Author Topic: What Makes The Obama Admin Angrier? Israel Expanding Settlements 10 Acres or Iran Launching a Rocket Within a Mile of a U.S. Warship?  (Read 275 times)

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What Makes The Obama Admin Angrier? Israel Expanding Settlements 10 Acres or Iran Launching a Rocket Within a Mile of a U.S. Warship?

By Aaron Goldstein on 1.9.16 | 1:45AM

Obama State Department spokesman John Kirby formally condemned Israel for 10 acres of settlement expansion in Gush Etzion. Kirby stated that "continued settlement activity and expansion raises honest questions about Israel's long-term intentions and will only make achieving a two state solution much more difficult."

Let's put aside the fact that Gush Etzion would not be part of a future Palestinian state. The Obama Administration has got its priorities backwards when it is angrier about 10 acres of land in the West Bank than an Iranian rocket that came within a mile of the U.S.S. Harry Truman in the Strait of Hormuz just over a week ago. You would think the Iranian Revolutionary Guard launching rockets in the general direction of one of our warships would "raise honest questions about Iran's long-term intentions and will only put the Iran nuclear deal in doubt."

But this is not, as they say, how the Obama Administration rolls. The Iran nuclear deal is the centerpiece of its foreign policy and the Iranians are all too aware of this fact. The Iranians know they can engage in aggressive and hostile behavior without consequence. But when Israel builds another apartment building, the Obama Administration spares no fury and condemns the Jewish State in the harshest possible terms.

Sadly, this state of affairs is only bound to get worse if our choice this November is between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.


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