Author Topic: Sen. Jeff Sessions: Vote for Candidates in Favor of Pro-America Immigration System, Against TPP  (Read 732 times)

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Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) urged primary voters Friday to vote for candidates who are opposed to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal and who will fix the immigration system so that it serves American interests.

“Make sure — because this could be the last chance — that the votes you cast is for a person who is going to, with courage and steadfastness, fix the immigration system that’s so broken and is impacting adversely Americans’ safety, their wages, their hospitals, their schools, those kind of things,” Sessions said Friday during an appearance on the Howie Carr Show.

“And also we need to know with absolute clarity: are you for or against the Trans-Pacific Partnership,” he added.

Sessions said the presidential election will decide if the trade agreement passes and stressed that “It must not pass.” He added that this election could be the last one to decide the immigration question.

“This may be the last opportunity the American people will have to have their will imposed and create a lawful immigration system that serves the national interest,” he said.

The Alabamian acknowledged that there are other issues at play this cycle but argued immigration and TPP are the most consequential matters at stake this primary election.

“So I know we have to talk about the economy, national security, and the military, and the budget, and it’s hard to know who’s got the best idea,” Sessions said. “But on these two issues, I think the voters should say, ‘If you’re not going to be right on those, I’m not voting for you in this primary and I’m not going to vote for you as president.’ I really think it’s that important.”


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Revealed: The Secret Immigration Chapter in Obama’s Trade Agreement

Discovered inside the huge tranche of secretive Obamatrade documents released by Wikileaks are key details on how technically any Republican voting for Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) that would fast-track trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal would technically also be voting to massively expand President Obama’s executive authority when it comes to immigration matters.

The president’s Trade in Services Act (TiSA) documents, which is one of the three different close-to-completely-negotiated deals that would be fast-tracked making up the president’s trade agreement, show Obamatrade in fact unilaterally alters current U.S. immigration law. TiSA, like TPP or the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) deals, are international trade agreements that President Obama is trying to force through to final approval. The way he can do so is by getting Congress to give him fast-track authority through TPA.

Roughly 10 pages of this TiSA agreement document leak are specifically about immigration.

“The existence of these ten pages on immigration in the Trade and Services Agreement make it absolutely clear in my mind that the administration is negotiating immigration – and for them to say they are not – they have a lot of explaining to do based on the actual text in this agreement,” Rosemary Jenks, the Director of Government Relations at Numbers USA, told Breitbart News following her review of these documents.

The Senate passed the TPA last month, so it is up to the House to put the brakes on Obama’s unilateral power. The House could vote as early as Friday on fast-track, but may head into next week. By all counts, it’s going to be a very tight vote—and may not pass. It remains to be seen what will happen in light of leaks about things like the immigration provisions of TiSA—which deals with 24 separate parties, mostly different nations but also the European Union. It is focused on increasing the free flow of services worldwide—and with that, comes labor. Labor means immigration and guestworkers.


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So who voted for TPP fast track in the Senate? (List)

« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 04:28:45 am by HAPPY2BME »