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Government revises Dietary Guidelines for Americans: Go ahead and have some eggs

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I've never paid a lick of attention to any of these guidelines.  Neither did my parents or grandparents, most lived well into their late 90s.

We eat what we like, home-cooked, plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit, all in moderation. 

Never touch any of the synthesized stuff, if we want butter, we use butter; if we want sugar, we use sugar.

Don't have any problems!

My father-in-law was a meat and potatoes kind of guy for his entire life, lived on bacon grease, and he died at 89 years, 4 months. My mother tried very hard to watch fat, cholesterol, all that stuff, bought low-fat foods ... and lived to 89 years, 11 months. There you go, it's so much worth the effort to eke out those additional seven months. Maybe.    ^-^


--- Quote from: mountaineer on January 14, 2016, 09:03:50 pm ---My father-in-law was a meat and potatoes kind of guy for his entire life, lived on bacon grease, and he died at 89 years, 4 months. My mother tried very hard to watch fat, cholesterol, all that stuff, bought low-fat foods ... and lived to 89 years, 11 months. There you go, it's so much worth the effort to eke out those additional seven months. Maybe.    ^-^

--- End quote ---

Genetics has a lot to do with it as well. 

My grandparents (except my grandfather that died when my father was 3 years old) - all lived in their nineties eating lard and slab bacon from their own hogs, fresh from the barn eggs every day, vegetables from their garden and fruit from their orchards, milk and butter from their cows.

Of course, they worked every day - even in their nineties they maintained their gardens.  Living in mountain country, there was little flat land and every day my Pappaw would climb that hill behind his house to the top where he would hoe his corn and work his land.  Same for my other Mammaw.  They would go to bed when it got dark and get up before it got light.  Only in the evening when supper was cooked, eaten and cleaned up, would they sit down and watch a few hours of TV.  Their food was pure and natural - no chemicals or genetically modified stuff that even the squirrels or deer are reluctant to eat.

It's lifestyle that really matters.

I don't think my generation is going to make it as long as my grandparents did.


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