Author Topic: Obama Threatens “Audacious” Barage Of Executive Actions For Final Year Of Nightmare  (Read 258 times)

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Obama Threatens “Audacious” Barage Of Executive Actions For Final Year Of Nightmare
Rick Wells 01/21/2016

Hussein Obama started our long nightmare with the grim fairy tale about the Audacity of Hope. It’s a drivel fest that is, just as with Mein Kampf, worth reading only as an insight into the twisted mind of the enemy. As we look longingly at the prospect of Obama’s departure, Obama is now elevating the threat level, hinting that the full assault on America is going to include the liberal abuse of executive actions implemented in such a manner as to make it as difficult as possible for a subsequent president to undo the damage. There’s a word for governing in such a manner by executive fiat; dictatorship.

The Hill reports comments made by White House chief of staff Denis McDonough this week in which he used that same word, “audacious,” to describe the nature of the executive actions they have planned to unleash upon the American people.  He went further, promising that they are being carefully crafted to “make sure the steps we have taken are ones we can lock down and not be subjected to undoing through [Congress] or otherwise.”

Obama seems quite certain that public sentiment will be against whatever he’s seeking to unilaterally impose upon us. Given his record of abuse, he’s probably right.

In typical Obama fashion, a regime official refused to answer when asked which were the most likely executive actions to be inflicted upon the American people. He’s quoted as saying, “The ‘president’ has laid out a number of issues he wants to work with Congress on, including approving the Trans-Pacific Partnership, reforming our criminal justice system, authorizing the use of military force against ISIL, tackling heroin abuse, addressing poverty, and supporting a moon shot to cure cancer. But the ‘president’ has also been clear that he’s not going to hesitate to act when Congress fails to do so.”
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The TPP is a sovereignty-killing surrender of power to foreign and world governments and international corporations disguised as a trade bill. It also includes phony climate change mechanisms as well an exploitative alternative legal system to benefit the global elites. As bad as it is for the American people and our nation, it’s a certainty that both the executive and legislative branches will be getting a running start to shove this down our throats. Mitch McConnell has already indicated a lame duck session approval is likely, when the people have minimal influence in combating Congressional treachery. It’s just a matter of waiting for the lame duck session for Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan’s upcoming matinee presentation of “Mystery Bull Crap Theater.”

Some of the other executive order issues which may be real or may be diversionary include equal pay, campaign finance reform, infringing upon the Second Amendment and closing Gitmo during a time of a pretend, non-combative war on terrorism.

As for closing Gitmo, if Obama chooses to take his now familiar and favored dictatorship route, he would be defying a law passed by Congress that explicitly bars him from transferring Guantánamo detainees into the country. But Obama supporters aren’t generally interested in arguments that restrict his abuse of power. They invent, fabricate and falsely pretend, as the quoted Democrat strategist Brad Bannon does, in justifying or explaining away the abuse of power exhibited by Hussein Obama.

He claims that Article II of the Constitution gives the president the legal authority to decide not only where to put troops, but also where to hold prisoners. He’s completely off base. There is no such language. Article l Section 8 does cover a wide range of issues dealing with the military and even some regarding prisoners. All of those powers reside in Congress. It’s clearly one of those “cause Obama wants to” determinations based upon fabrication and the fact that the Republican leadership is working for them. As Ryan and McConnell proved with the Omnibus, they’ll give Obama anything and everything he wants, no questions asked.