Author Topic: Phyllis Schlafly on 2016: America Won’t Get Another Chance  (Read 246 times)

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Phyllis Schlafly on 2016: America Won’t Get Another Chance
« on: February 02, 2016, 02:56:17 am »

With just hours left to go before Iowa caucus goers cast their votes, living legend and conservative icon Phyllis Schlalfy warns Iowa voters: 2016 may be America’s last chance.

“Our immigration policy has been anti-American, decade after decade, and the voters need to know that 2016 might be our last chance to elect a president who can reduce this tide of illegals crossing our borders,” Schlafly writes in a column set to run tomorrow, an exclusive copy of which was given to Breitbart News.

Schlalfy’s op-ed heavily cites Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), thought leader for the nation-state philosophy. The conservative heroine writes: “Our nation’s sovereignty depends on control of both immigration and trade, and that’s why Senator Sessions urges voters to choose a candidate who promises to kill the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal with nearly a dozen Asian nations.”

Phyllis Schlalfy has previously expressed her support for Donald Trump’s candidacy. Schlafly told Breitbart News that Trump “is the only hope to defeat the Kingmakers.”

“He represents everything the grassroots want,” Schlafly explained, specifically highlighting Trump’s America-first platform on immigration and trade.

On Saturday, Donald Trump’s campaign told Breitbart News exclusively that his presidency is the only way to stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Though the transformative global pact has received little media coverage, and virtually no attention in the corporate media debates, the Obama Administration is set to sign it on February 4th in New Zealand. Due to Fast Track, Congress will not be able to filibuster or amend the agreement.

The Chamber of Commerce has predicted that Congressional approval of the “implementing legislation” will occur after the election; the Chamber of Commerce President, Tom Donohue, has also said that he expects Hillary Clinton to support the TPP if she is elected, underscoring Trump’s point that his victory would be a necessary step to preventing the United States from joining the TPP and its concomitant governance body.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has endorsed the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement on multiple occasions, going so far as to describe Obama’s trade agenda as the “second pillar” of a President Rubio’s foreign policy strategy. Rubio’s campaign has also refused to provide any evidence to suggest he read the bill before providing the 60th vote to Fast Track it. Schlafly has said the media is “protecting” Rubio, and she said earlier that Rubio should be “eliminate[d] from serious consideration” for the race for pushing amnesty in Spanish while trying to convince voters otherwise in English. The icon has also described Rubio’s immigration agenda as “anti-American” and “dangerous.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) co-authored an op-ed with Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) in the Wall Street Journal in favor of Obamatrade as well. However, unlike Rubio, Cruz reversed his vote on Fast-Track and said he would oppose TPP “in its current form.” Cruz said that he changed his position on the matter because of specific concerns regarding the deal’s changes to U.S. immigration law and provisions regarding the export-import bank.