Author Topic: Mass sexual assault by Muslims covered up in Sweden for admitted political reasons  (Read 226 times)

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January 12, 2016
Mass sexual assault by Muslims covered up in Sweden for admitted political reasons
By Thomas Lifson

The failure of the cover-up of the mass sexual assaults by Muslim mean on New Year’s Eve in Cologne and elsewhere has broken a dam, revealing a pattern of similar politically-motivated cover-ups for years. Sweden is currently being rocked by the news that events similar to Cologne were covered up in 2014 and 2015. The Financial Times reports:

    Sweden’s prime minister has condemned his country’s own version of the Cologne mass sexual assault allegations and alleged police cover-up, calling claims of similar events at a youth festival in Stockholm “a double betrayal” of women and a “big democratic problem”.

    Swedish police promised an urgent investigation into the claims first reported by liberal newspaper Dagens Nyheter that a gang of youths — reportedly mostly from Afghanistan — groped and molested girls as young as 11 or 12 at the We Are Sthlm festival in both 2014 and 2015.

Consider that pre-adolescent Swedish girls were not warned about the danger of being sexually assaulted when they decided to attend the 2015 version of the festival. And the reason they were not warned involved the police expressly wishing to affect the politics:

    Referring to the cover-up allegations, Peter Agren, who was in charge of policing at the festival, was reported by Dagens Nyheter as saying: “This is a sore point. We sometimes dare not to say how it is because we think it might play into the hands of the Sweden Democrats.”

    Mattias Karlsson, head of the Sweden Democrats’ parliamentary group, called for Sweden’s police chief to resign.

    Bjorn Soder, a senior Sweden Democrats MP, added: “It is a scandal without equal. This must be investigated immediately. Could this be something that happened at several locations in the country, that they do not bother to tell you certain things because it could ‘play into the hands of a particular party’?”

The Sweden Democrats are the only political force in Sweden to recognize the dangers of mass Muslim immigration, and for this have routinely been demonized as “far right” and “neo-Nazi.” An official of the party told me a couple of months ago that all favorable mention of it or its issues has been locked out of the Swedish media, which is uniformly progressive and strongly backing multi-culti orthodoxy. The fact that Dagens Nyheter, a major newspaper, is now publicizing this cover-up and its motive indicates a shift in Sweden.

The New York Times quotes a Swedish “expert on hate crimes” bemoaning the breaking of the dam:

    David Brax, a researcher of hate crimes at the University of Goteborg, said by phone that the accusations would help agitate an already intensifying backlash toward immigrants as countries across Europe were grappling with fears that terrorists and criminals were seeking to enter the Continent by masquerading as refugees.

    He noted that the police might have hesitated to publicize the assaults for fear of stoking revenge attacks against immigrants. (snip)

    Mr. Brax said the emerging scandal in Sweden would embolden the far-right anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats, which won almost 13 percent of the vote in a 2014 general election.

    “It will probably be a boon for the populist far right who are now celebrating that there is now proof that media and police are covering up crimes perpetrated by immigrants,” he said.

We can't have the public knowing about mass sexual assaults because they might vote for the party that wants to stop them.

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