Author Topic: Doctor warns Hillary: Your meds could kill you, Refuses to administer drug she's taking to prevent blood clot  (Read 3114 times)

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Doctor warns Hillary: Your meds could kill you
Refuses to administer drug she's taking to prevent blood clot
Published: 13 hours ago

NEW YORK – A California physician who had his license to practice medicine revoked in the state because he refused to administer the anticoagulant medication Coumadin, believes Hillary Clinton’s use of the drug could be more life-threatening to her than the possibility of a recurring blood clot.

Dr. David K. Cundiff, who contacted WND after reading a WND story Thursday about Clinton’s use of the drug, said he is inclined to support the Democratic presidential candidate but is speaking out mainly because of concern for her personal health.

WND reported Thursday that the medication Clinton has taken since 1998 to deal with her blood-clotting problems – cerebral venous thrombosis – may have dangerous side effects. They include blurred vision and confusion – both of which she has been reported to have experienced – plus a tendency to bleed excessively even from minor injuries.

The ‘Stop Hillary’ campaign is on fire! Join the surging response to this theme: ‘Clinton for prosecution, not president’

“My interest in cerebral venous thrombosis and in Hillary Clinton’s case is public health-based rather than political,” Cundiff explained to WND.

“I think that her medical risks are much more from the side effects of the Coumadin than the recurrence of a venous thrombosis.”

‘At high risk the rest of her life’

On his website,, Cundiff describes his concern about Clinton’s medications.

“Hillary Clinton has had three episodes of venous thrombosis (clots in veins): deep vein thrombosis (blood clots) in her leg in 1998 and 2009 and thrombosis in veins in her brain (cerebral venous thrombosis) in 2012. On July 31, 2015, Ms. Clinton’s doctor revealed that Ms. Clinton still takes the blood thinner (anticoagulant drug) Coumadin (warfarin),” the doctor writes.

“If her doctors follow current clinical practice guidelines, Coumadin or other blood thinners will continue for the rest of her life. This puts her at high risk for major bleeding.”

Taking into consideration Clinton’s medical history of suffering venous thrombosis, Cundiff calculates she has about five times the chance of a woman her age of developing another blood clot, amounting to a 20 percent chance over the next 10 years.

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He writes that Clinton’s chance of dying from a blood clot if she is not taking Coumadin, or any other prescribed anticoagulant medication, is only about 1.5 percent. But if she continues taking Coumadin, her chance of a major bleeding episode before 2025 would be about 50 percent, with a 10 percent chance of experiencing a fatal or disabling hemorrhage.

Harvard-affiliated physician lends support

Cundiff’s concerns about the practice of prescribing anticoagulant medications for blood-clot patients has received support from Dr. Magdy Selim, M.D., Ph.D., at the Stroke Division, Department of Neurology, at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. Selim is also affiliated with the Harvard University Catalyst, a network of scientists also known as the Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center, funded in part by the National Institutes of Health.

In an editorial titled “Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: Another Heparin Controversy,” Selim discussed favorably Cundiff’s published research on the dangers of prescribing anticoagulants like Coumadin to blood-clot patients.

After noting that Cundiff’s published research suffers from certain limitations encountered by referencing unpublished medical research data, Selim observed:

    Despite these limitations, Cundiff raises valid concerns and questions of clinical and therapeutic importance that are yet to be fully answered. The use of anticoagulants in patients with CVT (blood-clots in the brain) poses a real risk: ICH (Intracerebral Hemorrhage, or bleeding within the brain).

Still fighting license revocation

On April 21, 2010, an administrative law judge in California rejected Cundiff’s petition to have his physician’s license reinstated in the case of a patient who died from clots. Cundiff stopped administering Coumadin to the patient, who had an alcohol problem the doctor believed could trigger internal bleeding.

After appealing all the way to the California Supreme Court, however, his petition was rejected.

“The Superior Court judge told me in court that all I needed to do to get my license reinstated was to admit that it was my error to stop heparin (another anticoagulant medication) and Coumadin in my patient with a DVT (deep vein thrombosis, or deep vein blood-clot) along with liver failure, advanced tuberculosis, severe malnutrition, alcoholism and tenuous social support,” he said.

He also had to promise to treat all future patients suffering venous thromboembolism with anticoagulants.

“I told him my Hippocratic Oath and I my own research and judgment on this issue would prevent me from committing to make either of those declarations,” Cundiff said.

“The only route that I will accept to get my license reinstated is for the Federal Drug Administration to declare all anticoagulant drugs contraindicated for venous thromboembolism,” he stressed.

Cundiff has filed a petition with the FDA regarding venous thromboembolism. He received an interim letter from the agency saying his situation was so complex that it needed more time than six months to respond.

“Once the FDA follows my petition and bans anticoagulants for venous thrombosis, I will request that Governor Jerry Brown and Attorney General Kamala Harris personally review my case and order my license reinstated,” Cundiff told WND.



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Doctor: Hillary's mix of old-fashioned meds pose risk
Questions candidate's avowal she's in good health
Published: 6 hours ago


NEW YORK – Hillary Clinton’s underactive hypothyroid condition complicates the medical treatment she is receiving for her genetic propensity to form blood clots, warns a prominent New York physician.

“Hillary’s hypothyroid condition can lead to hypercoagulability, a tendency toward excessive blood clotting, that makes more complicated the use of the blood-thinning medicines she needs to control what appears to be a possibly genetic tendency of her body to produce blood clots,” Dr. Ronald Hoffman told WND in a telephone interview.

Hoffman is a New York City physician who hosts the nationally syndicated radio program “Intelligent Medicine.” He is past president of the nation’s largest organization of complementary and alternative doctors, the American College for Advancement in Medicine, or ACAM. He’s the founder and medical director of the Hoffman Center, specializing in a natural medicine approach that combines nutritional and metabolic medical assessment tools with high-tech innovations in traditional medicine.

“According to her physician’s report, Hillary is also taking two of the oldest medications for each of her medical conditions – Armour Thyroid for her hypothyroid condition and Coumadin to thin her blood,” he pointed out.

The ‘Stop Hillary’ campaign is on fire! Join the surging response to this theme: ‘Clinton for prosecution, not president’

“The medical literature cautions that patients on Armour Thyroid may need to reduce the amount of Coumadin they are taking, and this requires constant blood testing to make sure the mixture of Armour Thyroid and Coumadin are adjusted just right,” Hoffman said.

“Too much Coumadin could result in Hillary experiencing potentially fatal hemorrhaging from even minor injuries, and too little Coumadin could cause her to form a potentially fatal blood clot.”

Controversial medicine

Hoffman pointed out that while he practices natural medicine and is comfortable with prescribing Armour Thyroid, it is a controversial medicine made from desiccated pig thyroid glands. It dates back to the late 1800s, when physicians first began prescribing extracts of animal thyroids to patients.

Medicare has now dropped Armour Thyroid as a Medicare-D approved medication in favor of synthetic pharmaceutically produced medications such as the generic medicine levothyroxine.

The U.S. government-administered Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, CMS, has concluded Armour Thyroid poses a higher risk to patients, especially to seniors. Citing concerns about Armour Thyroid having adverse cardiac effects, it recommends prescribing the “safer alternatives” of modern, synthetic, pharmaceutically produced hyperthyroid medications.

“There is no evidence to support using desiccated thyroid hormone in preference to L-thyroxine monotherapy in the treatment of hypothyroidism and therefore desiccated thyroid hormone should not be used for the treatment of hypothyroidism,” states the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, AACE, and the American Thyroid Association, ATA, in its 2012 guidelines for the treatment of hypothyroidism in adults.

“Coumadin is the brand name for a drug called warfarin that initially was developed as a rat poison because it made rats bleed to death,” Hoffman noted, as WND previously reported.

Hoffman explained that warfarin caused rats to hemorrhage to death, “so the pharmaceutical companies figured if you took only a little bit of rat poison, you won’t hemorrhage to death, you just get a little blood-thinning.”

“But that’s why the therapeutic window for Coumadin is narrow,” he said. “In other words, too little Coumadin and it’s not enough – too much Coumadin and you can bleed to death.”

He said Coumadin is “an unwieldy medication, and any patient prescribed Coumadin has to be modified frequently with a blood test to make sure you’re not on too much Coumadin, or too little.”

He also pointed out that Vitamin K can interfere with Coumadin.

“So, if you eat too many green-leaf vegetables, or if you take green tea, it neutralizes the Coumadin. There are problems with Coumadin in that it’s tricky.”

Hoffman acknowledged that Coumadin is still a widely used drug-thinning medication prescribed to millions of Americans each year. He also commented he was not certain the more modern synthetic medicines developed to treat hypothyroidism were applicable to Hillary Clinton’s particular medical situation.

‘A potentially dangerous interaction’

Pharmacologist Joe Graedon, M.S., and medical anthropologist Teresa Graedon, Ph.D., two well-known authors who have written for some 35 years on the problems of prescribed medicines, warn patients in their 1997 book, “Deadly-Drug Interactions,” that Coumadin and Armour Thyroid can interact in a harmful matter in taken together.

“Thyroid hormone can have a major impact on bleeding associated with Coumadin, greatly increasing prothrombin time [length of time it takes blood to clot],” the Graedons write. “People with underactive thyroids may need higher doses of warfarin than usual. If they are then started on thyroid hormone replacement, the anticoagulant may become significantly more effective (50 to 400 percent). This reaction could result in troublesome bleeding.”

Dr. Hoffman agreed.

“Hillary Clinton, in being prescribed by her physicians to take both Armour Thyroid and Coumadin, is taking a delicate balance of medicines that interact, made more problematic in that she is using an unconventional thyroid preparation,” Hoffman stressed.

The key point is that Clinton’s thyroid condition, hypothyroidism, increases the risk of thrombosis. Moreover, hypothyroid patients cannot clear clotting factors from the blood as quickly, have elevated levels of fibrogen – a protein produced by the liver that helps blood clots to form – and have reduced rates of fibrinolysis, the bodily process that prevents naturally occurring blood clots from growing dangerously.

“Making sure the balance between medications like Armour Thyroid and Coumadin are correct requires constant blood testing,” Hoffman said.

“The delicate balance can be affected by diet, if for instance the person takes too much green tea or eats too many green vegetables, because the Vitamin K can interfere with Coumadin by reducing the blood coagulation impact of the drug.”

Hoffman said that getting the right amount of Coumadin in the blood is always a “Goldilocks” problem,”

“While Hillary Clinton may claim she is in vibrant health, she is on two medications that may interact, taking both Armour Thyroid and Coumadin, and may create instability in her blood thinning, creating both the risk of over-thinning or under-thinning her blood depending on how the two medications are kept in balance.”

Armour Thyroid and Coumadin have “a narrow range of the amount that is optimal in a patient’s bloodstream,” he pointed out.

“This multiplies the chance that from time to time a patient will experience a lack of balance in the amount of the two medications taken.”

Hoffman argued that the risk of not getting the proper mix of Armour Thyroid and Coumadin can be aggravated in the lifestyle required for a person running for president of the United States.

“It’s not just the frequent flights with multiple time zone changes and the difficult of eating constantly in hotels and restaurants,” Hoffman explained, “but also the possibility a person may skip taking a medication, or not take the medication at the right time.

“All these factors do not lead me to believe that Hillary Clinton’s avowal that she is in ‘perfect health’ is a forthcoming and comprehensive disclosure of her medical status.”


Online mountaineer

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That's a shame.

I wonder how many drugs ol' Bernie is on.

Online Fishrrman

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mountaineer wrote:
"I wonder how many drugs ol' Bernie is on?"

Socialism/communism is the greatest mind-altering drug of them all....

Offline 240B

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I don't know all the medications Hillary is taking, but I have noticed for the last few weeks that she seems to be acting strangely. I have seen a few of her appearances where her behavior was so odd that I found myself thinking, 'Is she on drugs?'

She seems to be just a little too cheery and enthusiastic where she comes off giddy and stupid. She acts just like someone who has taken what the drug users would call 'uppers' or 'speed'.

While her famous fake laugh is intended to deflect a question she doesn't want to answer, I have seen her laughing at lengths, for seemingly no reason at all. And then there was the dancing and hugging everyone the other night, with that plastic smile permanently glued on her face, which made her look like a crazy clown.

She seems willing to kill herself to get the nomination. And from what I see with each passing month, there is an increasing possibility that it may very well happen that way.
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

Offline Paladin

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"I have seen her laughing at lengths, for seemingly no reason at all."

That type of behavior can be evidence of a stroke. Not saying it is since obviously I don't know her medical condition, but inappropriate laughter can be a sign of brain damage.
Members of the anti-Trump cabal: Now that Mr Trump has sewn up the nomination, I want you to know I feel your pain.

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"I have seen her laughing at lengths, for seemingly no reason at all."

That type of behavior can be evidence of a stroke. Not saying it is since obviously I don't know her medical condition, but inappropriate laughter can be a sign of brain damage.

There is no question that Hillary has frequent and lengthy bouts of inappropriate laughter.

Question: Mrs. Clinton, why didn't you just simply use the secure server the government provided for you? I mean, why not use it?


That has become her standard answer for just about every question.
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.


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I think she has Pseudobulbar Affect.

I'm Not A Doctor, But I Play One on TV
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 09:21:26 pm by Wingnut »

Offline 240B

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I think she has Pseudobulbar Affect.

I'm Not A Doctor, But I Play One on TV

Pseudo bulbar Affective disorder. Funny you mentioned that, because that is exactly what I always thought Boehner has. Which was the cause of his constant uncontrollable crying.

Didn't expect anyone else to think of this. I am surprised.

I'm no doctor either, but with Hillary, I would have to go with the mini-stroke idea when she "fainted" and disappeared for over a month. I think it messed her up. Also, I think it could happen again any day now. But that is just my stupid opinion.
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

Offline Bigun

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I just think she's  drunk. But I'm  no doctor  either.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien


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Didn't expect anyone else to think of this. I am surprised.

I'm no doctor either, but with Hillary, I would have to go with the mini-stroke idea when she "fainted" and disappeared for over a month. I think it messed her up. Also, I think it could happen again any day now. But that is just my stupid opinion.

Yep, stroke.  Brain injury. MS. ALS and a host of other things are suspect for triggering the onset of PBA.

I think Hil is a very sick women.   


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I don't know all the medications Hillary is taking, but I have noticed for the last few weeks that she seems to be acting strangely. I have seen a few of her appearances where her behavior was so odd that I found myself thinking, 'Is she on drugs?'

She seems to be just a little too cheery and enthusiastic where she comes off giddy and stupid. She acts just like someone who has taken what the drug users would call 'uppers' or 'speed'.

While her famous fake laugh is intended to deflect a question she doesn't want to answer, I have seen her laughing at lengths, for seemingly no reason at all. And then there was the dancing and hugging everyone the other night, with that plastic smile permanently glued on her face, which made her look like a crazy clown.

She seems willing to kill herself to get the nomination. And from what I see with each passing month, there is an increasing possibility that it may very well happen that way.
i thought she was high right after her 1st or 2nd debate.  She had that look on her face of someone who had been given xanax to calm her down. i have watched her for many years and she is just way to smooth these days.


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flowers..... maybe she is going White Rabbit?

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flowers..... maybe she is going White Rabbit?
white rabbit????

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You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.


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white rabbit????

Better living thu pharmaceuticals......
1967 style

One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you, don't do anything at all

Feed your head

Offline flowers

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Better living thu pharmaceuticals......
1967 style

One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you, don't do anything at all

Feed your head
Go Ask Alice.   thank you wingnut!

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She laying plans to get out of the campaign gracefully.  In her mind, anyway.

She doesn't want history to say she was rejected by her party.   She'll settle for.."there but for my health was history to be made".

...or something along those lines.
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

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She laying plans to get out of the campaign gracefully.  In her mind, anyway.

She doesn't want history to say she was rejected by her party.   She'll settle for.."there but for my health was history to be made".

...or something along those lines.


Spot on!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

Offline flowers

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She laying plans to get out of the campaign gracefully.  In her mind, anyway.

She doesn't want history to say she was rejected by her party.   She'll settle for.."there but for my health was history to be made".

...or something along those lines.
as much as she has kicked and clawed and killed to get to were she is today????  she has fought to long for her queen gig.  Who knows what is the truth anymore with our ruling elite running the show?

Offline 240B

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I agree with everyone. I think she will bow out for health reasons, but only when it becomes absolutely certain she is going to lose. She will leave before she accepts another loss. She would not be able to swallow that.

On the other hand, until it becomes glaringly obvious that she is going to lose, the only way she will leave is either unconscious on a stretcher, or kicking a screaming the whole way.

The very last reason she is doing this is 'to serve the people'. She is doing it because she is a pissed off maniac who feels ripped off. And, by God, she is going to do whatever it takes to get what she is owed.
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

Offline flowers

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I agree with everyone. I think she will bow out for health reasons, but only when it becomes absolutely certain she is going to lose. She will leave before she accepts another loss. She would not be able to swallow that.

On the other hand, until it becomes glaringly obvious that she is going to lose, the only way she will leave is either unconscious on a stretcher, or kicking a screaming the whole way.

The very last reason she is doing this is 'to serve the people'. She is doing it because she is a pissed off maniac who feels ripped off. And, by God, she is going to do whatever it takes to get what she is owed.
just like nancy pelosi.......she will only leave as the casket is taken out of the room.....just like pelosi  hil will still be clutching to it as it goes out of the room. She isn't leaving until she is told to.........only people that have more power than her....teamobama  still don't know if they have given her the OK.   time will tell.

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Wingnut wrote:
"I think Hil is a very sick women."

If this is the case, we'd better watch carefully who she chooses as a running mate.

Because that person is probably goin' to end up as president sooner rather than later...