Author Topic: WEEKLY STANDARD: Iowa Poll: 'Trump Takes Caucus Lead' By Seven Point Lead  (Read 216 times)

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A new Iowa poll finds Donald Trump with a strong seven point lead, less than one week from caucus day. Ted Cruz is in second and Marco Rubio is in third, the poll finds.

"In a poll conducted largely before the announcement that he would not participate in the final debate prior to Iowa’s caucuses, Donald Trump leads Ted Cruz in the first contest of 2016. The latest Monmouth University Poll of likely Iowa Republican caucusgoers finds that turnout will be a significant factor in determining who emerges victorious," the poll from Monmouth University finds.

"Donald Trump earns 30% support and Ted Cruz has 23% support when likely caucusgoers are asked who they will caucus for on February 1st. Marco Rubio (16%) and Ben Carson (10%) are in the field's second tier. The remaining candidates earn less than 5% support each, including Jeb Bush (4%), Mike Huckabee (3%), John Kasich (3%), Rand Paul (3%), Chris Christie (2%), and Carly Fiorina (2%).

"Cruz's support has basically held steady since his 24% showing in December when he led the field, while Trump's support has grown substantially from 19% last month. The current result is Trump's best showing in any Monmouth Iowa caucus poll since he entered the race. Rubio is off by one point and Carson is down by 3 points since last month's poll.

"Cruz does particularly well among registered Republicans who have a history of voting in state primaries. He leads Trump by a 28% to 23% margin among this group of regular party voters, with Rubio at 14% and Carson at 13%. Trump does better among those who do not have a history of taking part in party elections. This includes 44% support among registered Republicans who are general election voters and 50% support among registered independents who say they will attend their local Republican caucus on Monday. Rubio comes in second among non-primary GOP voters at 20% with Cruz at 13%. Rubio also places second among independents who will caucus at 14% with Cruz at 10%."