Author Topic: Pope Promotes Islamic Invasion: Those ‘Humanistic Spirits’ Are Collateral Damage  (Read 308 times)

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Pope Promotes Islamic Invasion: Those ‘Humanistic Spirits’ Are Collateral Damage
Rick Wells 01/13/2016

UN darling and global government advocate Pope Francis showed a bit of the shadow of Karl Marx that is hiding just beneath his robes in a proclamation made during a major address at the Vatican on Monday. Francis has been a prominent and vocal proponent of open borders and unrestricted global migration, the very source of the tensions that are now threatening the societal fabric of Europe and its Judeo-Christian heritage with extinction.

Francis told the gathering of diplomats, at what is known as his “State of the World Address,” that “the present wave of migration seems to be undermining the foundations of that ‘humanistic spirit‘ which Europe has always loved and defended.” It’s undermining far more than a spirit, it’s threatening the very existence of civilization as they have known it.

Many of those threats exist both with the aid and blessing of the open borders, UN global governance advocate and Argentine Marxist turned Pope. Blurring the lines between religious leader and UN operative, Francis told his audience that the Vatican is looking forward to the United Nations’ World Humanitarian Summit in May, to succeed in “placing the personal and human dignity at the heart of every humanitarian response.”

Not only are we expected to respond in what he designates as a humanitarian manner to invading hordes, but it is to be done without consideration as to the reciprocal damage being inflicted upon the civilized nations being victimized under the onslaught.

The orchestrated invasion has had the support of Pope Francis since its inception, with his being one of the loudest voices arguing in favor of diluting European and American culture with that of Islamic Middle Easterners and North Africans. Fundamental transformation is not only a plague upon the United States inflicted by Hussein Obama, Europe under the EU, in conjunction with the Pope’s efforts is being similarly targeted. Both will have to fight for survival in the face of the “Syrian refugee” crisis.
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We remember back, during his visit in September to Washington DC, the staged event where a child of five, Sophie Cruz, was somehow able to defeat the Papal security forces and rush her way into a public relations ploy advocating for attention to the “plight” of illegal aliens in the United States.

Francis spent much of 2015 in the position of global governance advocate through the scam of climate change, elevating the UN as the enforcer and superior legal authority over every aspect of life on the planet. Open immigration and what he and they prefer to label as “immigrant rights,” the supposed legitimacy of squatting upon the territory of a sovereign nation against the will of their citizens, are an integral part of his message.

Not only did he spend last year pressing that mantra and advocating in his June encyclical, he assisted during his September visit to the U.S as well, working in association with the forces of George Soros for the passage of the UN Sustainable Development Agreement in New York, a framework for global governance and global citizenship. The fraudulent “climate change” agreement is a delivery mechanism for global government, world citizenship, wealth redistribution, and compliance mandates.

Francis can’t keep his meddling hands out of American politics for long. He’s also coming to visit the US-Mexico border next month to hold a huge election year rally in support of those who choose to violate our sovereignty.

In September, Francis both downplayed the role of nations to generic land mass occupants and elevated the status of global citizen in comments which speak volumes to his continuing efforts. He said, “We, the people of this continent, are not fearful of foreigners, because most of us were once foreigners. I say this to you as the son of immigrants, knowing that so many of you are also descended from immigrants.”
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His message is clear; borders and therefore nations don’t matter. We’re all illegal squatters in Francis’ eyes and those who attempt to install a caliphate in the US are simply exercising their “immigrant rights” as they are in Europe and as the agricultural workers do.

Francis clearly has more in common with his countryman Che Guevara than he does with most of his Papal predecessors.