Author Topic: Secretary Kerry Says ISIS Members Aren’t Muslims  (Read 288 times)

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Secretary Kerry Says ISIS Members Aren’t Muslims
« on: February 06, 2016, 12:19:30 pm »
Secretary Kerry Says ISIS Members Aren’t Muslims

Posted By Philip DeVoe On 9:00 PM 02/04/2016 In | No Comments

At a conference of coalition members tasked with fighting ISIS in Rome yesterday, Secretary of State John Kerry said members of the terrorist organization are not Muslims but apostates of Islam.

“Daesh [ISIS] is in fact nothing more than a mixture of killers, of kidnappers, of criminals, of thugs, of adventurers, of smugglers and thieves,” Kerry said. “And they are also above all apostates, people who have hijacked a great religion and lie about its real meaning and lie about its purpose and deceive people in order to fight for their purposes.”

[dcquiz] Apostate, according to The Washington Post, has traditionally been used to describe an individual or, in the plural, a group who abandoned or renounced their religion. Kerry’s application of the term to ISIS is somewhat ironic considering the terrorist organization has justified its attacks on other Muslims by claiming the victims were apostates themselves, which suggests ISIS militants are active participants in the Muslim faith.

This is not the first time Kerry has referred to ISIS as apostate. At the Saban Forum in December, Kerry said the terrorist organization is “a mixture of killers and kidnappers, smugglers, thieves, and apostates who have hijacked a religion and combined a medieval thinking with modern weapons to wage an especially savage brand of war.”

Cairo’s Al-Azhar, the world’s preeminent authority on the Sunni branch of Islam, has refused to call ISIS an apostate group, since ISIS fighters do believe and practice Islam, even though their understanding of the religion is flawed in his opining, CNS News reports.

Social media users have attacked Kerry’s usage of the term as untrue and Kerry lacks any authority on Islam:

Article printed from The Daily Caller:

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Re: Secretary Kerry Says ISIS Members Aren’t Muslims
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2016, 01:27:33 pm »
Obama: Islamic State says they’re “holy warriors who speak for Islam. I refuse to give them legitimacy.”

February 5, 2016 12:38 pm By Robert Spencer 38 Comments

What makes Obama think that the Islamic State is looking to him for legitimacy? Where did he get the idea that any Muslim looks to any non-Muslim to legitimize his understanding of Islam? The Qur’an calls Muslims “the best of people” (3:110) and unbelievers “the most vile of created beings” (98:6). Does Obama think that if he refrains from acknowledging the Islamic roots of jihad terrorism, that some young Muslim who is considering joining the jihad will think again and turn away? “Oh yes, I was going to travel to Syria to join the Islamic State until I heard Obama say that they were un-Islamic.” Ludicrous.

In reality, most Muslims worldwide get their understanding of what is legitimately Islamic and what isn’t from Muslim clerics, and there are many, many Muslim clerics who support jihad terrorism. The idea that refusing them legitimacy is behind Obama’s refusal to call them “Islamic terrorists” is just a dodge, and plays into the hands of groups such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which makes ongoing efforts to ensure that Westerners are unaware of how jihadis use Islamic texts and teachings to justify what they do.


From Obama’s speech Wednesday at the Islamic Society of Baltimore:

    Which brings me to my next point: As we protect our country from terrorism, we should not reinforce the ideas and the rhetoric of the terrorists themselves. I often hear it said that we need moral clarity in this fight. And the suggestion is somehow that if I would simply say, these are all Islamic terrorists, then we would actually have solved the problem by now, apparently. (Laughter.) Well, I agree, we actually do need moral clarity. Let’s have some moral clarity. (Applause.)

    Groups like ISIL are desperate for legitimacy. They try to portray themselves as religious leaders and holy warriors who speak for Islam. I refuse to give them legitimacy. We must never give them that legitimacy. (Applause.) They’re not defending Islam. They’re not defending Muslims. The vast majority of the people they kill are innocent Muslim men, women and children. (Applause.)

    And, by the way, the notion that America is at war with Islam ignores the fact that the world’s religions are a part of who we are. We can’t be at war with any other religion because the world’s religions are a part of the very fabric of the United States, our national character. (Applause.)
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 01:28:38 pm by rangerrebew »


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Re: Secretary Kerry Says ISIS Members Aren’t Muslims
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2016, 01:33:23 pm »
Well - there you have it!  When Obama, being next in line to God (at least in his mind), says it is so, it is so.  If he doesn't give them "legitimacy" they aren't worthy of it and are relegated to eternity as minor leaguers.  It does make me wonder why we are spending so many billions of dollars against minor league players, though. :shrug:

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Re: Secretary Kerry Says ISIS Members Aren’t Muslims
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2016, 07:30:21 pm »
adventurers, of smugglers and thieves,
  wow,just wow.  **nononono*