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Facebook ‘Reactions’ begin global roll-out, offering six different emotions instead of dislike button


Have another participation trophy.

Facebook is making perhaps the biggest change to its site this decade, rolling out emoji as a way of reacting to posts alongside the famous “Like” button.

The company is introducing Reactions instead of the much-requested dislike button, as a way of allowing people to react in more complex ways to updates. Many people wanted a dislike button to press as a way of reacting to bad news, but the site worried that the tool might be used in negative ways.

Instead, it will give people six different emoji-based Reactions that they can post alongside the like button. Those will include “Love”, “Haha”, “Yay”, “Wow”, “Sad” and “Angry”, each of which has a corresponding picture.

The site announced last year that it was testing out the reactions in six different countries. The buttons stay largely unchanged from that early test, with just one of the reactions getting dropped.

The “Yay” button, which depicted a little smiley face with rosy cheeks, has been removed. The button proved a problem because it was “not universally understood”, according to a spokesperson.

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While I approve of the sad face - you really can't hit "Like" when a friend tells you they just got divorced without starting WW3 - it's pansy assed. Never a negative shall besmirch their gazes.


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