Author Topic: The Professional Political Machine Says: “Donald Trump is Not Conservative”…  (Read 620 times)

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The professional political class continue to say candidate Donald J Trump is not conservative enough on his positions.  Various voices proclaim ownership of some arbitrary defining litmus test – that apparently moves depending on the definition of the person making the proclamation.

… so let’s cut through the BS and take a look at the issues.

♦ On Immigration – Donald Trump is the originator of the entire immigration debate platform.  His position is outlined HERE, and is the ONLY candidate who proposed to build a wall, deport those who are here illegally, and use existing law to ensure enforcement mechanisms are deployed to stop illegal influx.

Including a critical proposal to use federal banking and money services regulations (wire transfer rules to Mexico) to aid in creating an incentive to become compliant with immigration law.

Trump has proposed removing executive restrictions on deportation through ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) officers, allowing immediate deportation for undocumented illegal aliens.   The media call this “the deportation force”.

In addition, candidate Trump has proposed an end to the concept of “birthright citizenship” or “anchor babies”, which has never been adjudicated as a valid method for attaining citizenship and most legal minds believe is nonsense.  Candidate Ted Cruz believes “anchor babies” are U.S. citizens at birth.

No-one is more “conservative” on Immigration than Donald J Trump.

♦ On Second Amendment – Donald Trump has proposed the end of “gun free zones” on military bases and federal properties, allowing the individual states to determine where citizens are allowed to carry firearms.  Full Policy Outline HERE.

In addition, Trump has proposed that all states observe reciprocity with regard to concealed carry permits.  Meaning anyone can travel anywhere in the country using their concealed carry permit from their home state.   Essentially the same reciprocal arrangement and consideration that applies to drivers licensees.

No-one is more “conservative” on Second Amendment Rights.

♦ On Taxes – Donald Trump has a fully outlined tax policy available HERE.  Which includes provisions to stop corporate inversion and return U.S. corporate monetary assets to the U.S. without penalty.

Additionally, the tax rates are substantially reformed and streamlined where income tax payments do not begin until the wage earner surpasses $50,000 in annual income.  Trump is also proposing that Wall Street Hedge Fund operators cannot use capital gains rates to avoid their income tax bracket which would insure that very wealthy individuals cannot use loopholes and multiple accounting gimmicks to remove their own tax liability.

The Trump Tax proposal is a populist approach to improving the “middle class” wage earner, and providing upward mobility.  However, it is also one small part of a larger economic plan that unleashes economic growth.

♦ On Trade – Candidate Trump folds the Tax Proposal into a more broad America-First economic policy through renegotiated trade deals.  The policy on China Trade specifically is available HERE.

Candidate Trump is against the Obama negotiated Trans-Pacific Trade Deal which has the blessing of congress (thanks to Ted Cruz and Trade Promotion Authority) and approvals of Wall Street and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (crony capitalists).

Candidate Trump was the first to stand against TPP and also boldly propose that the 20-year-old NAFTA (North American Free Trade Alliance) trade treaties should be renegotiated to insure the Mexican trade economy is not longer able to skirt manufacturing rules and create outsourced jobs and manufacturing from the U.S.

The Trump platform on trade is “fair deals, and fair markets” that benefit U.S. jobs and the U.S. economy, not just one-way free market arrangements.

No-One is more “conservative” on U.S. Jobs, Trade or the U.S. economy.

♦ On Energy Policy – Candidate Trump supports the Keystone oil Pipeline a collaborative effort between the U.S. and Canada.  In addition Trump supports broad U.S. energy resource development to include execution of, and development of, U.S. Oil Leases in all regions of fossil fuel development.

Trump has proposed continued investment and exploration of “clean coal” technology using the vast coal mine resources in the Appalachian Range throughout West Virginia and into Pennsylvania.   Trump has proposed energy export leverage (oil, coal, natural gas) as part of the larger Trade-deal packages.

The U.S. can negotiate a resurgence of U.S. manufacturing with lower fully developed energy costs, a competitive advantage; and simultaneously our abundant resources in energy fuels also provide trade leverage (standards and tariffs) through energy export.

With a fully utilized energy sector, the U.S. can also use the accompanying economic growth to invest in alternative resource development such as nuclear, solar and wind.  The costs of alternative fuel research and development become underwritten by the expansive use of current resources.

No-one is more “conservative” and smart on fully developed energy use.

♦ On Education – Candidate Trump has clearly stated his opposition to Federal Common Core programs which mandate education policy from bureaucrats in Washington DC.  Trump does not believe in federal control of eduction and has clearly and succinctly stated that educational standards should be developed, and carried out, by those closest to the schools, parents and teachers.

Trump does not, and will not, support programs like “race to the top” (Obama), or “no child left behind (G.W. Bush).  Instead he prefers decisions regarding standards be made by individual states and local communities.

Candidate Trump, unlike Jeb Bush, would not support withholding funds from states, as blackmail to insure common core is used.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Trump hugs a U.S. flag as he takes the stage for a campaign town hall meeting in Derry♦ On Military – Candidate Donald Trump has proposed a similar Reagan-era approach toward rebuilding the U.S. Military apparatus as a professional fighting force.   Throughout Trump’s campaign he has highlighted his intention to strengthen the U.S. modern military assets and build a comprehensive modern-era military.

However, candidate Trump views the U.S. military as a national force, and nation’s military, and runs counter to modern military industrial complex (neo-con) approach by eliminating military “outsourcing” or contractors (ex Blackwater).

Trump believes the collaborative private/government sector military partnership should be limited to the modernization of equipment and material (research and development), and never the deployment of soldiers or U.S. fighting forces.

Trump has expressed that American sons and daughters who serve in the military should be commanded by the best military and civilian leadership possible.  However, our soldiers should never be deployed through the use of private contractors who operate within a grey area, and whose objectives can become detached and end up serving their own best interests.

Candidate Donald Trump is nationally loyal to U.S. interests and extraordinarily “conservative” with reverence, to the traditions of the U.S. military.  (Reagan approach)

On Foreign Policy – Donald J Trump is neither an “isolationist” nor an “interventionist”.  Instead, as Trump has outlined numerous times, our approach to foreign affairs should always be through the prism of U.S. interests first and foremost.

Lead when prudent, support when needed.

Two Current Examples include:

•  Syria – Monitor closely, but allow Russia to fight ISIS in Syria to the extent their interests do not conflict with our own.   Build an international coalition to make a geographic “safe zone” within Syria where allied forces can protect Syrian refugees on the ground from any ISIS attacks – open direct lines of communication with Bashir Assad and negotiate with Vladimir Putin to use Russia’s military deployment and insure a stable transitional government for the people of Syria.

•  Ukraine – Monitor closely, support Germany and European allies in their efforts to work through the conflict with Russia and Ukraine.   Any “coalition development or intervention” must come from Germany as lead, with our support.  Germany is the regional economic powerhouse and nation dependent on Russian energy use.

Our actions within the global community should be well known, well defined, exceptionally forthright, direct, strong and unequivocal.   The American people should know what we are doing internationally, why we are doing it, and be able to see what value there is in our endeavors.  It is important to return to an era of clarity.

While Donald Trump’s foreign policy approach might not make the interventionist crowd (Neo-cons) happy, it will also not make the isolationist crowd (libertarians) happy.  The influence of the U.S. is only as strong as our ability to have our own national house in order.

After years of poor investment in U.S. infrastructure, lack of expansive economic development, burdensome regulations and trade/manufacturing deals antithetical to the U.S. middle class – Trumps proposals to look inward, put America first, and spend time polishing the lens on the ‘beacon of freedom’, are prudent, necessary and wise.

Simply, lets…

“Make America Great Again !”
If that’s not conservative enough for you, I honestly don’t know what could be.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 12:26:13 am by HAPPY2BME »


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Part 2 – The Professional Political Machine Says: “Donald Trump is Not Conservative”…

Part 2 – The professional political class continue to say candidate Donald J Trump is not conservative enough on his positions. Various voices proclaim ownership of some arbitrary defining litmus test – that apparently moves depending on the definition of the person making the proclamation.

… so let’s cut through the BS and take a look at the issues.

So we continue exploring the Trump Doctrine with:

♦ Healthcare Policy – While Donald Trump has not laid out a formal Healthcare policy we are able to assemble the outline with a review of his 2015 verbal comments and proposals (interviews) regarding ObamaCare and Health Care Reform.

Candidate Trump has committed to a full repeal of ObamaCare with a replacement policy proposal consisting of patient-centered, market-based reform. Trump has outlined a desire to remove the state regulatory barriers on healthcare insurance exchanges allowing insurance companies to present an insurance product across state lines, a market-based approach.

Businesses and individuals would be able to purchase health insurance from any company regardless of origination state. All insurance companies would be able to compete for, and offer insurance coverage toward, the consumer and/or business in any state.

However, Trump has also proposed federal guidelines, rules, to ensure the financial solvency of any health insurance company. Any healthcare insurance provider would have to pass regulatory and compliance financial “stress tests” and retain financial reserves as established by federal regulatory agencies. A similar approval and regulatory program is currently in place for financial/banking services to eliminate risk.

Each insurance provider would also be required to pay a fee, into a federally controlled risk pool established in the event any single provider is unable to meet their policy obligations. The collection of these fees eliminates the risk of a taxpayer funded bailout if an insurance carrier becomes insolvent. This process also allows insurance regulators to keep the market flush with multiple competitive carriers eliminating a too big to fail monopoly by any individual carrier. (Think Hurricane Insurance Programs).

This market approach would open the health insurance markets to competitive pricing and allow consumers to tailor their coverage to their individual needs. The insurance product is offered by the insurance company, the individual has choices and options.

Low income healthcare coverage is continued through the use of the current Medicaid services program and is provided as a subsidy or voucher to the insured customer. In addition, Trump is open to “health savings accounts” so long as the account itself is controlled by the individual and catastrophic insurance coverage is included as part of the overall program.

Candidate Trump has also proposed retention of the mandated “pre-existing coverage” rule insuring that people cannot be denied entry into the market based on pre-existing conditions. However, unlike ObamaCare, Trump is also proposing “High Risk Pool” subsidy for those who have extensive and long-term medical issues.

The long-term medical coverage subsidy for high risk patients would be administered through the existing medicaid and medicare process; the difference becomes the amount of the subsidy which would be based on the individual or family income level, and extent of the coverage needed.

♦ On Veteran Healthcare (VA) – Donald Trump has recommended a complete overhaul of the Veterans Assistance programs. – Policy Outline HERE –

“Under a Trump Administration, all veterans eligible for VA health care can bring their veteran’s ID card to any doctor or care facility that accepts Medicare to get the care they need immediately. Our veterans have earned the freedom to choose better or more convenient care from the doctor and facility of their choice. The power to choose will stop the wait time backlogs and force the VA to improve and compete if the department wants to keep receiving veterans’ healthcare dollars. The VA will become more responsive to veterans, develop more efficient systems, and improve the quality of care because it will have no other choice”.

♦ On Social Security – Unlike many candidates Donald Trump is NOT calling for rapid or wholesale changes to the current Social Security program. With the single caveat of “high income retirees” (over $250k annually), which Trump is open to negotiating on, candidate Trump does not consider these programs as “entitlements”. The American people pay into them, and the federal government has an obligation to fulfill the promises made upon collection.

To fully understand how Donald Trump views the solvency of Social Security, you must understand his economic model and how it outlines growth.

The issue with Social Security, as viewed by Trump, is more of an issue with receipts and expenditures. If the aggregate U.S. economy is growing by a factor larger than the distribution needed to fulfill its obligations then no wholesale change on expenditure is needed. The focus needs to be on continued and successful economic growth.

trump hard hatWhat you will find in all of Donald Trump’s positions, is a paradigm shift he necessarily understands must take place in order to accomplish the long-term goals for the U.S. citizen as it relates to “entitlements” or “structural benefits”.

All other candidates are beginning their policy proposals with a fundamentally divergent perception of the U.S. economy. They are working with, and retaining the outlook of, a U.S. economy based on “services”; a service-based economic model.

While this economic path has been created by decades old U.S. policy, and is ultimately the only historical economic path now taught in school, Trump intends to change the course entirely. Because so many shifts -policy nudges- have taken place in the past several decades, few academics and even fewer MSM observers, are able to understand how to get off this path and chart a better course.

Candidate Trump is proposing less dependence on foreign companies for cheap goods, (the cornerstone of a service economy) and a return to a more balanced U.S. larger economic model where the manufacturing and production base can be re-established and competitive based on American entrepreneurship and innovation.

No other economy in the world innovates like the U.S.A, Trump sees this as a key advantage across all industry – including manufacturing.

The benefit of cheap overseas labor, which is considered a global market disadvantage for the U.S., is offset by utilizing innovation and energy independence.

The third highest variable cost of goods beyond raw materials first, labor second, is energy. If the U.S. energy sector is unleashed -and fully developed- the manufacturing price of any given product will allow for global trade competition even with higher U.S. wage prices.

In addition the U.S. has a key strategic advantage with raw manufacturing materials such as: iron ore, coal, steel, precious metals and vast mineral assets which are needed in most new modern era manufacturing. Trump proposes we stop selling these valuable national assets to countries we compete against – they belong to the American people, they should be used for the benefit of American citizens. Period.

EXAMPLE: Currently China buys and recycles our heavy (steel) and light (aluminum) metal products (for pennies on the original manufacturing dollar) and then uses those metals to reproduce manufactured goods for sale back to the U.S. – Donald Trump is proposing we do the manufacturing ourselves with the utilization of our own resources; and we use the leverage from any sales of these raw materials in our international trade agreements.

When you combine FULL resource development (in a modern era) with with the removal of over-burdensome regulatory and compliance systems, necessarily filled with enormous bureaucratic costs, Donald Trump feels we can lower the cost of production and be globally competitive. In essence, Trump changes the economic paradigm, and we no longer become a dependent nation relying on a service driven economy.

In addition, an unquantifiable benefit comes from investment, where the smart money play -to get increased return on investment- becomes putting capital INTO the U.S. economy, instead of purchasing foreign stocks.

With all of the above opportunities in mind, this is how we get on the pathway to rebuilding our national infrastructure. The demand for labor increases, and as a consequence so too does the U.S. wage rate which has been stagnant (or non-existent) for the past three decades.

As the wage rate increases, and as the economy expands, the governmental dependency model is reshaped and simultaneously receipts to the U.S. treasury improve. More money into the U.S Treasury and less dependence on welfare programs have a combined exponential impact. You gain a dollar, and have no need to spend a dollar. That is how the SSI and safety net programs are saved under President Trump.

When you elevate your economic thinking you begin to see that all of the “entitlements” or expenditures become more affordable with an economy that is fully functional. As the GDP of the U.S. expands, so does our ability to meet the growing need of the retiring U.S. worker. We stop thinking about how to best divide a limited economic pie, and begin thinking about how many more economic pies we can create.


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Reminder – Donald Trump’s 2016 NRO Critics Were President Obama’s 2009 Fan-Boys…

REMINDER – By now almost everyone has acknowledged that Donald Trump has ripped the masks from most of the modern professional punditry who espoused to be conservatives yet showed their hidden ideological colors as elite globalists.

In June millions of Fox News viewers saw FOX’s entire line-up of professional pundits proclaim borders shouldn’t matter; border walls won’t work; illegal alien amnesty was the only viable solution to decades of unenforced immigration law; and this was only in week #1 of Donald Trump’s campaign.

Since June ’15, on almost every issue those same pundits have now openly aligned themselves with GOPe agenda items like global trade, tax policy, big government spending, and advocacy to including advancement of Speaker Paul ‘Omnibus’ Ryan.

However, a sharp reader, DrudgeAddict, smartly points out these same voices were the exact group who gathered together in an exclusive meeting with President Obama in 2009 to sing his praises after the ’08 election. Including :

    George Will
    Michael Barone
    David Brooks
    Charles Krauthammer
    Bill Kristol
    Lawrence Kudlow
    Rich Lowry
    Peggy Noonan

All in attendance. The post-meeting/dinner report in The New Yorker Magazine holds the following quotes told by the glowing participants of their time with President Obama:

    Richard Lowry:“the only presidential candidate from either party about whom there is a palpable excitement”.

    Charles Krauthammer: “Obama would be a president with the political intelligence of a Bill Clinton harnessed to the steely self-discipline of a Vladimir Putin”, who would “bestride the political stage as largely as did Reagan.”

    Bill Kristol:“I look forward to Obama’s inauguration with a surprising degree of hope and good cheer.”

    Larry Kudlow: “[Obama] loves to deal with both sides of the issue.” “He revels in the back and forth. And he wants to keep the dialogue going with conservatives.”

Indeed, it sounds like a joyful political love-fest amid the smitten beltway punditry in 2009.

George Will crop

So is it really a surprise to read or hear their current, and collective, opinion of the horribly unwashed pro-America vulgarian Trump?

Let’s review. Starting with the pundit who coined the term “vulgarian”, George Will:

George Will 2015: “Donald Trump Supporters Need To Come Into The Republican Party On Our Terms, Not Theirs” (link with video)

Rich Lowry 2015: “Look Trump attacks everyone but she’s become a much bigger target. And I think part of what’s going on here is that last debate. Let’s be honest, Carly cut his balls off with the precision of a surgeon“. (link with video)

Charles Krauthammer 2015: …”[…] And the pity is this: this is the strongest field of Republican candidates in 35 years. You could pick a dozen of them at random and have the strongest cabinet America has had in our lifetime, and instead, all of our time is spent discussing this rodeo clown.” (link)

Bill Kristol 2015: […] “I doubt I’d support Donald. I doubt I’d support the Democrat. I think I’d support getting someone good on the ballot as a third party candidate.” (link)

( Via Instapundit ) AUGUST 2015 […] GOP establishment is trying so hard to discredit Trump that they don’t seem to realize that they are angering a large portion of their own constituency, which is hungering for leadership and a willingness to openly defy P.C. norms. To paraphrase Hamlet, me thinks they dost protest too much, and it is beginning to backfire on them and cause them to take openly hypocritical positions.

Indeed, they are now taking the position that deporting illegal immigrants is wrong. Oh, how the establishment loves to talk tough on immigration when it suits its purposes of ginning up conservatives on election day. But when a candidate comes along who actually wants to do something about the issue–and isn’t afraid to defy political correctness to do so–the GOP establishment suddenly cries foul, and brands him a fool, dictator, or police state zealot. The necessary implication is that the GOP establishment is all hat, no cattle on immigration.

No wonder increasing numbers of those who self-identify as Republican now openly abhor the party, and it totters on the brink of implosion.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 12:29:54 am by HAPPY2BME »


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The Pontificating Arrogance of The GOPe

In a very clear and deliberate delivery of how the GOPe establishment view those who do not want to accept Jeb Bush in the White House, the republican party elitist and BFF of Charles Krauthammer, George Will, outlines the acceptable parameters for Donald Trump supporters -those unwashed, unintelligent masses- to be good little Republicans.

Money quote (ie. Sunlight upon how the GOPe feel about you) at 04:33:

    […]  These are voters the Republicans want, the Republicans want all voters, and particularly these voters, but to say that he’s tapped into something;… {shaking head} … Henry Wallace tapped into something, with the far left of American Politics in the late 40’s; the John Birch society tapped into something, George Wallace tapped into something, and it was up to the grown-ups in the labor movement in the late 1940’s, and the grown-ups in the conservative movement in the 1960’s to read those elements the riot act, and say: come back in, but come back in on our terms because we are not going down the road you want to go”…

Notice – As George Will begins to opine with the visible display of his superiority, and fully present his disgust toward the base of the party, he glances toward Laura Ingraham – because Will is judging how far he can go displaying his inherent disdain of the insufferable “crazies”, “hobbits” and “whacko birds”.

« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 12:37:27 am by HAPPY2BME »

Offline ABX

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Reminds me of Bruce Caitlyn Jenner.

He is going to say he is a woman, he is going to wear women's cloths and stuff a bra. He is going to declare in every outlet he is a woman.

But when it gets down to it, he has never been a woman in his history. He has no women parts, and until he started saying it recently, he never identified as a woman.

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Reminder – Donald Trump’s 2016 NRO Critics Were President Obama’s 2009 Fan-Boys…

So was Trump.

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Reminds me of Bruce Caitlyn Jenner.

He is going to say he is a woman, he is going to wear women's cloths and stuff a bra. He is going to declare in every outlet he is a woman.

But when it gets down to it, he has never been a woman in his history. He has no women parts, and until he started saying it recently, he never identified as a woman.

Great post!  :beer:
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

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Republicans Focus on the Positives; Democrats, on the Negatives

As would be expected, Republicans are much more likely than Democrats to give a substantive answer to the question asking about the potential positives associated with a Trump presidency. Over six in 10 Democrats do not name anything or answer "nothing" in response to the question, more than three times the percentage of Republicans who don't give an answer.

Republicans' views of Trump's positives break into the two main categories discussed previously, except with generally higher percentages for each than is the case for the national population as a whole.

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Trump's not a serious candidate.
He'll take himself out of the running as soon as his numbers start slipping.
Anyway, he's just a shill for the democrats.
He's only running to help Hillary Clinton get elected.
He's a liberal at heart.
He's got no detailed plans to fix anything.
And he has no party support, so he won't be able to work with congress.
He's just doing this for his ego.
He's gonna give his crony capitalist buddies special sweetheart deals.
He has no morals, so how can he be trusted?

Is that most of 'em? I'm sure I probably missed a few...dozen :silly:


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Reminds me of Bruce Caitlyn Jenner.

He is going to say he is a woman, he is going to wear women's cloths and stuff a bra. He is going to declare in every outlet he is a woman.

But when it gets down to it, he has never been a woman in his history. He has no women parts, and until he started saying it recently, he never identified as a woman.

Excellent.  I started to read the very first paragraph of Trump's claims ... I stopped ... it's hard to read something that you know is a lie.