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Hillary: I Haven't Been Interviewed by FBI on Email

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Hillary: I Haven't Been Interviewed by FBI on Email
Sunday, January 17, 2016 10:18 AM

By: Greg Richter

Hillary Clinton gave a curt answer Sunday when asked if she had yet been interviewed by the FBI about the private email server she used as secretary of state.

"In terms of the status of the FBI investigation into your private e-mail server, have you been interviewed by the FBI yet?" asked Jake Tapper at the close of an interview for CNN's "State of the Union."

"No," Clinton said, shaking her head.

"You haven't," Tapper confirmed as Clinton continued shaking her head and Tapper closed out the interview.

Lando Lincoln:
She may be truthful but given Clintonian word games, who the heck knows?  She may argue later it was an "interrogation". 

Lando Lincoln:

--- Quote from: Tom Rath on January 17, 2016, 03:55:26 pm ---She would either lie, obfuscate, or take the fifth, so there isn't really any need to interview her when pretty much all the facts needed are already there.

--- End quote ---

If I were heading up an investigation against her, I would have the facts well known and the answers to my questions established before I even considered interviewing her.

My guess is that if Hillary said no, it most definitely is yes.

I can't imagine the FBI investigation would not include interviewing the perp.

And were I Hillary (God forbid!), I would be complaining that my POV was not being considered if no one had interviewed me, and that it could in no way be 'fair.'

Don' forget, she's been around an absolute genius at parsing for the last few decades.

I Haven't Been Interviewed by FBI on Email.

Probably true. They're more interested in the corruption aspects anyway, that takes priority.

Though if I were running the investigation, I'd get my ducks in a row, THEN interview her. More than likely after arresting her. Lean on the small fry first is a time honored tactic because it works.


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