Author Topic: ACLU Claims California Cops Killed 1,134 Mostly Unarmed Blacks In 2015  (Read 300 times)

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ACLU Claims California Cops Killed 1,134 Mostly Unarmed Blacks In 2015

Brian Anderson
January 22, 2016

As a Californian, I better watch my ass. It turns out cops in the Golden State are gunning down civilians at an alarming rate. If the ACLU is to be believed, police killed over a thousand people in 2015 in the state. My only saving grave is that the faux civil rights organization claims most of these police murders were against unarmed black people and I am an armed white person.

While commenting on Gov. Jerry Brown’s State of the State speech, the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California wrote this:

    The American ideal of fair, humane and transparent policing is still a long ways away for many Californians, especially African Americans and Latinos. Last year alone, we saw 1,134 Californians killed at the hands of law enforcement, with unarmed African American men seven times more likely than unarmed white men to die by police gunfire nationwide. And still, California continues to have the most secretive laws in the country when it comes to police misconduct.

I took a screenshot because sooner or later someone is going to correct this ridiculous number. Then again, they are the ACLU and facts are virtually meaningless to them.


Not only does the ACLU give an insanely exaggerated stat for the number of people killed by police in California, they sure make it seem like almost all of the “victims” were innocent unarmed blacks.

I went and found the liberalist most progressively leftist source for the number of police killings just so I am not accused of right-wing bias. According to Think Progress there were a total of 1,186 people killed by police last year in all of the United States. If 1,134 of them were killed in California, that means only 54 people were killed by police in the remaining 49 states. It makes Cali look like shit, but the rest of the nation seems to be doing all right.

Unfortunately for the ACLU fact-checkers, there were not 1,134 police killings in California last year; there were 213. For a state with a population of 38.8 million that’s not really all that shocking of a number. Especially when you consider how many criminal scumbags, gang bangers, and illegal aliens the state has.

Beyond the ACLU’s nonsense stats, the bigger issue is how liberal dipshits try to use the number of officer-involved deaths as proof that the police are homicidal maniacs. So what if 1,186 people were killed by police? 99.9% of those were justifiable homicides and the rare ones that weren’t were prosecuted as crimes. All this number proves is that police have a dangerous job and sometimes must use deadly force to protect themselves and the communities they serve.

For the 1,186 number to have any meaning, liberal crybabies like the ACLU would have to prove that a good portion of them were not justifiable homicides. They would have to show that hundreds of people were killed by police where there was no justified use of force. They can’t do that because it’s not true.

Equally as bogus is the idea that cops target young black males for extermination. Of the 1,186 people killed by police in 2015, most of them were white. In fact more white people were killed by police last year than all minorities combined. I wonder why no one ever complains that police are murdering young white males because they are the group most likely to be shot and killed by law enforcement.

Here’s something else to think about: 129 police officers were killed in the line of duty last year, mostly be criminal gunfire. The stat is not available, but I think it would be interesting to see what the races of the cop killers are. I’d be willing to bet that white people are not the most likely to kill a cop.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 03:22:35 pm by rangerrebew »