Author Topic: Top 5 Reasons Trump Will Not Win Elections  (Read 644 times)

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Top 5 Reasons Trump Will Not Win Elections
« on: January 30, 2016, 08:44:08 pm »
The Top 5 Reasons Donald Trump Will Not Win Elections

Those who oppose the Donald feel he has zero chance based on these five reasons Donald Trump will not win elections.

1. Spending the Money

Each time you hear about Donald Trump in the news you hear his name accompanied by the word billionaire and the phrase “vowing to self-finance.” There is no disputing the fact that Donald Trump is a very wealthy man. What is in dispute, however, is the fact that to date he has not put his money where his mouth is. Although he reportedly has over $300 million dollars in cash at the ready, there is no proof that today or going forward he plans on spending even a fraction of that money to fund his campaign. Despite Trump saying numerous times that he is prepared to spend his personal wealth, history has shown that in fact he has amassed his fortune off the backs of other people’s money. While risking only a small portion of his own money, he was able to expand his income by risking the money of others. One only need take a close look at the Bush campaign to see that Jeb has raised over $100 million dollars already and plans to deploy it very soon. This could in fact become a very big deal as things begin to ramp up in early 2016.

2. The Real Donald Trump

One of the reasons that Trump has growing numbers this year is the fact his marketing tactics are aimed at manipulating low-information voters. These voters do not follow politics closely; they are merely fed up with the way things are with government and looking for a change. Trump has not only heard those voices, he has made them his rallying cry. He promises to not only change the way the government operates, he promises to do the things that most politicians are afraid to do.

He says all the things these voters want to hear, and he appears to be the only one at the debates ruffling any feathers by calling out other candidates. He is the reason these debates have their highest rating numbers ever, but the golden goose is about to get cooked. The other candidates have quietly been accumulating all the ammunition they need about the real Donald Trump to produce an onslaught of negative ads that will begin appearing in 2016. The people hate these type of ads, and the truth is that they are quite effective at exposing candidates and swinging votes.

3. Clearing the Rhetoric

One only need to listen to one of the speeches Donald Trump has given in 2015 to see he is by far the most liberal GOP candidate to be in the lead in recent history. He draws huge support at these rallies for his stance on single payer health care, his stance on abortion draws cheers from the crowds, and his position on massive tax hikes create a frenzy with his supporters. The one thing to remember is that these people at the rally are not the ones deciding the vote, these are just a tiny fraction of the opinion of the American people. One of the biggest reasons Donald Trump will not win elections is because he is not a true conservative. When you slice through all this rhetoric that Trump is repeating over and over, there are many important issues for GOP voters left unanswered. When the elections get closer, those candidates who remained quiet at early debates are going to unleash on Trump in front of a national audience and hammer home statements about all his past rhetoric and his real record. Trump will find it challenging to fight off the attacks from his own party before the other side even gets their chance.

4. Zero Campaign Infrastructure

Right now Trump is riding the wave of his supporters as he continues to talk about how he will change the way government works and make this country strong again. Trump should start to focus on past candidates who saw huge rises in numbers to see that he is fast approaching the cliff. Candidates like Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and Herman Cain, all saw big rises in their numbers until reality set in. The lack of superPAC money and earned media will only take a potential candidate so far. To get to the end of the race, a real candidate needs an organized ground game with a team that can target voters and grow support as the election nears. Trump appears to be running his own campaign with zero infrastructure, and this will be exposed in 2016 as other candidates utilize precisely targeted campaigns to gain the votes needed to win. By the time Trump realizes what is happening, those swing voters will already have made their decisions for other candidates.

5. Lack of Self-Discipline

If you want to know how a candidate will perform when the real heat is on, you only need to take a closer look at how they conduct themselves in interviews. In recent weeks, Trump has had difficulties when pressed on his foreign policies, resorting to attacking his fellow candidates rather than expressing his plans for change. If Trump does not know an answer, he simply lashes out on his fellow candidates or the ignorance of the other party. This effort to shift the focus away from his lack of experience and knowledge of foreign policy will inevitably come back and bite him when voters begin to see a pattern in his antics. A carnival barker can easily grab the attention of the crowd, can easily convince you to look the other way, but when it comes down to choosing this person to be the leader of a country, most voters who consistently hit the booths will never pull that lever in his favor.

Many supporters of Donald Trump love his lack of rhetorical self-discipline, but this attribute is not going to bode well for him as the voters looking for substance and concrete facts pull back the curtain and see the real Donald Trump. Winning a presidential election takes more that powerful words and a great stage presence. As election time nears, the other candidates will have little trouble at all putting holes in the Trump campaign and making it a real challenge for him to be taken seriously.