Author Topic: Oil could crash to $10 a barrel, warn investment bank bears  (Read 851 times)

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Oil could crash to $10 a barrel, warn investment bank bears
« on: January 13, 2016, 02:09:37 pm »
Petrol prices could fall back to levels last seen in 2009 as major banks say there is no bottom in sight for the world's lopsided market

 Oil prices have crashed to below $30-a-barrel amid warnings the rout could reach as low as $10 and bring down petrol prices to levels last seen in 2009.

Standard Chartered became the latest major bank to downgrade its oil outlook to $10, joining the likes of Goldman Sachs, RBS and Morgan Stanley in making ultra-bearish calls as prices have collapsed by 15pc this year.

Brent crude has now slipped to a fresh 12-year low of $30.41 a barrel, while West Texas Intermediate - the US benchmark - is trading at $29.93 - a level last seen in December 2013. Analysts warned the oil market remains fundmentally out of balance as record over-supply and stagnant demand weighs on traders.

No fundamental relationship is currently driving the oil market towards any equilibrium

 Standard Chartered said there was no bottom in sight until "money managers in the market conceded that matters had gone too far".

"Given that no fundamental relationship is currently driving the oil market towards any equilibrium, prices are being moved almost entirely by financial flows caused by fluctuations in other asset prices, including the dollar and equity markets," said Standard Chartered.

Oil last slumped to $10 during the height of the Asian financial crisis in 1998. A $10 world would lead to petrol prices falling back to 86p-per-litre, said Simon Williams at RAC.

"The last time we saw average prices this low was in early 2009", said Mr Williams. "However, for prices to get this low the pound would have to get no weaker against the dollar than it is today."

Oil fell close to $10 a barrel in 1998.

 Christine Lagarde, chief of the International Monetary Fund, said supply and demand factors meant commodity prices were "likely to stay low for a sustained period".

Calling the bottom of the market was "akin to catching a falling knife" in today's febrile environment, said Michael Hewson at CMC.

"When the clamour for lower prices becomes a stampede, warning signs and alarm bells tend to start going off, which suggests that a more prudent approach might be advisable," he said.

The warnings came as Opec - the cartel that controls a third of the world's supply - said it would not cede to requests from some of its members to hold an emergency meeting.

 Opec meets twice a year, but its latest gathering in December ended in a fractious stalemate over production targets, as Saudi Arabia and Iran struggle for dominance of the world's market share.

With the next regular meeting scheduled for June, Nigeria's oil minister said at least two members had called for an extraordinary gathering to address the price rout. But hopes were quickly dashed after the United Arab Emirates dismissed the prospect.

Energy minister Suhail bin Mohammed al-Mazroui said Opec's decision to maintain production and crowd out rivals was still bearing dividend, hinting that it would take another 18 months for prices to start picking up.

 "I'm not convinced Opec alone can change or can solely, unilaterally, change this strategy just because we have seen a low in the market," said Mr al-Mazroui.

The 13-member cartel has said it would only agree on lower production targets if non-Opec states - notably Russia - also signed up to reduce their record output.

"Something has to give," warned analysts at Energy Aspects, who calculate that demand for oil ground to halt due to an unsesaonably warm end to the year.

"The scale of supply declines has to be even higher to kick-start the rebalancing," they said.

"Even though weather is normalising somewhat, and supplies are starting to decline, the risk of further price falls and weakness in spreads is still on the cards."


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Re: Oil could crash to $10 a barrel, warn investment bank bears
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2016, 02:16:09 pm »

Bankruptcies in the sector in the second half of last year exceeded the levels witnessed during the financial crisis, according to Bank of America, as low prices have resulted in a “huge reduction” in investment.

Crude reckoning: what will oil price slump mean for the global economy?

Oil hits new low of less than $32 per barrel and could plunge further, increasing pressure on US and Middle East producers

 The current oil rout is now worse than any since 1970, with the price of Brent crude slumping from $115 a barrel in the summer of 2014 to an 11-year low below $32.

The slump has roiled global financial markets and oil exporters. But for many of us, cheaper oil is a good thing. However, the strain of cheap crude is beginning to mount. Who will the winners and losers be if oil prices stay low?

Why have oil prices fallen?

 Commodity prices, like most others, are determined by two factors: supply and demand. The longer-term oil price sell-off has been led by a rise in supply, as US production has picked up with the advent of shale gas investment on a large scale.

More recently, the failure of oil cartel Opec last month to agree to new production ceilings signalled that exporters still aren’t sure how to deal with lower prices.

Meanwhile, crude demand has faltered as China, the world’s second largest economy, pivots away from energy-intensive industrial growth, towards a more consumption-led model of development. That has come amid signs of weakness in emerging markets, indicating that demand for oil will be lower.

Will crude prices keep falling?

 A number of potential catalysts could drive oil yet lower. Some analysts have said that $20 a barrel is now not out of the question, or even below that.

Many China watchers believe that Beijing's economic slowdown could spark a further weakening in the oil price. Recent warm weather, along with forecasts of more to come, should also mean there is less demand for oil.

Oil supply may also be set to rise, as Iran attempts to hit its targets, and US shale is resilient. Even if US shale production does not grow, but simply avoids decline, that would be negative for oil. A combination of these factors could mean that oil prices fall further.

Who has suffered with prices so low?

 Many oil exporters have already been put under pressure by the slump in prices. Among them, Russia and Latin American countries such as Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador.

Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, last month insisted that the country’s economic crisis had peaked, despite being “hugely dependent” on global factors such as the oil price.

Analysts have criticised Moscow’s officials for failing to diversify the economy, which does little else than “facilitate rent extraction”.

 Gulf states have also come under strain, with Saudi Arabia unveiling a record budget deficit of 367bn riyals (£67bn) for last year.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch economists said the oil price slump meant that “the era of [Saudi’s] material overspending is likely firmly behind us”.

Analysts at Deutsche Bank said that “history shows the potential for geopolitical tensions in the Middle East to push oil prices higher”, and the possibility of instability in the region could interrupt production. Low prices themselves could provide a catalyst, as cheap oil undermines the outlook of Middle East economies.

How much pain is in store for the developed world?

 High-profile victims to date have all been in emerging markets. While cheap oil has been painful for some sectors in developed economies, this has been counteracted by the benefits reaped by consumers. Low oil prices have kept inflation close to zero, acting as an effective tax cut for many.

However, analysts have warned that prices could now be approaching an inflection point for the US economy, where many oil producers could be at risk of default. Danske Bank described crude price declines as a “risk to the US economy”, as low prices put pressure on the oil sector.

While oil investment makes up just 1pc of US GDP, declines last year dragged GDP down 0.4 percentage points. Analysts at the Danish bank believe weak oil could pull down US GDP again this year.

 Bankruptcies in the sector in the second half of last year exceeded the levels witnessed during the financial crisis, according to Bank of America, as low prices have resulted in a “huge reduction” in investment.

While the negative impacts of oil arrive immediately, the positive effects take longer to materialise. While oil might act as a depressant for now, it will become a stimulant later.

For eurozone countries, the outlook is much rosier. The German bank believes that the renewed oil sell-off could add to growth for euro area economies across 2016. It looks like cheap oil will help the currency bloc yet again.