Author Topic: REPORT: Leaked Document to Show Spike in Illegal Crossings by Aliens from Terrorist Nations  (Read 479 times)

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REPORT: Leaked Document to Show Spike in Illegal Crossings by Aliens from Terrorist Nations
e Photo: Breitbart Texas/Bob Price

6 Feb 2016

A television station in Atlanta, Georgia, claims to have obtained leaked documents revealing a spike in the number of southern border crossings by illegal aliens from terrorist nations. The station plans to release the report on Monday.

Action2News in Atlanta made the claim of leaked documents in a teaser for their upcoming Monday newscast. The teaser claims they have obtained a leaked document showing a spike in illegal aliens crossing the U.S. southern border from nations with ties to terrorism. The news team spent several days in Texas gathering information from the El Paso Sector of the border.

The teaser shows how part of this sector has secure fences, only to be followed by other areas where the fence construction type would not stop anyone from crossing. “Any of this infrastructure can be exploited by anyone,” a former Border Patrol sector chief told the Action2News reporter Aaron Diamant.

In August, 2014, Breitbart Texas managing director Brandon Darby reported on a leaked intelligence analysis from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that revealed the exact numbers of illegal aliens entering the U.S. from more than 75 different nations. That report revealed twenty-eight illegal aliens that had travelled from Pakistan and were captured while sneaking into the country. Additionally, 211 Pakistanis had turned themselves in or were captured at official ports of entry.
Thirteen people from Egypt were also caught sneaking into the U.S., the report revealed. Additionally, illegal aliens had been captured from Yemen and Somalia.

In February 2015, Breitbart Texas’ Ildefonso Ortiz reported on another leaked document obtained by this news outlet. That 68-page “law enforcement sensitive” report published by the Texas Department of Public Safety revealed multiple cases of illegal aliens or people seeking asylum who were entering Texas from countries with ties to terrorism.

That same month, Ortiz reported the arrest of a Middle Eastern man who tried to illegal cross the border into Texas.
As late as last November, Ortiz and Darby reported that CBP officers had taken eight Syrian refugees into custody in the Laredo Sector of the border. Three days later, five additional Syrians were taken into custody in Laredo, Breitbart Texas reported.

That same week, five Pakistani men and a man from Afghanistan were captured sixteen miles inside the U.S. in Arizona. Border Patrol agents were unable to do extensive interviews with the six Middle Eastern men because the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) took over the matter. The aliens were immediately transferred to Tucson where the FBI took custody.