Author Topic: Rapefugees? Even More UN Peacekeeper Gang Rapes Reported, This Time in Central Africa  (Read 234 times)

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Rapefugees? Even More UN Peacekeeper Gang Rapes Reported, This Time in Central Africa
February 8, 2016 | Piper McGowin | The Daily Sheeple | 78 views

How come everywhere United Nations Peacekeepers go, young women and girls end up getting raped en masse?

Everyone is outraged, and rightly so, over the “rapefugees” scandal that’s being covered up in cities across Europe, but those same people don’t seen to realize there was already a scourge of mass rapes going on, just at the hands of people in uniforms sent by the UN instead of asylum seekers.

Reuters reports:

    The U.N. peacekeeping mission for Central African Republic said on Thursday it has identified seven new cases of sexual abuse by its troops including women and girls Human Rights Watch (HRW) says were raped or gang raped.

    The latest cases, which involved at least five children, come on top of more than 20 allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation by U.N. peacekeepers in the country last year.

At least the refugees aren’t armed and claiming to come in “peace”:

    A 14-year-old girl said that last November two armed peacekeepers dragged her into a patch of tall grass where one restrained her arms as the other raped her.

    A woman said that three soldiers at the Republic of Congo base gang raped her when she visited in search of food or money.

    “They were armed. They said if I resisted they would kill me. They took me one by one,” she told Human Rights Watch.

You never see that one on the mainstream nightly news, do ya? The media blackout on United Nations Gang Rapists is even thicker than the one on mass rapes by asylum seekers.

Meanwhile, government across Europe are putting out ridiculous cartoons and PSA videos in an attempt to placate a public terrified if they leave their house, someone is going to rape them.

Not even kidding, Europe. You better hope the UN doesn’t call peacekeepers in to help with “violence” related to the refugee influx.