Author Topic: LAPD Tells People To Protect Themselves, Just Not With Guns  (Read 268 times)

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LAPD Tells People To Protect Themselves, Just Not With Guns
« on: January 30, 2016, 01:04:09 pm »
LAPD Tells People To Protect Themselves, Just Not With Guns
Brian Anderson
January 30, 2016

In a stunning admission, the LAPD says it is incapable of protecting the people of Los Angeles. Equally as shocking is that they say people need to defend themselves even though the gun control laws of the city and state don’t really lend themselves to personal self-defense. Hey, at least the criminals are happy.

CBS 2 reports that in the event of an emergency situation, calling the cops might not be the best option.

“The citizens need to know they need to be able to protect themselves because if they call 911, we can’t guarantee we’re going to get there in time to help you,” said Police Protective League President Jamie McBride.

    He [said] that Thursday morning between 5:30 and 10 a.m., there were just three patrol cars assigned to the West LA division. Two cars to protect more than 200,000 people in a 65 square mile radius.

“West Los Angeles, at the minimum, should have seven patrol units, two-man units working,” said McBride.

But don’t worry, LAPD Captain Andrew Neiman says that while they may not be able to respond to an emergency situation in a timely manner, they are working hard to stop crime before it happens:

    Neiman went on to say crime fighting units including the Metro division domestic violence division, community based policing, all have increased personnel backing up patrol units trying to stop crime before they result in a 911 call.

Why not? Preemptive crime fighting worked in Minority Report. Actually I’m assuming it did, I’ve never seen the movie.

Here’s the thing: Los Angeles is the country’s biggest gun-free zone, at least for the law-abiding. It’s in California, so there’s all of those anti-gun regulations, plus the city and county of Los Angeles have even tougher gun ownership restrictions. If people can’t count on the police to protect them and are encouraged to defend themselves, they are pretty f*cked.

Open carry is strictly forbidden and even getting a concealed weapon permit in LA is virtually impossible. Basically the only people who can get licensed to carry a firearm are rich anti-gun Hollywood assholes. The average person will never get permission to carry.

So the people of LA are defenseless in public, but they should be able to defend themselves at home, right? Not so fast. LA requires gun owners to lock up their firearms, unloaded with the ammunition stored away from the weapon. If a bad guy were to break into an LA residence, by the time the homeowner got his or her gun unlocked and loaded, they would already be dead or raped.

On top of all this bullshit, California does not have any kind of “Stand Your Ground” law and a very weak castle doctrine. In the unlikely event someone from LA was able to successfully defend against a criminal scumbag, they would probably go to jail for doing so. I’m not kidding, if you “provoke” someone who breaks into your house in California, you are the bad guy.

You’d be hard pressed to find another place where self-defense is so universally discouraged.

I’m sure the people of LA are thrilled with this announcement that the LAPD cannot protect them. Especially considering the high cost of living in the city and the insane taxes they must pay. What the hell is all of that money going for?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 01:04:50 pm by rangerrebew »


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Re: LAPD Tells People To Protect Themselves, Just Not With Guns
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2016, 01:07:51 pm »
I hear there has been a real run on sling shots, pea shooters, and bean bags in L.A.   :silly:  You have to have them to defend yourself against thugs with weapons.


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Re: LAPD Tells People To Protect Themselves, Just Not With Guns
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2016, 06:54:58 pm »
It's good that the LAPD acknowledge people should be able to defend themselves. If they think that they should do it sans firearms, the police should try the same thing.