Author Topic: Obama vetoes health law repeal bill  (Read 315 times)

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Obama vetoes health law repeal bill
« on: January 08, 2016, 07:43:55 pm »

President Obama on Friday vetoed legislation to repeal most of his signature health care law, saying the bill would do “harm” to millions of Americans.

The move was widely expected, after Republicans for the first time succeeded in sending an ObamaCare repeal bill to the president’s desk. The legislation that Obama vetoed also would cut federal funding for Planned Parenthood.

While Congress may try to override, Republicans do not currently have the votes to do so.

Republicans, though, say they met two goals by passing the bill: keeping a promise to voters in an election year, and showing their ability to repeal the health law if a Republican wins the presidency.

“This is the closest we have come to repealing ObamaCare,” House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said Thursday.

bold type mine.  Yeah how so Ryan? You gave him everything in that ominus 1.2T spending bill. Any you made sure it was only for 9 months[/b] so they get the gov shutdown again right before the elections. You are a liar. You don't ever want this repealed or anything your pals the dems want either repealed. If this wasn't a election year you wouldn't even attempt this kabuki theater.  You are a pyle all of you are.  rant/off.  :chairbang: