Author Topic: Accused Sexual Abuser Bill Clinton Says Sanders Supporters are Sexist  (Read 221 times)

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Accused Sexual Abuser Bill Clinton Says Sanders Supporters are Sexist
February 8, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

The Clinton campaign's Bernie Bros narrative worked better when it was being outsourced to the media and progressive groups. But Hillary Clinton inevitably decided to unleash Bill, or Bill decided to unleash himself, and so we have the strange spectacle of a man accused of everything from rape to sexual harassment ranting about how sexist Bernie Sanders supporters are.

Bill Clinton was somewhat on point in calling out the hypocrisy of Bernie Sanders on campaign finance.

    Clinton accused Sanders of hypocrisy for portraying his wife as beholden to Wall Street because of campaign donations and speaking fees she has accepted from firms like Goldman Sachs. He said he “frankly, fell out of my chair” after reading a CNN report that Sanders has been a prolific Democratic fundraiser, raising cash from the financial sector at retreats in Palm Beach and Martha’s Vineyard. “Anybody who takes money from Goldman Sachs couldn’t possibly be President,” Clinton said. “He may have to tweak that answer a little bit, or we may have to get a write-in candidate.”

    “When you’re making a revolution you can’t be too careful with the facts,” Clinton said, deriding Sanders’ oft-mentioned call for a political revolution.

    “‘Anybody that doesn’t agree with me is a tool of the establishment,’” Bill Clinton said, mocking what he described as the central critique of Hillary Clinton by Sanders.

    And he brought up Sanders’ 2000 vote in favor of the commodities futures modernization act — a bill Clinton signed into law. “He voted for that bill,” he said, ”but you will never hear her say he is a tool of Wall Street because of it, because they made a mistake."

These attacks are on point. The CNN story is particularly damning. Bill Clinton is going after the core of Bernie Sanders' appeal by showing that he's a hypocrite. It's a line of attack that may end up working no better in the Democratic primaries than it did in the Republican primaries, true believers aren't easily swayed with facts, but that's weakened by Bill Clinton hitting his own weak point. Sexism.

Bill Clinton claims that some left-wing blogger has to operate under a fake name because of how mean Bernie Sanders supporters are.

    She and other people who have gone online to defend Hillary and explain, just explain, why they supported her have been subject to vicious trolling and attacks that are literally too profane -- not to mention sexist -- to repeat. All four of them have been subject to these unbelievable personal attacks.

Really? Bill Clinton complaining about personal attacks? Not to mention profane and sexist behavior?

This is what gets the most coverage and it's where the wheels come off the wagon. Bill Clinton is trying to attack an area where he is weaker than Bernie Sanders. It's bad judo. And he once again comes off as having overreacted, the way that he did in 2008.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 01:49:21 pm by rangerrebew »