General Category > Politics/Government

Obama: You’re a Conspiracy Theorist if You Think He Wants to Confiscate Your Guns

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--- Quote from: xfreeper on January 08, 2016, 08:05:38 pm ---His comments are reminiscent of 'if you like your plan you can keep your plan'. The guy is a certified liar and there is absolutely no doubt in my mind their ultimate goal is the complete disarming of civilians (subjects).

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Looks like we are all thinking along the same lines here.

Everything he says is a lie. And everything he says is the opposite of what he actually does.

The first thing I thought when I heard him say, 'No one is going to take your guns.', was Uh Oh! Here we go.

It looks like his plan is to deny any kind of government benefits to anyone who owns a gun. So, if you own a gun, no Federal unemployment, no disability, no social security, no medicare, and on like that. And it is possible that Obama will try to implement some kind of crippling new tax on gun owners.

Since outright confiscation is not feasible, his plan seems to have shifted into forcing people to disarm themselves with excessive monetary penalties for owning a gun.

And since Obama does not care about what Congress does, or says, or thinks, you cannot petition your Congressman to stop it. Congress has no meaning under Obama.

We shall see what he does, but I'm sure it is not over. Obama certainly wants to disarm America, using one way or another. And I do not believe one word he says about what his intentions are. He is the ultimate, look you right in the face and lie, kind of liar.

Yes we all know what is going on.


 :thumbsup2: :thumbsup3: :hands:
--- Quote from: GourmetDan on January 08, 2016, 08:57:17 pm ---

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