Author Topic: Zing! Charlie Daniels has awesome response to Obama's gun grab. Thousands of criminals pardoned leading up to executive orders  (Read 240 times)

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Zing! Charlie Daniels has awesome response to Obama's gun grab
Thousands of criminals pardoned leading up to executive orders
Published: 15 hours ago

Music legend Charlie Daniels wants to know how President Obama can argue that he worries about criminals getting firearms when he pardoned roughly 6,000 convicted drug felons two months ago.

The president issued executive orders changing the way gun sales are monitored and carried out on Tuesday, redefining a gun “dealer” to include many people who sell even a single gun annually, WND reported.

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“Obama if you’re so worried about criminals why did you just turn thousands of them back out on the street,” Daniels tweeted Tuesday.

The “Devil Went Down to Georgia” singer was directly referencing changes to federal sentencing rules by the U.S. Sentencing Commission, which allowed the release of 6,112 felons Nov. 1. The Wall Street Journal estimated Oct. 6 that as many 46,000 inmates may be freed in total.

Sheriffs across the country disputed Obama’s claim that only nonviolent drug offenders were being released.

“There’s no transition here, there’s no safety net. This is the biggest sham they are trying to sell the American people,” said Sheriff Paul Babeu of Arizona’s Pinal County, Fox News reported Nov. 12. “On average these criminals have been in federal prison for nine years – you don’t have to be a sheriff to realize that a felon after nine years in jail isn’t going to be adding value to the community. A third are illegals and felons, so they can’t work. What do we think they are going to do?”

Sheriff Harold Eavenson of Rockwall County, Texas, concurred.

“For [Obama] to tell me or tell citizens that they’re going to do a good job and these inmates are non-violent, when in many instances drug crimes, drug purchasing, drug trafficking are related to other, violent crimes – I’d be amazed if the 6,000 … being released are non-violent,” Eavenson said.

This infallible argument for armed self-defense presents real stories of Americans fighting back against criminals – and surviving because they were armed. “America Fights Back: Armed Self-Defense In A Violent Age” is a must-read for anyone who has ever wondered if concealed carry can actually save and protect.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch told reporters on Tuesday that Obama’s orders were crafted with the goal of “keeping bad actors away from firearms.”

Obama cried during a White House address on “common sense” gun-control measures that circumvent Congress. He wiped tears from his eyes as he talked about the December 2012 massacre at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, which killed 20 children and six adults.

Obama cries on Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2016, while talking about new executive orders on gun control.

President Obama cries on Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2016, while talking about new executive orders on gun control.

“Every time I think about those kids, it gets me mad. That changed me, that day,” Obama said from the East Room. “My hope earnestly has been that it would change the country.”

The president eventually acknowledged that his executive orders would not have stopped recent mass shootings, such as the Dec. 2 Islamic terror attack in San Bernardino, California, WND reported.

Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., called Obama’s plan “a form of intimidation that undermines liberty.”

“He knows full well that the law already says that people who make their living selling firearms must be licensed, regardless of venue,” Ryan said Tuesday. “Still, rather than focus on criminals and terrorists, he goes after the most law-abiding of citizens.”