Author Topic: Sen. Sasse Schools MSNBC Stooge on True Conservatism  (Read 539 times)

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Sen. Sasse Schools MSNBC Stooge on True Conservatism
« on: February 09, 2016, 07:57:33 am »
Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse appeared on MSNBC recently and was asked to define conservatism. Sasse’s intelligent and clear answer left the liberal host speechless.

    “America is the most exceptional nation in the history of the world because the U.S. Constitution is the best political document that’s ever been written. Because it says something different than almost any people in any government has believed in human history.

    Most governments in that past said, ‘Might makes right and the King has all the power and the people are dependent subjects’ and the American founders said, ‘No. God gives us rights by nature and government is just our shared project to secure those rights.’

    Government is not the author or source of our rights and you don’t make America great again by giving more power to one guy in Washington, D.C. You make America great again by recovering a Constitutional Republic where Washington is populated by people who are servant leaders who want to return power to the people and to the communities.

    Because what’s great in America is the Rotary Club, it’s small businesses, it’s churches, it’s schools, it’s fire departments, and it’s little leagues across this country.

    What makes America great is not some guy in Washington who says if I had more power I could fix it all unilaterally. That’s not the American tradition.”

Sasse’s word’s were certainly a breath of fresh air in an era where the left is always trying to redefine conservatives as bigots and racists; where anytime the crybullies on the left don’t get their way, they start comparing conservatives to Hitler. Sasse takes back the argument and reminds us that to be truly conservative is to be passionate lover of liberty and community.

What do you think about Sen. Sasse’s definition of conservatism?


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Re: Sen. Sasse Schools MSNBC Stooge on True Conservatism
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2016, 08:02:13 am »
Excellent summary of the condition of the Senate, government, and nation by a senator.