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Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« on: January 15, 2016, 12:52:21 pm »
Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
Brian Anderson
January 15, 2016

While most people are talking about the Donald Trump/Ted Cruz “birther” battle from Thursday’s GOP debate, I think that’s just a silly distraction. For me, I want to know where the candidates stand on our 2nd Amendment rights, something that hasn’t really been discussed in previous debates. I’d say Marco Rubio won this part of the night hands down and Chris Christie lost chins down.

The candidates were each given a chance to state their position on gun control. Jeb Bush was up first and used his time to talk about the Charleston church shooting. Next! Give it up Jeb, you’re not going to be president.

Donald Trump basically talked about mental health stuff, and didn’t bring up his liberal past where he whole-heartedly supported gun control.

Then, moderator Niel Cavuto threw this out to Marco Rubio:

“Senator Rubio, you said that President Obama wants to take people’s guns away. Yet under his presidency, gun sales have more than doubled. That doesn’t sound like a White House that is unfriendly to gun owners,” said Cavuto.

“That sounds like the people are afraid the president is going to take their guns away,” said Rubio, nailing it.

“The 2nd Amendment is not an option. It is not a suggestion. It is a Constitutional right of every American to be able to protect themselves and their families,” Rubio said.

Rubio continued, hammering Obama and his anti-gun fantasies:

“I am convinced that if this president could confiscate every gun in America, he would. I am convinced that this president, if he could get rid of the Second Amendment, he would. I’m convinced because I see how he works with his attorney general not to defend the Second Amendment but to figure out ways to undermine it. I have seen him appoint people to our courts not to defend the 2nd Amendment but to figure out ways to undermine it,” said Rubio.

He then went in for some truth that Obama and the liberals can’t handle:

“Here’s my second problem – none of these instances that the president points to as the reason why he’s doing these things would have been prevented. You know why? Because criminals don’t buy their guns from a gun show, they don’t buy their guns from a collector, and they don’t buy their guns from a gun store. They steal them; they get them on the black market. And let me tell you, ISIS and terrorists do not get their guns at a gun show,” he said.

And then he let Obama have it a little bit more:

“If there is an act of violence in America [Obama’s] immediate answer before he even knows the facts is gun control. Here’s a fact: We are in a war against ISIS. They are trying to attack us here in America. They attacked us in Philadelphia last week and they attacked us in San Bernardino…and the last line standing between them and our families might be us and a gun. When I’m President of the United States, we are defending the Second Amendment, not undermining it the way Barack Obama does,” finished Rubio to thunderous applause.

RINO Chris Christie tried to explain the gun control laws he signed as Governor of New Jersey away by saying it was okay because he worked with legislators on it and Obama’s approach is to use executive action. Boo!

Ted Cruz was last. His answer wasn’t necessarily bad, but he kind wandered around not really answering the question with that creepy used car salesman/ambulance chaser lawyer way he has.

Oh wait, I forgot about Ben Carson. And so did everyone else.

In the end, I feel like Marco Rubio was the only candidate that talked about gun rights with any passion or sincerity. I’m not totally a single-issue voter, but the 2nd Amendment is a very important issue to me and after the debate I believe Rubio would be the best protector of it.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 12:53:32 pm by rangerrebew »

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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2016, 01:06:18 pm »
All sounded more like Trump than Trump?  :silly:

By the way Rubio is being sued over his birther issue
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 04:44:30 pm by Longiron »

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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2016, 01:25:18 pm »
Sure, but given Rubio's history of saying one thing on the campaign trail and another in DC, the answer is meaningless noise.


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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2016, 01:31:55 pm »
Sure, but given Rubio's history of saying one thing on the campaign trail and another in DC, the answer is meaningless noise.


Donald Trump is the only one running you can't say that about.

Of course, this is the first time he's ever ran for public office.

That has to be a plus.

Rubio is a charmer.  Trump is not.

Do we need a charmer or a president?  Nobody knows what Trump will do in keeping his promises.  We do know Rubio's track record.


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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2016, 01:35:18 pm »
Agreed, rangerrebow,  Rubio's answer was thoughtful, grounded in the Constitution, and reasonable.   

So what's that you say, Longiron, about Trump's birthers now going after Rubio, too?   Is that all Trump's got -  threats to let out the lawyers?   It amazes me how so many of the "grass roots" types have been suckered by this uber-priviliged, draft-dodging billionaire who's grown up in a world of lawyers, litigation and winking at mobsters.     
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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2016, 01:36:07 pm »
These election lemon lot sales are 1,000% predictable.

And the political and historical memory of the average Democrat is somewhere around eight hours.  Two days for Republicans.

Here's what you'll get with Pretty Boy . .

The Ugly Truth About Marco Rubio And His Gang-of-Eight Amnesty Bill


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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2016, 01:37:19 pm »
Agreed, rangerrebow,  Rubio's answer was thoughtful, grounded in the Constitution, and reasonable.   

So what's that you say, Longiron, about Trump's birthers now going after Rubio, too?   Is that all Trump's got -  threats to let out the lawyers?   It amazes me how so many of the "grass roots" types have been suckered by this uber-priviliged, draft-dodging billionaire who's grown up in a world of lawyers, litigation and winking at mobsters.   


George W. Bush went AWOL for over a year.

What is new?

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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2016, 01:37:38 pm »

Trump talks about owning, and carrying, a gun. Rubio says what he needs to say to win.

Advantage Trump. I will take the gun owner over a politician talking.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 01:38:25 pm by GAJohnnie »

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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2016, 01:39:05 pm »
All sounded more like Trump than Trump?  :silly:

By the way Rubio is being sued over his birther issue

Having caught up (I missed the debate) - I thought Trump gave the best answer to that. I know, don't let it go to your head. Still don't like the guy.

Trump started out with the assumption that the question was stupid - the 2A is and that's all that needs be said on that score. Then he went on to drive home the point that most shooters (except arguably terrorists) are mentally ill, and the mentally ill are pretty much ignored UNTIL and UNLESS they pull some shit.

Respect to him.

Regular bitching will now continue.  :tongue2:
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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2016, 01:41:38 pm »
It amazes me how so many of the "grass roots" types have been suckered by this uber-priviliged, draft-dodging billionaire who's grown up in a world of lawyers, litigation and winking at mobsters.   

That description fits all of the candidates, none of them served and all of them are multi-millionaires, lawyers/hyper-educated and familiar with the cartel, so what is your point?

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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2016, 01:42:11 pm »
.  Nobody knows what Trump will do in keeping his promises.

So you'll vote for him anyway?

Years ago, Trump was pro-choice

But you'll vote for him anyway.

He's been on record gushing about single-payer, government-run health insurance.

But you'll vote for him anyway.

He's always been cozy with the Clintons,  gave 'em money and lent 'em his prestige, and never gave a thin dime to Ronald Reagan.

But you'll vote for him anyway.   

The man has a thirty-year record of verbal diarrhea.

But you'll vote for him anyway.

Do you keep your common sense in a lock box?   
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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2016, 01:45:29 pm »
That description fits all of the candidates, none of them served and all of them are multi-millionaires, lawyers/hyper-educated and familiar with the cartel, so what is your point?

It fits Donald Trump, sir, and that's the point.  Don't be suckered into his cult of personality.   
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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2016, 02:09:24 pm »
Sure, but given Rubio's history of saying one thing on the campaign trail and another in DC, the answer is meaningless noise.

 :thumbsup2: :hands:
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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2016, 02:33:34 pm »
Agreed, rangerrebow,  Rubio's answer was thoughtful, grounded in the Constitution, and reasonable.   

So what's that you say, Longiron, about Trump's birthers now going after Rubio, too?   Is that all Trump's got -  threats to let out the lawyers?   It amazes me how so many of the "grass roots" types have been suckered by this uber-priviliged, draft-dodging billionaire who's grown up in a world of lawyers, litigation and winking at mobsters.   

Prove any of your accusation. i say you are a liar. Prove me wrong. BTW, just repeating the lies is not "proof". Documented creditable evidence.

Amazes me why a obvious Progressive Leftist wastes all his time spewing his venom here. NO one is going to be swayed by your hyperbolic retroic and emotional hysterics here. Unlike you Leftists, Conservatives are swayed by Reason, not Emotion
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 02:36:24 pm by GAJohnnie »

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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2016, 02:48:55 pm »
Agreed, rangerrebow,  Rubio's answer was thoughtful, grounded in the Constitution, and reasonable.   

So what's that you say, Longiron, about Trump's birthers now going after Rubio, too?   Is that all Trump's got -  threats to let out the lawyers?   It amazes me how so many of the "grass roots" types have been suckered by this uber-priviliged, draft-dodging billionaire who's grown up in a world of lawyers, litigation and winking at mobsters.   

Actually, from my understanding and from what I've read, most of the candidates' eligibility was questioned (including Trump) upon their application to qualify in New Hampshire -- I don't see that as the work of Trump birther's but rather New Hampshire being for 'establishment'. 

Trump has a lot more to go after Rubio on than his birth issues; illegal immigration and belonging to the Gang of 8, his leaving the Senate and remarking that he didn't like his job, and campaigning as an anti-amnesty candidate in order to get into the Senate gives Trump plenty to sink him on.  However, Rubio isn't polling high enough for Trump to really go after him.  Rubio has sunk his own ship.  Secondly, BOTH of his parents were NOT U.S. citizens at the time of his birth; but he was born on U.S. soil - so does that disqualify him or make him more eligible than Cruz??
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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2016, 02:54:59 pm »

George W. Bush went AWOL for over a year.

What is new?

That sir is a damnable LIE and has been proven so many times now!

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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2016, 03:04:32 pm »
Having caught up (I missed the debate) - I thought Trump gave the best answer to that. I know, don't let it go to your head. Still don't like the guy.

Trump started out with the assumption that the question was stupid - the 2A is and that's all that needs be said on that score. Then he went on to drive home the point that most shooters (except arguably terrorists) are mentally ill, and the mentally ill are pretty much ignored UNTIL and UNLESS they pull some shit.

Respect to him.

Regular bitching will now continue.  :tongue2:

The mental health aspects of mass shootings are germane, but tend to complicate 2nd amendment issues.

However, it behooves us to squarely face the issue of mental health medications and their potential side effects for suicidial and homicidal ideation. It's right there in the information that comes with antipsychotic medicines; take these and a nightmare of unintended adverse effects are possible.

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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2016, 03:06:54 pm »
That sir is a damnable LIE and has been proven so many times now!

Of course. Dan Rather was fired because of these lies he and his producer promulgated.

Bush being awol while he was in the national guard is a left wing lie.

I can't believe it's still making the circuit.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 03:09:31 pm by aligncare »

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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2016, 03:11:59 pm »
Prove any of your accusation. i say you are a liar. Prove me wrong. BTW, just repeating the lies is not "proof". Documented creditable evidence.

Amazes me why a obvious Progressive Leftist wastes all his time spewing his venom here. NO one is going to be swayed by your hyperbolic retroic and emotional hysterics here. Unlike you Leftists, Conservatives are swayed by Reason, not Emotion

I was a conservative before you were born, sir.   I voted for Reagan in 1976, back when he was the conservative insurgent against the GOP establishment of his day.  I hardly recognize the dark, whining, paranoid, nativist "conservatism" of today.   Reagan was the greatest President in the history of this Republic.  Trump isn't worthy to shine his shoes.   IMO, no one who is swayed by "reason" can support Donald Trump and his cynical exploitation of anger and resentment.     
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 03:12:55 pm by Jazzhead »
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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2016, 03:13:41 pm »
Of course. Dan Rather was fired because of these lies he and his producer promulgated.

Bush being awol while he was in the national guard is a left wing lie.

I can't believe it's still making the circuit.

Only among the Trump-pets. 
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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2016, 03:27:41 pm »
Only among the Trump-pets.

Your post falls on deaf ears.

I'm conservative, and I support Trump-pets, as you insultingly put it.

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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #21 on: January 15, 2016, 03:31:04 pm »
Your post falls on deaf ears.

I'm conservative, and I support Trump-pets, as you insultingly put it.

So do you think George W. Bush "went AWOL for a year"?   Does it bother you that Trump brags about his "service" at a military-style prep school for overprivileged brats?   
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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2016, 03:34:48 pm »
Only among the Trump-pets.

Jazz -- is their a reason that you seem to be going against the conservative leaning posters in here???  Just curious as it is called the "GOP" briefing room.  Everyone is welcome, but I feel we have all developed a sense of respect for each other in here and I find your attacks unwarranted and with little validity. You stated, only among the Trump-pets?  Really?  Well, I don't consider myself a Trump-pet, but Rather was fired for his inaccuracy (LIES) in reporting.  Secondly, Bush was not AWOL from the National Guard, in fact he was honorably discharged.  P.S. the keyword being 'honorable'.
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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2016, 03:55:27 pm »
Jazz -- is their a reason that you seem to be going against the conservative leaning posters in here??? 

I have nothing against conservative-leaning posters here.   I've said I'm not a Cruz supporter, but I respect those here who back him.  He's not my cup of tea,  mainly for pragmatic reasons,  but I accept that his supporters are idealistic and patriotic and I'll back him myself if he's the nominee.

My big issue, right now, is Trump.  Simply put, I think he's dangerous, to the nation and the future of the conservative movement.  I've got to do a better job of differentiating between Trump and Trump supporters, some of whom, I assume, are good people.  (Note here that I'm paraphrasing Trump's own characterization of Mexicans.)   But like many old-time Republicans,  Trump's appeal continues to confound me, especially given the surfeit of good, principled conservatives in this race. 

I'll try to do better at focusing my criticism at Trump rather than his supporters.   But for the life of me I don't understand how his supporters can overlook his dangerous and profoundly divisive qualities.   
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 03:57:13 pm by Jazzhead »
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Re: Marco Rubio Wins GOP Debate For His 2nd Amendment Answer Alone
« Reply #24 on: January 15, 2016, 04:11:24 pm »
I was a conservative before you were born, sir.   I voted for Reagan in 1976, back when he was the conservative insurgent against the GOP establishment of his day.  I hardly recognize the dark, whining, paranoid, nativist "conservatism" of today.   Reagan was the greatest President in the history of this Republic.  Trump isn't worthy to shine his shoes.   IMO, no one who is swayed by "reason" can support Donald Trump and his cynical exploitation of anger and resentment.   

LOL!  Jazz--it will help you understand what's happening if you change your line of sight from reverse to forward.   The 80's are over.