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Government revises Dietary Guidelines for Americans: Go ahead and have some eggs

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Seriously, though. Humans evolved eating eggs, bone marrow, or any of the fattest part of a kill.

I can't imagine that nature--that is, evolution--got it wrong. Humans were killing prey for food for millions of years before agriculture was developed and before grains were commonly incorporated into human diet.

Sometimes commonsense should prevail over the 'egg' heads in scientific academia.


--- Quote from: aligncare on January 13, 2016, 07:59:20 pm ---Seriously, though. Humans evolved eating eggs, bone marrow, or any of the fattest part of a kill.

I can't imagine that nature--that is, evolution--got it wrong. Humans were killing prey for food for millions of years before agriculture was developed and before grains were commonly incorporated into human diet.

Sometimes commonsense should prevail over the 'egg' heads in scientific academia.

--- End quote ---
Hunter-gatherers, we be. And very good at it.

The hunting was there from the very start. It evolved into animal husbandry.

The gathering evolved into agriculture.

I've been around since the "Cranberry Sauce/ Cancer scare", the "Olive Oil is no good" scare, the "magarine is better than butter" scare. The government doesn't know squat about what it says in its pronouncements - and should probably stop making them.

I guess the fed gov was bought off by some huge donor egg producers.  I have noticed they are now saying on TV that whole milk has protein in it ans should drink a glass a day. Remember the evil Red die #? they banded? I too am old enough to remember many scares they issue.

this is the same fed gov that wants us all to give our money away and give it to the elite saying it would go to poor nations, which it won't, in the name of Climate Change. ***spit***


--- Quote from: flowers on January 14, 2016, 06:49:10 pm ---I guess the fed gov was bought off by some huge donor egg producers.  I have noticed they are now saying on TV that whole milk has protein in it ans should drink a glass a day. Remember the evil Red die #? they banded? I too am old enough to remember many scares they issue.

this is the same fed gov that wants us all to give our money away and give it to the elite saying it would go to poor nations, which it won't, in the name of Climate Change. ***spit***

--- End quote ---

Yep. Shows just how much government has squandered its good will. The perception that government is for sale to the highest bidder, that money can grant you special favor with regulators, is eroding public trust. That's why this election is about outsiders, insurgents to the whole bloody mess.


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