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National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« on: January 24, 2016, 02:37:26 pm »
National Review’s effort to take down GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has been billed as a symposium of “conservatives against Trump.” However, that billing may be undermined by the discovery that several of the contributors National Review relied upon to pen their anti-Trump manifesto are supporters of the open borders immigration agenda, which National Review itself previously declared would bring about the end American conservatism.

For instance, one the publication’s contributors is David Boaz, the executive Vice President of the CATO Institute– a libertarian think tank that is one of the nation’s most vocal proponents of the open borders immigration agenda.

National Review’s special edition also relies upon a contribution from Russell Moore— who, as National Review’s own contributor Mark Krikorian points out, has radical immigration views and ties to an immigration group funded by George Soros. Krikorian writes:

    The editorial and several symposium contributors were clear that voters have good reason to be outraged at the serial betrayals by the Republican political class, even if Trump is the wrong vessel for that outrage. But a few of the contributors have helped perpetrate those betrayals – they’re part of the reason that Trump resonates with so many voters, and I’m loath to take their advice on dealing with the problem they helped create… Russell Moore? He’s one of the leaders of the Evangelical Immigration Table, a Soros front group pushing for Obama’s immigration agenda. He’s written that “our Lord Jesus himself was a so-called ‘illegal immigrant.’” He’s tweeted that a border wall is a “golden calf.”

As Breitbart News has previously reported, the Evangelical Immigration Table [EIT] ran a $250,000 advertising campaign in favor of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)’s Gang of Eight immigration bill.

Even National Review reported at the time, “The EIT is a project of the National Immigration Forum, which (according to its 990s, the IRS form for tax-exempt organizations) receives a substantial portion of its funding from groups backed by George Soros.”

The group also has ties to Rubio GOP mega-donor Paul Singer, another major open borders enthusiast. As Politico reported in 2013, Singer “quietly go[t] involved in the fight for immigration reform, making a six-figure donation… to the National Immigration Forum.”

More recently, as Breitbart has reported, “Evangelical Immigration Table, a George Soros-financed group of far left activists and Evangelical leaders, released a six-point appeal [on December 2nd] calling on Congress to bring even more Syrian and other refugees to the U.S.”

Similarly, Michael Medved contributed to the National Review’s so-called conservative anti-Trump manifesto. Yet Medved has partnered with Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch’s immigration lobbying firm, Partnership For A New American Economy (PNAE), to promote mass immigration. As PNAE explains on its website, “PNAE also partnered with “The Michael Medved Show” on a six-week radio campaign that discussed the need for immigration reform, which aired on Christian radio stations across the country.”

To understand what PNAE means by “immigration reform,” one need only look at their past lobbying efforts. The group endorsed and lobbied for Rubio’s 2013 immigration bill, which would have issued 33 million green cards in the span of a single decade. The lobbying group has also endorsed Sen. Rubio’s 2015 immigration rewrite to massively expand the admission H-1B guest workers. Interestingly, PNAE is also chaired by Disney CEO Bob Iger, whose company laid off hundreds of American tech workers and forced them to train their lower-wage H-1B foreign worker replacements.

National Review’s anti-Trump manifesto also relied on a contribution from Yuval Levin. Levin’s contribution is noteworthy not so much because of his past writings on immigration, but because of his work with the Young Guns Network, which is viewed by many conservatives as propping up the central figures surrendering America’s sovereignty. As the organization has explained by way of disclosure:

    The [Young Guns] YG Network (YGN) is organized as a non-profit 501(c)(4) dedicated to broadening the Young Guns movement by supporting next-generation conservative policies and the efforts of those who advocate for those policies. All Section 501(c)(4) organizations must operate primarily to advance social welfare. The YG Network does so through issue advocacy, which includes survey research, data collection and policy and message development coupled with aggressive earned and paid media strategies. The YG movement began with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, House Majority Whip Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and House Budget Chairman and former Vice Presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI).

The connection between Levin and Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor seems to underscore the argument advanced by John Fredericks, the popular talk radio host whose program airs in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District– where Young Gun Eric Cantor was rejected for his work on behalf of the corporate immigration agenda.

In an exclusive interview, Fredericks tells Breitbart News that National Review’s reaction struck him as “desperate.” Fredericks said that the publication’s “elitist” contributors are “terrified”– now facing the realization that if Trump wins the nomination, they won’t enjoy the kind of special access to which they are accustomed.

“If Trump becomes President, suddenly they’ll have one vote, just like the rest of us. No more special access. Just one vote. Trump has empowered working people who have been disenfranchised and cut out of the system. This means that the elitists at National Review will no longer have their special access and it’s driving them nuts,” said Fredericks.


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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2016, 02:38:00 pm »
Hate to break the news to you, but NR just went under ..

WOW National Review Has Sent Out a Letter About Cancellations in the Wake of the Trump Attack Edition

Timing is everything ..
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 02:39:01 pm by HAPPY2BME »


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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2016, 03:00:57 pm »
Conservative Intellectual Blasts National Review’s Trump Attack: It ‘No Longer Represents Real Conservatism’

Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, a professor at Oxford University and noted policy analyst, has harsh words for National Review and the 22 conservative figures who took part in the magazine’s “Against Trump” symposium.

In an interview with The Daily Caller, Malloch, both a proud “movement conservative” and supporter of Donald Trump, said the pundits who took aim at the Republican front-runner in NR’s latest issue have “the most to lose in a Trump victory.”

“The motivation simply is: life or death,” the scholar told TheDC. “They want their cushy jobs, going on talk shows, getting free lunches and cocktails, being important and the prestige it brings. They are in fact part of the ‘ruling political class’ and that will end [under a President Trump].”

Malloch — whose latest book, “Davos, Aspen and Yale: My Life Behind the Elite Curtain as a Global Sherpa,” covers his interactions with the events and figures who shaped conservatism — believes these “old, tired voices” don’t like Trump because the businessman is “a doer — not an idle thinker or theorist. He represents a kind of national conservatism that has a popular rather than an elitist stance.”

On the other hand, according to the Oxford professor, the folks involved in National Review’s symposium aren’t accomplishing anything.

“The myth of this crowd is that they accomplished things. Largely, they have not, unless you count earning fat pay checks and wider waist lines as accomplishments. I suppose they could all write books no one will read or just be bitter,” he stated.

In Malloch’s opinion, the publication founded by William F. Buckley no longer articulates a relevant political ideology.

“NR has, unfortunately, as has The Weekly Standard, become the GOE [grand old establishment], the establishment rag and no longer represents either real conservatism or the evolving GOP. It is that insignificant,” he told TheDC. “National Review is not what it used to be! Its readership has dwindled and its editor sure ain’t no Bill Buckley, in any way, shape or form.”

“In some ways they are both removed from the travail and demands of everyday life, from economic anxiety experienced by the middle class and do not live in the flyover zone. They are captives of Washington, D.C., a one factory town, and its insidious culture and have become complete insiders, complicit in the malaise of current governing. They ‘go along to get along.’ They are, in fact, part of the problem and they all fear Trump will excise them — and he will,” he continued.

However, Malloch believes the “Against Trump” issue will do little damage to the flamboyant billionaire’s bid for the White House and may in fact help him.

“By mounting this foolish and vitriolic effort, they have probably handed Trump the fastest route to the presidency and will increase his poll standings by more than 10 percent,” he predicts. “The NR effect is negligible in all truth.”

Moreover, the political economist sees no menace to conservatism in Trump and even believes the man is making the movement stronger.

Malloch, who is a descendant of President Teddy Roosevelt, also sees many similarities between his ancestor and The Donald.

“Donald Trump is perhaps best viewed as the 21st century Theodore Roosevelt. The two leaders have much in common — from style and swagger to substance and outlook,” he wrote in a Forbes column in December.

According to the scholar, Trump is like Roosevelt in understanding “the value of capital and labor;” advocating a “strong policy of American Nationalism;” creating “another kind of conservation;” and believing “good government is rooted in good citizenship.”


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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2016, 03:03:49 pm »
It’s On! National Review Goes After Trump, Trump Swings Back

Some conservatives have made it their business to make excuses for Trump and duly get pats on the head from him. Count us out. Donald Trump is a menace to American conservatism who would take the work of generations and trample it underfoot in behalf of a populism as heedless and crude as the Donald himself.

For his part, Trump responded how he has throughout so much of this campaign — via Twitter.

    National Review is a failing publication that has lost it's way. It's circulation is way down w its influence being at an all time low. Sad!

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 22, 2016

    Very few people read the National Review because it only knows how to criticize, but not how to lead.

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 22, 2016

    The late, great, William F. Buckley would be ashamed of what had happened to his prize, the dying National Review!

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 22, 2016

National Review responded by reminding Trump of what he’d said about the magazine only last April.

    — National Review (@NRO) January 22, 2016

As a result of so forcefully speaking out against one candidate, NR publisher Jack Fowler reported they’ve been “disinvited” from co-hosting the February 25 GOP debate in Houston. Fowler wrote, “We expected this was coming. Small price to pay for speaking the truth about The Donald.”

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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2016, 03:34:02 pm »

The Internet is making it more difficult for the open borders establishment and the mainstream media to deceive people and have their way with the free and fair electoral process.

This year regular Americans are speaking up. Thank you, Donald J Trump.


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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2016, 03:40:52 pm »
The Internet is making it more difficult for the open borders establishment and the mainstream media to deceive people and have their way with the free and fair electoral process.

This year regular Americans are speaking up. Thank you, Donald J Trump.


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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2016, 03:45:02 pm »
Selective Outrage: National Review Trashes Trump, Rallies Behind Ryan

A little over three months ago, National Review endorsed Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) for Speaker of the House. In doing so, National Review helped place a man with a two-decade history of pushing open borders immigration policies in charge of the Republican Party’s entire legislative agenda.

Ten weeks after that endorsement helped Paul Ryan secure the Speakership, Ryan proceeded to swiftly pass an omnibus spending bill that funded and expanded President Obama’s immigration agenda.

Ryan’s bill provided funding for sanctuary cities, illegal alien resettlement, illegal alien tax credits, and visa issuances to nearly 300,000 (temporary and permanent) Muslim migrants over the next 12 months alone. The bill also funded an expansion of the highly controversial H-2B foreign worker program, which Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said violated Ryan’s “promise not to bring major immigration legislation to the floor this year.”

The H-2B foreign worker program imports low-wage laborers into the country to take American jobs in maintenance, theme parks, construction, food processing, restaurants, and hospitality– meaning that Ryan’s Speakership and immigration policies have already resulted in the GOP’s own constituency, along with workers nationwide, losing their livelihoods and ability to support their families.

This outcome was perhaps not surprising, as NumbersUSA president Roy Beck warned prior to Ryan’s election as House Speaker, “Open borders is in his [Ryan’s] ideological DNA… open borders seeps out of every pore of his being.” Ryan was even involved in the effort to derail the bipartisan push to curb immigration in the 1990s, which would have reduced future immigration growth by 10 million migrants, according to Beck.

Having helped put arguably the biggest booster of immigration in Congress in charge of the House, National Review has now gone all out for the cause of stopping Donald Trump— who has promised to build a border wall and pause the enormous inflow of Muslim immigration into the United States.

Trump has also vociferously attacked fast-track trade authority, which the American Jobs Alliance’s Curtis Ellis has explained would “surrender [Congress’s] constitutional authority” and “strip Congress of its ability to vet or amend” international trade deals.

By a minimum of 92 percent, GOP voters oppose Ryan’s expansive immigration polices, and by a nearly 5-to-1 margin they believe that Ryan’s globalist trade deals will reduce wages, not increase them.

It is interesting that National Review, rather than going after Ryan— who directly violated a pledge that he made to the Republican electorate and the publication’s readership— has instead decided to go after Trump.

It is similarly noteworthy that while National Review is pulling out all the stops to keep Trump from assuming control of the White House, the publication has been effusive in its praise of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), who like Paul Ryan, has pushed for massive expansions to immigration that would disenfranchise the GOP electorate and, according to polling data, would put conservative policy victories perhaps permanently out of reach.

“Rubio is the most articulate, thoughtful, inspiring, and consistently conservative of any Republican running,” National Review’s Mona Charen writes in a recent piece.

National Review’s Jim Geraghty, in a similarly effusive Rubio piece entitled, “Marco Rubio Is Plenty Conservative,” writes: “If Rubio is no longer conservative, then conservatism is now primarily a matter of aesthetics.” Geraghty did not explain how it is conservative to want to increase immigration to levels never before experienced in American history.

Rubio’s campaign spokesman Alex Conant seemed so appreciative of Geraghty’s piece that he marked it as a “pinned tweet” on the top of his twitter page and declared that it “raises the bar for all future ‘must-reads.’” Interestingly, this is the same spokesman who in 2013 suggested that those– such as the National Review’s editors– who opposed Rubio’s plan to grant citizenship to illegal aliens were akin to promoters of slavery. As The Washington Examiner‘s Conn Carroll noted at the time, “For those of you keeping score at home, Rubio spokesman AlexConant just compared all Schumer-Rubio opponents to slave owners.”

In an op-ed last month, National Review’s Rich Lowry declared that if Rubio is the Establishment’s choice candidate, it “would be an enormous victory for the tea party.”

However, how this would be “an enormous victory” for the Tea Party is unclear. About 17% of national adults, according to Gallup, said they are Tea Party supporters—or, if we apply that figure to the 2012 electorate, about 22 million American voters. If Rubio’s immigration plan had been enacted, according to a Center for Immigration Studies analysis based on CBO data, immigration could add a potential 32 million new voters in the span of around two decades—or more than one new voter to cancel out the vote of every one Tea Party voter in America– nullifying completely their national electoral impact.

In effect, if a President Rubio were able to enact the immigration system he wanted, Tea Party voters could continue to live in conservative clusters and some might read the National Review, but their ability— and the ability of their elected representatives— to affect national policy would be totally weakened. As the National Review has documented in the past, liberal leaning migrant voters would likely cancel out Tea Party votes.

Indeed, by devoting its resources to reining in Trump while promoting Ryan and Rubio, National Review seems as if it’s trying to perpetuate the mass immigration policy that its own publication has said would end conservatism as we know it.

Almost two decades ago, National Review ran a cover story entitled “Electing a New People” which warned that American voters would be disenfranchised by the continued importation of millions of poor migrants on visas.

“The Republican hour is rapidly drawing to a close,” the 1997 story reads, “being drowned—as a direct result of the 1965 Immigration Act.”

Since that story ran, the foreign born population has increased by more than 16 million— not even counting the children of the incoming migrants.

As Lowry himself wrote in 2004:

Outside the merits of the immigration issue– its costs, its implications for security and national cohesion– the partisan dynamic is clear: Higher levels of Latin American immigration benefit the Democrats, while digging an ever-deeper demographic hole for Republicans. Pro-immigration conservatives fool themselves into believing that being pro-immigration will make it possible for the GOP to convert large numbers of Hispanic voters to their side. This is a party strategy that could have been crafted in Oregon, since it amounts to a kind of partisan assisted suicide

While National Review has devoted a special edition to make the case against Trump, they have not devoted a special issue to make the case, for example, for pausing our large-scale visa issuances to Muslim migrants—a migration embraced by Ryan and Rubio. While a policy of mass Muslim migration may be beneficial to big GOP donors, as it helps to keep labor costs low, it is hard to understand how it would help expand the National Review’s influence on public policy.

In addition to spreading Female Genital Mutilation, giving rise to honor violence within the United States, and forcing law enforcement to scour the country to foil terror plots, large scale Muslim migration has a clear electoral impact. According to Pew, only 11% of Muslim migrants identify as Republican or leaning-Republican. Pew did not say how many Muslim migrants are readers of the National Review, but polling data suggests it would be a small share.

All of National Review’s stated goals: Obamacare repeal, tax cuts, entitlement reforms— would be placed further out of reach by Ryan and Rubio’s desire to resettle millions of non-Western migrants within U.S. borders.

In a recent interview with Breitbart News, in which she expressed support for Donald Trump, conservative legend Phyllis Schlafly issued a clear warning to publications like the National Review— whose writers have promoted Ryan and Rubio in spite of their views on immigration. Schlafly warned that their Rubio and Ryan boosting will come at the nation’s peril: “If they’re not right on immigration, they’re going to destroy our country.” Schlafly explained:

"If we don’t stop immigration—this torrent of immigrants coming in—we’re not going to be America anymore because most of the people coming in have no experience with limited government. They don’t know what that is. They look to the government to solve all of their problems, and as soon as we have a high majority of people who think that, it’s going to be a different country."

The grassroots heroine, who helped launch the modern-day conservative movement, continued: “I think that we need to respect the will of the majority. Republicans ought to be a grassroots party. And the grassroots certainly agree with Donald Trump on most issues, but certainly on the immigration issue… I certainly think he represents everything the grassroots want.”


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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2016, 04:04:09 pm »
Movement Conservatism vs. Trump

The same people that endorsed Romney for president in his first campaign are very concerned about the nomination of an opportunistic, unprincipled businessman:

    If Trump were to become the president, the Republican nominee, or even a failed candidate with strong conservative support, what would that say about conservatives? The movement that ground down the Soviet Union and took the shine, at least temporarily, off socialism would have fallen in behind a huckster.

Some of the things in the anti-Trump editorial make sense as far as they go, but the people producing the editorial aren’t all that credible. Trump is a huckster, but Romney was just as much of a comprehensive fraud in both of his presidential campaigns and that never seemed to bother his admirers at National Review. They were among the first to encourage conservatives to accept Romney despite a record that would normally disqualify a candidate from the start. I suppose the difference is that Romney pretended to care about movement litmus tests while Trump has ignored them, but that suggests that the real problem with Trump is that he hasn’t courted the movement as Romney did. Like Trump, Romney seemed willing to say almost anything if it meant winning an election, and conservatives were extremely foolish to believe that he had become one of them. The pretense that Bush supporters care about reducing the size and power of government would be almost be amusing if none of us could remember the previous decade. NR‘s reliable support for almost all of George W. Bush’s disastrous policies already made clear how foolish movement conservatives can be, so how much more damage could a Trump nomination that they don’t support do to their reputation?

It’s also wrong to assume that there is a “broad conservative ideological consensus within the GOP” that is in danger of being “trashed.” There are clearly some policies favored by many party and movement elites that most rank-and-file Republicans and conservatives already reject. The success of “outsider” and insurgent candidates this year tells us that the current leadership of the GOP has badly neglected many of its supporters for a very long time, and that implies that there has been something seriously lacking in the GOP’s agenda. I don’t think Trump is going to remedy that, but railing against his opportunism isn’t going to fix it, either.

The most notable thing about the editorial and the attached symposium is that it is another piece of evidence that Trump will end up as the nominee. Movement conservatives often reject the presidential candidates that most Republican voters prefer in the primaries, and those candidates frequently tend to do well because they ignore movement orthodoxy and aren’t limited by it. That seems to be happening again this year.

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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2016, 04:10:17 pm »
They shouldn't have included David Boaz.  He is a rabid anti-borders guy.  He finally blocked me on Twitter after I asked too many (very polite) questions.   I thought the Cato Institute was a legitimate, positive organization.  No so much.

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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2016, 04:34:54 pm »
A little off the topic, but last night we watched "Best of Enemies - Buckley VS Vidal" on Netflix.  I HIGHLY recommend it!  Very entertaining and takes you back to 1968 and the whole political upheaval of the time.  I was struck by the fact that even though that was almost 50 years ago - you can see the same issues happening now - a country divided, blacks stirred to unrest, liberals spewing Alinsky tactics all over the place, etc. 

I loved it watching Buckley!

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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2016, 06:42:53 pm »
A little off the topic, but last night we watched "Best of Enemies - Buckley VS Vidal" on Netflix.  I HIGHLY recommend it!  Very entertaining and takes you back to 1968 and the whole political upheaval of the time.  I was struck by the fact that even though that was almost 50 years ago - you can see the same issues happening now - a country divided, blacks stirred to unrest, liberals spewing Alinsky tactics all over the place, etc. 

I loved it watching Buckley!
Today is very much different, in terms of public access however.

Then: three main television networks, and a dozen national newspapers and magazines.

Today: three-hundred television outlets from the entire world, and hundreds of multi-media sources on the internet,

...all the above going 247/7/365 and I dare say the professional entertainer aspect is different, too.

Fox delivers their version with beautiful women attorneys, in short skirts and makeup.

And given the choice I would much prefer looking at the Fox Gals, than listening to Beck, Levin, etc.
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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2016, 08:47:10 pm »
They shouldn't have included David Boaz.  He is a rabid anti-borders guy.  He finally blocked me on Twitter after I asked too many (very polite) questions.   I thought the Cato Institute was a legitimate, positive organization.  No so much.

The CATO institute is a very libertarian organization.  Libertarians, by and large, are for open borders (with the understanding that there will be no social net for those who come).


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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2016, 01:51:04 pm »
Quote from: HAPPY2BME

A man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest.

A perfect description of the Trump supporter.   

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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2016, 01:54:10 pm »
A little off the topic, but last night we watched "Best of Enemies - Buckley VS Vidal" on Netflix.  I HIGHLY recommend it!  Very entertaining and takes you back to 1968 and the whole political upheaval of the time.  I was struck by the fact that even though that was almost 50 years ago - you can see the same issues happening now - a country divided, blacks stirred to unrest, liberals spewing Alinsky tactics all over the place, etc. 

I loved it watching Buckley!

That was a great special.   A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.   I barely recognize the conservative movement I grew up with in the Know-Nothingism and white-identity nonsense that follows Trump from rally to rally. 
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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2016, 06:38:23 pm »
Someone correct me if I'm wrong,but doesn't The Donald import cheap foreign labor into the country to work in his businesses?

And isn't he employing hundreds,and maybe even thousands of them right now even as he is pretending to be against open borders?

Hell,he even had to go to eastern Europe to buy his 1st and 3rd wives.
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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2016, 06:48:15 pm »
Someone correct me if I'm wrong,but doesn't The Donald import cheap foreign labor into the country to work in his businesses?

And isn't he employing hundreds,and maybe even thousands of them right now even as he is pretending to be against open borders?

Hell,he even had to go to eastern Europe to buy his 1st and 3rd wives.

I've heard him say that he uses Union Labor.

What's wrong with loving Slavic women?  The ones I know are stunningly beautiful.

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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2016, 07:04:10 pm »
Hell,he even had to go to eastern Europe to buy his 1st and 3rd wives.

Slovenes ain't cheap, so cut him a break on that.

Actually, from the little I've heard from her, she seems like a really nice person. Tough minded, too.
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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2016, 09:06:24 pm »
I've heard him say that he uses Union Labor.

What's wrong with loving Slavic women?  The ones I know are stunningly beautiful.

You can hear his say he flaps his wings and flies to the moon if you listen long enough.

It is odd how you have never heard of him hiring foreign workers to replace his American workers,or how he has recently lobbied congress to increase the number allowed into the country. Or do you know this,and just choose to ignore it?

And there is nothing wrong with Slavic women. Buying them as trophies is what is wrong on an intellectual level,but I guess since he and she both understood the deal going in and both were adults,there is nothing immoral or illegal about it.
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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2016, 09:08:39 pm »
Slovenes ain't cheap, so cut him a break on that.

Actually, from the little I've heard from her, she seems like a really nice person. Tough minded, too.

AFAIK,nobody has ever accused her or his first wife of being victims. Both are very smart women who knew what they were getting into.

Even Marla Maples did ok out of the deal,even if all she got was a couple of million in payout. Not much compared to what the first one got or what the 3rd one will get,but nobody will be holding any pity parties for her.
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Re: National Review Enlists Open Border Zealots to Trash Trump
« Reply #24 on: January 28, 2016, 09:09:38 pm »
Well, if you are going to talk trophies, who's to say it isn't the other way?

You look at them and automatically think "Old rich guy, younger and beautiful wife .... must be a trophy wife."

I look at them and think "A beautiful woman (not exactly rare) with a billionaire. Nice catch, girl!" Billionaires are rarer.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 09:10:33 pm by EC »
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