Author Topic: Excuses, excuses: Planetwide cover-up on Islamic violence. Media, governments shield Muslims who rape, kill  (Read 579 times)

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Excuses, excuses: Planetwide cover-up on Islamic violence
Media, governments shield Muslims who rape, kill
Published: 16 hours ago

Canadian authorities arrested two Muslim men and a third remains at large after an attempted mass shooting on a Calgary nightclub Sunday morning that is being reported as a "random" crime by some  major Canadian media outlets.

The incident could have easily resulted in another mass-casualty act of Islamic terror, similar to the Nov. 13 attack on a Paris concert hall, if not for the quick response of two bouncers.

The two staff members at Ten X nightclub in Calgary are being praised as heroes after they quickly tackled the shooter as he entered the establishment and fired at least three rounds into a crowd of unarmed people. One round struck a 38-year-old bar patron in the chest, and he is being treated at a local hospital with serious injuries. Bullets grazed several other patrons.

Despite the fact that the two suspects arrested have Muslim names – Mohamed Elmi, 31, and Mohamed Salad, 29, both of Calgary – Canada's establishment media is reporting the incident as a random crime with no mention of the suspects' immigration history or their possible links to terrorism. Nor have the early reports addressed the question of how the men obtained a handgun in a country with ultra-tight gun-control laws.

Articles in the CBC, the Calgary Sun and the Global News Network did not mention that the suspects were likely Muslim and placed the names of the suspects near the end of their stories.

See news clip from Canada's Global News Network below:

The attack comes on the heels of several mass shootings carried out by Islamic terrorists affiliated with the Islamic State, or ISIS. The Paris attacks killed 130 on Nov. 13, the Charlie Hebdo attacks killed dozens more in January 2015, and the San Bernardino attack killed 14 Americans at a Dec. 2 Christmas party. In May, a Muslim man in Chattanooga shot to death five U.S. servicemen.

But Calgary police Staff Sgt. Brad Glaicar told the Sun that it’s unclear whether the shooting Sunday was targeted or random.

All of the previous attacks were carried out against soft targets in no-gun zones.

Yet, President Obama wishes to make it harder for law-abiding Americans to obtain firearms for self-defense, extending background checks to private sales and calling on the medical profession to report patients to the background check system who may have had treatment for mental health issues, no matter how minor. At the same time, Obama is vowing to veto a bill in Congress – the American SAFE Act of 2015 – that would require enhanced background checks on Muslim refugees arriving in the U.S. from the jihadist hotbeds of Syria and Iraq.

The treatment of the story by the Canadian press mirrors the way German and Swedish media outlets have covered up or downplayed the rash of sexual assaults by Muslim migrants in those countries in recent weeks.

In Sweden, the police are under investigation for allegedly covering up a spate of sexual attacks on women by Muslim migrants, Bloomberg News reports.

In Germany, the government has reacted to the backlash against Muslim crime waves by cracking down on its own citizenry, saying it will prosecute "hate speech" on social media, the Washington Post reported. Muslim migrants have been implicated in more than 500 attacks, about 40 percent of them sexual, against German women in Cologne, Germany, on New Year's Eve. The attacks have touched off protests in which Germans have gone into the streets, only to be fired upon with water cannons by their own government.

After the San Bernardino attack, Obama's attorney general, Loretta Lynch, issued a similar warning against Americans, saying she would not hesitate to prosecute hate speech that incited violence against Muslims. She was forced to back down from that comment after a public outcry and backlash from several high-profile politicians including the former governor of New York, George Pataki, who challenged Lynch to arrest him first.

Police said they responded to a shooting at Ten X Nightclub at the 1100 Block of 10 Avenue in Calgary just before 2 a.m. Sunday morning.

Spencer Wallace, a part-time bouncer at Ten X, told CBC that one shot entered the bar and the shooter squeezed off two more while wrestling with front-door staff.

"Two bouncers that work out front, I'm not going to name them, but they grabbed this guy immediately," he said. "They pounced on him. Those guys are heroes, and they deserve nothing but praise. They stopped this from being so much worse."

Wallace said he feels lucky to be alive.

"I hear a gunshot, and I see a guy get shot in the chest, and I watch a door explode and watch a nightclub go from perfectly calm to sheer panic in about 10 seconds,” he said.

He said he will be quitting the bouncer job because he is not prepared to handle guys with guns.

"I am never going to put a security shirt back on. I have a day job, and guns are a whole other level of violence that I’m not prepared for and I do not want to deal with," Wallace told Global News Network. "I give these two guys nothing but the utmost respect and praise. They saved lives last night; there’s no doubt in my mind."



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Multiculturalism trumps protecting women from rape
Dennis Prager: German sensitivity to Islamophobia just latest example of moral distortion
Published: 9 hours ago

Since the scores of New Year’s Eve sexual attacks on German women by hundreds of men identified as Arab or North African, the left in Germany has faced a dilemma: which to fight for first – women’s human rights or multiculturalism?

This was the same dilemma that faced British authorities between 1997 and 2013. During those six years at least 1,400 girls from the age of 11 in just one English city (Rotherham, population 275,000) were raped by gangs of men, nearly all of whom were immigrants (mostly from Pakistan) or their sons.

But British authorities kept silent. Why?

In 2014, the reason finally was revealed: The perpetrators were Muslim, and British authorities were therefore afraid to publicize – or often even investigate – the crimes. They feared being branded Islamophobic and racist. Politicians on the left and right acknowledged this fact.

As I wrote in a column in 2014:

“In 2002, a Labor Party MP from nearby Keighley, Ann Cryer, complained to the police about ‘young Asian lads’ raping girls in her constituency. In her words, she ‘was shunned by elements of her party.’ And note, that as is demanded by the left in the U.K., she didn’t even mention that the rapists were Pakistani, lest Muslims be blamed for this evil. They were ‘Asian lads.'”

British Home Secretary Theresa May told Parliament that “institutionalized political correctness” was responsible for the lack of attention given to the mass rape.

In other words, between protecting over a thousand girls from repeated gang rape and protecting Muslims from being identified as the rapists, British authorities chose to protect multiculturalism and “diversity.” In the competition between multiculturalism and one of the most elementary instincts and obligations of higher civilization – the protection of girls and women from sexual violence – higher civilization lost.

The U.K. is of course not alone in having multiculturalism and the fear of being branded racist or Islamophobic take precedence over protecting girls and women. Some German authorities’ reaction to the events of New Year’s Eve in Cologne exemplified this.

After the attacks, the mayor of Cologne suggested, in the words of the New York Times, “that women can protect themselves from men on the streets by keeping them more than an arm’s length away.”

In the mayor’s words: “It is always possible to keep a certain distance that is longer than an arm’s length.”

Aside from the moral foolishness of the comment, it is factually incorrect. It is often impossible to keep an arm’s length distance from others – as, for example, on a crowded bus or train, or, as in Cologne on New Year’s Eve, on crowded streets.

It is important to note two things about the mayor. One is that she has been among Germany’s most vociferous advocates of accepting 800,000 Syrian refugees into Germany.

The other is that she is a woman.

One would assume that a woman would instinctively wholly condemn the sexual predators rather than lecture women on the distance they should always keep from men in order to avoid being attacked. But the mayor, like the British authorities, has opted for multiculturalism over human and women’s rights, for fighting Islamophobia over fighting to protect women.

A related example is Ralf Jaeger, the interior minister of North Rhine-Westphalia state, the German state in which Cologne is located. The left-wing minister said: “What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women.”

All the isms of the left – multiculturalism, feminism, environmentalism, socialism, Marxism, egalitarianism – distort the individual’s and society’s moral compass. But, as the minister’s comments make clear, none do so more than the left’s loathing of conservatives and conservative values.

As with multiculturalism, a left-wing priority – in this case destroying the right – has distorted the left’s moral compass. How could anyone in his right mind write that right-wing platforms and chat rooms are “at least as awful” as women being sexually attacked and even raped by gangs of men? The answer is that you cannot be in your right mind; you have to be in your left mind.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2016, 10:35:29 am by rangerrebew »