Author Topic: GOP's 'bearded wonder' behind Obama's 'lawless' gun grab. Talk-radio star blasts 'mind-numbingly stupid' actions of House leader  (Read 299 times)

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GOP's 'bearded wonder' behind Obama's 'lawless' gun grab
Talk-radio star blasts 'mind-numbingly stupid' actions of House leader
Published: 8 hours ago
Laura Ingraham, a top conservative radio host, tore into House Speaker Paul Ryan in a recent broadcast, saying the newly minted Republican leader actually fueled President Obama’s executive orders on guns by giving the OK to funding for much of the White House’s agenda.

“I would love to see the bearded wonder Paul Ryan – he’s got to lose that beard, it makes him look ridiculous, that beard, he should shave it, that is just horrible – that bearded wonder Paul Ryan giving Obama funding for his lawless behavior for the next 12 months,” she said, Breitbart reported.

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She then slammed Ryan for taking away the House’s main tool for controlling the executive branch – the power of the purse.

“Congress could have shut this thing before it even started, but no, the bearded wonder came out and said, ‘Going forward, we’re going to do things differently but we need to start the new year without the threat of a shutdown hanging,’” she went on, Breitbart reported. “The bearded wonder has now given Obama the running room he needed to go for the guns.”

House Speaker Paul Ryan.

House Speaker Paul Ryan.

She also added that she liked Ryan “as a person,” but his actions on the budget were “mind-numbingly stupid.”

Ingraham said: “Why did you give Obama all this running room with the money? The $1.1 trillion budget.”

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Ryan, meanwhile, came out shortly after – with freshly shaven face – and told a television audience Obama’s gun-control executive action was simply “a distraction” that should not sway the American people or Congress from what really matters: terrorism, national security, immigration and so forth.

“We will look at all our options,” he said on Fox News, about the Republican response to Obama’s unilateral gun control. “But we will not take this distraction for more than what it is – a distraction.”