion in fiscal 2017, down from the current fiscal year but substantially more than the $438 billion figure for last year that Obama has been using when boasting about deficit reduction. In the plan, the federal deficit over the next decade would average 2.6 percent of gross domestic product, the same as its share of the economy for fiscal 2017.
A breakdown of the proposal grouped by the functions that the government performs. View Graphic

Many budget experts say that any president’s final budget proposal is as much a philosophical as a pragmatic one, given election-year politics and anticipation about what a new commander in chief’s priorities might be. And Republicans in Congress immediately pronounced Obama’s proposal dead on arrival.

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (Wis.) said that “this isn’t even a budget so much as it is a progressive manual for growing the federal government at the expense of hardworking Americans.” He said in a statement that “we need to tackle our fiscal problems before they tackle us.”

[Budget breakdown: What the White House wants to spend money on]

But White House budget director Shaun Donovan said that “conventional wisdom is wrong” and that the Republicans’ refrain about the president’s budget being a non-starter was “a talking point we’ve heard every single year.” He said that “we think there are a lot of proposals that can get bipartisan support.”

One of those proposals is a major request for a 35 percent increase in cybersecurity funding to boost the federal government’s capability to defend itself against cyberattacks.The money would be spread over a variety of agencies, including the Pentagon, the FBI, the Department of Veteran Affairs and the Office of Personnel Management.

The proposed $19 billion request, one of the largest ever sought in this area, comes after an alarming series of intrusions in recent years against targets including Target, Sony, the Pentagon and the OPM.

Another proposal with bipartisan appeal: strengthening the Earned Income Tax Credit for workers not raising children. Ryan has proposed a nearly identical measure.

Donovan said the overall budget plan would stabilize debt at about 75 percent of GDP. He said it would achieve huge savings amounting to $2.9 trillion in deficit reduction over 10 years compared with the current baseline. Even so, the administration projects that the deficit would grow steadily and that interest payments on the national debt would double over the next four years.

The administration’s proposed deficit-reducing plan includes $955 billion from curbing “inefficient tax breaks for the wealthy” and closing loopholes for high-income households. It also includes $375 billion in savings on federal health-care spending. And it assumes $170 billion over 10 years from immigration reform, primarily from a wave of new taxpayers that would result from a bill resembling one the Senate passed in 2013.

The targeted tax loopholes include one that allows wealthy individuals, in households making more than $250,000 a year, to avoid a 3.8 percent tax imposed under the Affordable Care Act by passing some investment income through partnerships or businesses.

Jason Furman, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, said some wealthy individuals would pay more taxes, but he added that would be because of closing loopholes rather than raising rates.

However, Obama’s budget includes a raft of controversial tax proposals that have drawn Republican fire in the past. They include taxing capital gains and carried interest at the same rates as regular income; imposing the “Buffett tax,” which would set a minimum tax rate of 30 percent on people who earn more than $1 million; restoring estate tax rates and thresholds to 2009 levels; and imposing a fee on financial institutions.

Obama also laid out a business tax reform that looks a lot like one proposed last year. It includes a 19 percent minimum tax rate on income, and a 14 percent one-time tax on previously untaxed profits parked overseas.

The budget also would take aim at corporate inversions, in which U.S. firms merge with foreign ones and move their tax headquarters to the country with lower rates. The maneuver has become fodder on the presidential campaign trail. The budget would alter the ownership threshold for a company to be considered foreign for tax purposes.

Some congressional Republicans were condemning the plan even before its official release.

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (Wyo.) in a statement issued early Tuesday said “This budget joins his others by placing America on a fiscal path that is unsustainable and threatens our long-term economic growth.”

Sen. David Perdue (Ga.) added: “The only positive thing about this budget request is that it’s the last one we will receive from President Obama.”

The president’s budget includes a grab bag of old and new ideas, many of which have been announced in the past two weeks. Obama is asking Congress to embrace corporate tax reform and a $10-a-barrel oil “fee” phased in over five years for use on “clean tech” infrastructure.

In addition, he wants $1.2 billion to expand programs for the treatment and prevention of drug abuse, nearly $1 billion to detect and treat cancer, and $2 billion for new Pell grants for year-round students. He is seeking more money for fighting the Zika virus; combating opioid abuse; and toughening financial regulation by increasing the budget of the Securities and Exchange Commission and Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

Obama also proposed wage insurance, which would compensate workers who lose their jobs and end up taking ones at lower pay.

The Pentagon’s proposed budget is $582.7 billion, which represents less than half a percentage point more than the $580.3 billion budget for fiscal 2016. It balances modernization in a force that has been at war since 2001 with the cost of operations against the Islamic State militant group, the continuing military campaign in Afghanistan, and presence in areas threatened by Russia and China.

According to official documents, the Pentagon’s proposal calls for the Air Force to get the largest funding boost from last year, from $161.8 billion to $166.9 billion. The Army’s funding also will increase slightly, while the Navy Department faces a modest reduction.

For example, the Defense Department now needs precision-guided bombs to strike the Islamic State, while pursuing costly long-term programs, such as the $55 billion Long Range Strike Bomber. The Air Force wants to eventually replace the B-52 and other aging bombers.

The State Department’s $50 billion proposed budget includes sizable increases devoted to the fight against violent extremism in the Middle East and the world’s worst humanitarian crisis since World War II.

Obama is asking for $4.1 billion, up from $3.5 billion this year, to fund the campaign against the Islamic State and the response to the ongoing civil war in Syria. It includes programs to rebuild and stabilize towns destroyed when militants are ousted, and efforts to counter the extremists’ propaganda. With 60 million refugees or internally displaced people around the world, the budget allots $6.2 billion for humanitarian assistance, up from $5.6 billion in the current fiscal year.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 10:39:21 pm by rangerrebew »


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Re: Obama’s final budget proposal calls for $4.15 trillion in new spending
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2016, 10:44:31 pm »
Obama sends Congress record $4.1 trillion 2017 spending plan
6 Hours AgoThe Associated Press

President Barack Obama is sending Congress his eighth and final budget, proposing to spend a record $4.1 trillion on a number of initiatives. They include launching a new war on cancer, combating global warming and fighting growing threats from ISIS terrorists.

The new spending plan, for the budget year that begins Oct. 1 — just 3 1/2 months before he leaves office — is facing heavy fire from Republicans who hope to capture the White House. The proposal had dim prospects of winning approval in a Republican-controlled Congress.

In all, Obama's budget would increase taxes by $2.6 trillion over the coming decade, nearly double the $1.4 trillion in new taxes Obama sought and failed to achieve in last year's budget

    GOP Republican Candidate John Kasich stands on stage a few hours before the debate starts at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado on October 28, 2015.

GOP lawmakers said Obama's proposal to impose a $10 per barrel tax on crude oil to bring in an additional $319 billion over the next decade had no chance of winning approval in Congress. Obama's budget would use that extra money to fund billions of dollars in alternative transportation programs as part of the president's efforts to deal with global warming.

"President Obama will leave office having never proposed a budget that balances-ever. This isn't even a budget so much as it is a progressive manual for growing the federal government at the expense of hardworking Americans," said House Speaker Paul Ryan. "The president's oil tax alone would raise the average cost of gasoline by 24 cents per gallon, while hurting jobs and a major sector of our economy. Americans deserve better."

Ryan, R-Wisconsin, pledged that House Republicans would produce a budget that does reach balance in coming weeks.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 10:45:34 pm by rangerrebew »