Author Topic: Is Marco Rubio owned by the private prison industry?  (Read 274 times)

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Is Marco Rubio owned by the private prison industry?
« on: January 05, 2016, 12:15:21 am »
I want to like Marco Rubio, I really do. He’s a smart and talented politician. However there are a few questions I need answered from him before I could get think about voting for him. Questions such as, Why he is the 3rd all time leading donation taker from a group called GEO?( and Why then while leading the House of his state this same group was awarded a $110 million government facility contract? Coincidence?

Now I'm all about less government regulation. I'm a firm believer the government should stay out of the private sector and that competition creates fair prices but this makes me nervous.
This seems to me like he is being funded by a group whose sole income is gaining government contracts to keep people in prison, some pitches even required prisons to be kept at 90% regardless of crime rates( This type of business model creates opportunity for profit to become the motivation for all enforcers of the law, such as judges, and law makers such as Rubio. Kind of an I scratch your back you scratch mine kind of thing all the while using citizens as the pawns.

Getting back to the GEO Group, that is earning $1.7 Billion annually with every penny of it coming from government contracts. Which they were able to secure by hiring 72 lobbyist’s in 17 States and by donating to 400 political candidates between 2003 and 2011, which lone behold resulted in 57 individual prisons across the U.S. all from which have increased their populations year after year, often holding Illegal Immigrants.(

So my final question to Mr. Rubio would be, “Why did your position on Immigration Reform change in 2013? Was it because your major political backers don’t want these people deported because that would drastically cut their prison populations, which in turn would drastically cut their lucrative Government contracts?”