Author Topic: Marco Rubio To Jorge Ramos: I Will Keep Obama’s First Executive Amnesty In Place Until Legislative Amnesty Enacted  (Read 1122 times)

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Offline MACVSOG68

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Thanks for this, MACVSOG68.   This would have been an effective political compromise,  that would have made substantial progress on securing the border and addressing the demand for illegal labor.   And the rejection of this compromise - and the howling from Republicans that comprehensive reform was a non-starter - did indeed give "Obama exactly what he wanted" - to take unilateral and arguably extra-Constitutional action.   That action has pissed off conservatives, but pleased the Dems' constituents and potential constituents.   The result is a looming election where Hispanics are expected to desert the GOP in droves.

I wish Rubio would more forcefully defend the honorable compromise he was a part of.   Unfortunately, the nativists have the upper hand now in the GOP,  and will likely retain it until the GOP gets hit hard over the head this fall, losing both the White House and the Senate.   Maybe then we'll wake up and reject white-rage extremism.   But it would sure be nice to do so before the deluge.

Nothing that can move this Country forward from the mess we are in now can be done without compromise.  I agree with you, Rubio shouldn't be shying away from this legislation, but rather embracing it and refusing to allow the conversation to degenerate into inane terms like "amnesty" and "open-borders".  Leadership isn't about taking popular positions, but rather moving forward on an issue many in your caucus condemns, and standing behind those positions.  Rubio has the leadership; whether he has the resolve is yet to be seen.
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Barack Obama's legacy was murdering babies, destroying the nuclear family, and championing the perversion of 'homosexual and lesbian marriage.'

Marco Rubio (if elected) would leave the legacy of being 'The Prince of Amnesty,' and completely erase the United States border - and the United States.

Offline Jazzhead

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Barack Obama's legacy was murdering babies, destroying the nuclear family, and championing the perversion of 'homosexual and lesbian marriage.'

Marco Rubio (if elected) would leave the legacy of being 'The Prince of Amnesty,' and completely erase the United States border - and the United States.

No wonder you're a Trumpster,  H2BM.   Dear Leader should be proud of you.   
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

Offline MACVSOG68

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Thank you for that, MAC.  Your post illustrates how we fall for the meme, often exaggerating it, and then repeat it over and over.  A simple label is often enough.  We all know them.  We lose sight that we really should delve into the details, in this case, policy, and decide for ourselves the soundness of those details.  We are all guilty of it to some degree or another.  Being a sideline critic may be the easiest job in the world.  The person who will proffer solutions to a complex problem, while knowing critics of all stripes will howl, is reserved for the few.

Sage advice Lando.  Yes, those labels seem to proliferate during the election cycle, and yes we are all guilty, some more than others.  A couple that come to mind are "RINOGOPe" and "establishment".  The first is used by those who generally say they won't vote R unless the candidate is Trump or Cruz. So then who's the Republican in name only?  The second is meant to distinguish your pure candidate from those who are part of the "establishment".  How your pure candidate is ever going to get anything done by working around rather than through or with the "establishment" is less clear.  But simplification is the going mode.  It's what makes bumper stickers so popular. 
It's the Supreme Court nominations!