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Starnes: Why Liberals Are Foaming At The Mouth Over 'New York Values'

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--- Quote from: libertybele on January 15, 2016, 09:06:11 pm ---Agreed.  It was a major faux pas by Cruz; not because of what he said so much as because of Trump's answer -- which was very sincere and heartfelt.  Trump turned it around to appear that Cruz was attacking the first responders in NYC.  I watched the entire debate and it seemed at the very end that Cruz realized he had sunk him self -- and called out to the first responders, police, fire men, military, etc., and told them he had their back.

I felt this was Trump's best debate yet.  Cruz had a good debate; but not his best.  You are correct, the media has already made it an issue. Trump did help with his comment that NY Times never gets it right. Even though I got the gist of what Cruz said; it just didn't come across that it was an attack on his liberalism or liberal roots to the very end and by that time it was too late.  If I was going to place bets ... Trump just picked up New York. If Trump would have delivered the same line to Cruz - it would have worked. Cruz needs to stick to what has worked for him -- don't engage first, move forward and remain positive. As for Iowa, I don't think NYC comment will be an issue, but time will tell.

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Cruz is a great guy and would make good POTUS. Personally either TRUMP or CRUZ or we all LOSE . Once he gets the QUESTION behind him things will get better for both he and TRUMP. Looking at some debate results and between the two they controlled about 90% of the votes. Like those odds! :patriot:


The distinction should be drawn between "New York [state] values" and "New York [City] values".

Get above Poughkeepsie, and there are quite a few more conservative New Yorkers than you might otherwise think.

South of there, Long Island, Westchester county -- fuggeddaboutit.

A nice graphic that hints about what "New York [City] values" represent:


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