Author Topic: Obama releases Guantanamo detainee who announced plans to murder Americans  (Read 359 times)

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January 12, 2016
Obama releases Guantanamo detainee who announced plans to murder Americans
By Carol Brown

Obama’s final year includes releasing Guantánamo savages who will almost undoubtedly murder Americans.  Next in the growing line of people who want to, and plan to, murder Americans in the name of Allah is Muhammad Abd Al Rahman Awn Al-Shamrani (or Muhammad for short). He was released from Guantánamo on Monday and is the fourth detainee the Obama administration released this year. Breitbart reports:

    …U.S. officials determined him to be a “high risk” for recidivism, warning he would likely re-engage against the West should he be released from the detention facility. He also allegedly told guards at the facility that he would “kill Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan if released,” according to his leaked confidential file. (snip)

    According to leaked military documents, Al-Shimrani is an Al Qaeda recruiter who may have served as one of Osama bin Laden’s personal bodyguards. He was deemed to pose a “high risk” against the United States.

    “If released without rehabilitation, close supervision, and means to successfully reintegrate into his society as a law-abiding citizen, it is assessed detainee would immediately seek out prior associates and reengage in hostilities and extremist support activities at home and abroad,” said part of his file.

Umm. Unless I’m missing something, methinks this guy isn’t going to be successfully reintegrated into society as a law-abiding citizen no matter how much rehabilitation or supervision he has. (And I’m guessing he’ll get little of any of that, not that it would matter.)

In any case, despite the evidence Muhammad is a once-a-jihadist-always-a-jihadist kind of guy, the Obama administration sees it differently. Of course. “[A] periodic review board set up by the Obama administration determined that he does not pose a ‘continuing significant threat to the security of the United States.’ The periodic review board is made up of executive branch defense officials.”

Hmm. I wonder what they consider to be a “continuing significant threat.” Perhaps an intermittent threat to a small number of people is acceptable. And if Muhammad proves to actually be a “continuing significant threat,” well. Oh well.

Of course it’s no surprise the Obama administration would deny evidence that points to the extremely high likelihood that this savage will remain a savage who will kill innocent human beings. But that’s not Obama’s problem or concern.

Meanwhile, prior to Muhammad’s release this month, the Obama administration released three other detainees, including one suspected of being a jihad recruiter and expert propagandist. I’m sure there’s a job waiting for him with any number of terror organizations. Heck, his propaganda skills might even land him a high level position with a Democratic presidential campaign.

And in addition to the four Islamic terrorists released from Guantánamo so far this month, the administration plans to release nine more by the end of January. Naturally there is a list of rationalizations for doing so that lemmings across the country will gobble up (even applaud) without batting an eye and certainly without engaging their cerebral cortex.

    President Obama is expected to address the Guantánamo purge in his State of the Union (SOTU) Address on Tuesday. His chief of staff, Denis McDonough, told “Fox News Sunday” that the President will uphold his 2008 campaign promise to close the prison facility entirely. McDonough said the President will present a plan to Congress during the SOTU, detailing how he would close the detention center.

    “He feels an obligation to the next president. He will fix this so that they don’t have to be confronted with the same set of challenges,” McDonough said.

    The President has said that Guantánamo serves as a recruiting tool for jihadi terrorists, a claim that has been questioned by national security professionals.

Make a stupid campaign promise. Check.

Follow through on the promise, even in light of information that should cause one to rethink the original plan. Check.

Concoct a cockamamie story about being compelled to take this action so the next president won’t have to, as if the next president would want to. (Please, God, let the next president be someone sane.)

And to put the cherry on the sundae: make the now familiar claim that (fill in the blank that we do) serves as a recruiting tool for jihadists because heaven forbid anyone dare mention, say in passing, and quietly, just to test the waters, that the recruiting tool for jihadist is the Quran.

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