Author Topic: Donald Trump Hammers Illegal Alien Gangs Operating Inside America: ‘Beyond Belief’ MS-13 Has Foothold in Boston  (Read 230 times)

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5 Feb 2016

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — Donald Trump, the 2016 GOP presidential frontrunner who’s polling ahead of all his opponents here in New Hampshire, told Breitbart News on Friday morning that America is in dire straits if voters don’t elect someone president who can get the nation’s immigration crisis under control.

“If somebody great doesn’t get in as president, we don’t have a country anymore,” Trump responded when asked by Breitbart News for his thoughts on recent congressional testimony by border patrol agents that the nation’s immigration laws are basically nullified. “We’re not going to have a country anymore.”

The testimony, as reported by the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard, found federal agents telling Congress of a “shocking reversal of policy” that has U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents “being told to release illegal immigrants and no longer order them to appear at deportation hearings, essentially a license to stay in the United States.”

“We might as well abolish our immigration laws altogether,” Brandon Judd, the president of the National Border Patrol Council — a group that represents Border Patrol agents — testified before the House Judiciary Committee.

Because of the non-enforcement directives coming from Washington — ultimately from President Barack Obama, but also from his key administration officials — Judd added in written testimony, criminals are rewarded.

“In the absence of consequences and enforceable laws innocent people are hurt, criminals are rewarded, chaos abounds, and cartels reap huge financial benefits,” Judd wrote to the congressional committee.

Trump is blown away by these non-enforcement directives coming from the White House.

“It’s beyond belief, actually,” Trump told Breitbart News.

When asked about a follow-up report from Bedard, who cited testimony by the Center for Immigration Studies’ Jessica Vaughan about how MS-13 and other Latin American gangs are using those non-enforcement mechanisms from Obama to get into America, Trump said it proves everything he said right about immigration when he launched his presidential campaign to much criticism from the establishment.

Trump told Breitbart News on Friday:

    This is what I was saying when I said ‘Mexico is sending,’ Do you remember when I said that? Mexico is sending. These countries are sending their worst people to us because they don’t want to take care of them. It is happening. These countries—we’re being sent people that are hardcore criminals and they’re being put through our borders and they’re being accepted by us because of Obama’s open policy.

Bedard’s follow-up piece, citing Vaughan’s testimony, detailed how MS-13 and other Latin American-headquartered gangs are using lax immigration enforcement from the Obama administration to deeply penetrate America.

“Criminal networks with Latin American roots, such as MS-13 and the 18th Street gang, are using the administration’s open-door policy at the border to slip in recruits that are causing a huge spike in murder and violence throughout the nation, according to an immigration expert,” Bedard wrote, referencing Vaughan.

Specifically, in Vaughan’s written testimony to the congressional committee, she detailed how MS-13 and the 18th Street Gang have reached into operating capacity as far away from the border as Frederick County, Maryland and even in Boston — less than an hour into Massachusetts from here.

“In Frederick County, Md., 20 miles from the White House, crime has jumped since about 265 illegal unaccompanied Central American minors were placed there,” Vaughan’s testimony reads. “Gang fights in schools are now common and one of the older MS-13 ‘shot callers’ was approved for President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.”

“In Boston, cops just arrested 56 MS-13 gang members, many who arrived in the surge of younger Latinos. Some have been linked to teen murders in an initiation rite, trying to prove themselves worthy of full membership,” Vaughan’s testimony adds.

This all comes as a new chart from the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest found that more fugitive criminal aliens are on the loose in America right now than there are people in each of New Hampshire’s major cities. The more than 179,000 fugitive criminal aliens easily outnumbers the population of Manchester, New Hampshire’s largest city of 110,000 people, and easily outnumbers every other city in the Granite State as well.

Trump told Breitbart News that if he’s elected president, he’s going to stop all of this—and quickly. Trump said in response to the chart’s findings:

“I just think it’s incredible. It’s incredible. I’m not surprised, by the way. We have no control over what’s happening. We have absolutely no control over what’s happening in our country in so many different ways, and that’s such a sad thing when you hear it, but hey look, they’ll be out of here if I get in. If I get in, they’ll be gone. They will be gone. We don’t even know where they are on top of everything else? Unbelievable. I’ll take care of it.”

This is the second part of Trump’s exclusive interview with Breitbart News ahead of this Tuesday’s New Hampshire primaries and Saturday evening’s debate. Trump, who finished second in Iowa’s caucuses to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), is battling with Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Cruz in what’s increasingly become a three-man race for the GOP nomination.

Offline Scottftlc

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I dare anyone claiming that immigrants and refugees today will be impacted by the magic of assimilation and the American "melting pot" to walk around East L.A. for an hour.  It's a really big place, miles upon miles upon miles to explore  Make it really good...try speaking English to someone, anyone.  Test your luck a little.  I dare you (just make sure your insurance is paid up first).

Assimilation is an idea from 50-60 years ago. Today, it is just bullshit.  Today it is the rich elite, business owners and government employees in isolated, protected neighborhoods and their cheap labor living a million miles away from "America."
Well, George Lewis told the Englishman, the Italian and the Jew
You can't open your mind, boys, to every conceivable point of view

...Bob Dylan

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