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New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« on: January 04, 2016, 07:09:38 pm »
REVEALED: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At ONE German Train Station On New Year’s Eve
Cologne Explosion

by Oliver Lane4 Jan 20160
Just five arrests have been made by German police after central Cologne was transformed into a war-zone on New Year’s Eve, as an estimated 1,000 migrants celebrated by launching fireworks into crowds and sexually assaulting German women caught up in the chaos.

The sordid details of the horrifying sexual assaults and attacks made against ordinary Germans by large gangs of migrants in Cologne in the early hours of Friday morning are just now emerging.

Far from a small number of sex assaults reported to have been made by German speaking men in initial reports on New Year’s Day, dozens of women are now reported to have been molested and “raped”, while dozens more men have been assaulted and robbed.

One victim, 28 year old ‘Katja L’ spoke of her ordeal as she tried to make her way to the waiting room of Cologne railway station with two other girls and a boyfriend in the early hours of new year’s day. She told Der Express – one of the largest regional newspapers: “When we came out of the station, we were very surprised by the group that met us there”. She said the group was “exclusively young foreign men”. Keeping close to her friends, they pressed on:

“We then walked through this group of men. There was an alley through [the men] which we walked through. Suddenly I felt a hand on my buttocks, then on my breasts, in the end, I was groped everywhere. It was a nightmare. Although we shouted and beat them, the guys did not stop. I was desperate and think I was touched around 100 times in the 200 meters.

“Fortunately I wore a jacket and trousers. a skirt would probably have been torn away from me”.

As Katja L and other witnesses who have since come forward said, as they were molested by the gang the men were laughing and pulling their hair, and there were shouts of “ficki, ficki” (fucky fucky) hurled at them as they were called “sluts”. Treating her as “fair game”, there had been so many men groping at her Katja L said she would be unable to positively identify any of the perpetrators to the police.

Others were less lucky. One woman had her tights and underwear torn off by the crowd, and a police source quoted said there had been “rapes” at the station that night.

So far, police have identified 80 victims of the gangs, 35 of which were subjected to sex attacks. Others were assaulted or robbed. Officers suspect there are many more as of yet unreported cases from the night, and are appealing for victims to come forward after their ordeals.

A press conference hosted by Cologne’s chief of police Wolfgang Albers this afternoon confirmed the attacks had been perpetrated by migrants, all of whom were found to be carrying official immigration paperwork by police officers at the time. Mr. Albers said “the crimes have been committed by a group of people who mostly come from her in appearance from the North African and Arab countries”, and that he found the situation “intolerable”.

In addition to the sex attacks, there were several brawls between migrant gangs at the railway station, and large numbers of fireworks were fired into the crowds and at the hapless police. A witness said: “There were thousands of men. Simply firing into the crowd, and as my girlfriend and I wanted to get us to safety, but they blocked our way. We were so scared! We fled from the station”.

Despite dozens of men and women having been attacked, the area being comprehensively monitored by CCTV, and having thousands of potential suspects, Cologne police have arrested just five men so far in relation to the new year’s eve attacks.

The police chief may yet have serious questions to answer on the attacks, which follow a year of record breaking migration, after it emerged that just ten officers were dispatched to the station after the report of a gang sex assault in the early hours of the morning, and unverified accusations started to circulate on-line of officers even ridiculing a victim for not having been vigilant enough to avoid being attacked. Breitbart London has approached Cologne police for comment.

The police union said of the incidents: “This is a completely new dimension of violence. This is something we have not known”.

Before the New Year some German towns cancelled fireworks displays for fear of upsetting migrants who would associate the loud noises with the sounds of a war zone.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 07:10:16 pm by rangerrebew »

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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2016, 08:03:30 pm »   **nononono*

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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2016, 01:18:23 am »
These are the kind of "trains" that should be loading at that station:

This time, they're not only necessary but morally justified.

C'mon, Duestchlanders, you know what to do...


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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2016, 09:12:21 am »
Islamic man pummels Christians on Christmas
'I am Muslim, what are you?' shouts attacker
Published: 15 hours ago

Four Christian men were ambushed in Germany on Christmas Day by a man who proclaimed, “I am a Muslim, what are you?” He was joined by four other accomplices before they escaped.

A “Balkan Party” outside Berlin’s Adagio club ended in violence Dec. 26 when Orthodox Christians from Serbia and Montenegro were pummeled for their faith.

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The four men, all in their early 20s, refused medical attention, the German newspaper Tagesspiegel reported Dec. 26. Berlin’s Police State Protection Office has launched an investigation.

Another bizarre incident happened Christmas morning roughly 400 miles west of Berlin in the city of Mönchengladbach.

Parishioners at Rheydter Marien Church had services interrupted when a 14-year-old boy and five children burst into the building yelling “S–tty Christians!” reported Sunday.

Pastor Manfred Riethdorf filed a formal complaint against two of the offenders for disturbing the piece, the website reported. Witnesses said the suspects were Muslims, but police declined to confirm their religious affiliation.

“We should look at this incident as a challenge to a culture of dialogue,” Riethdorf told the German website RP Online Dec. 26.

“House of War: Islam’s Jihad Against the World” conveys what the West needs to know about Islam and the violent, expansionary ideology that seeks the subjugation and destruction of other faiths, cultures and systems of government

Pastor Riethdorf may end up waiting for officials to address the challenge. Germany’s largest daily newspaper, Bild, recently charged authorities with ordering a cover-up of crimes committed by Muslim refugees, WND reported Dec. 30.

Bild charged police with obfuscating crime statistics linked to 1.1 million migrants Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed into the country last year.

The newspaper said authorities do not want “alarming” news to reach the public, which may empower “right-wing extremists.”

Merkel was named Time magazine’s 2015 “Person of the Year” for accepting a high volume of refugees into Germany.

“For asking more of her country than most politicians would dare, for standing firm against tyranny as well as expedience and for providing steadfast moral leadership in a world where it is in short supply, Angela Merkel is Time’s Person of the Year,” Nancy Gibbs, Time’s managing editor, wrote Dec. 9.



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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2016, 09:13:58 am »
Just another in a myriad of examples of the "religion of peace" at it's finest. :osama:


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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2016, 12:28:22 pm »
German Officials Accused Of Covering Up Mass Sexual Assaults By Arab Mob

Posted By Russ Read On 9:44 PM 01/04/2016 In | No Comments

A group of up to 1,000 men of “Arab background” sexually assaulted dozens of women New Year’s Eve in Cologne, Germany, according to police. The assaults, however, were not confirmed for days, leading to public accusations of a cover-up.

Cologne Police Chief Wolfgang Albers confirmed Monday as many as 60 reports were filed by women sexually assaulted by a large mob of “Arab or North African men” during celebrations in Cologne New Year’s Eve. Albers stated the claims were in fact true.

“There was a very large number of sexual assaults there – and in a massive way. Women were grabbed and attacked,” said Albers during a press conference Monday.”The crimes were committed by a group of people who, from appearance, were largely from the north African or Arab world.”

As many as 80 women were assaulted and robbed by the mob, according to police reports. Some women reported being encircled by large groups of men who had “fingers on every orifice.” One report claimed a woman was raped.

The several day delay of confirmation of the attacks from officials roused suspicions of a cover-up. Anabel Schunke wrote on Huffington Post’s German language site Monday accusing police officials and public media outlets of covering up the issue entirely.

The attacks appeared to be coordinated, according to a report by German news outlet The Local. One group of men allegedly threw firecrackers into a large gathering of people celebrating near a famous cathedral located in the heart of Cologne, while another group of men allegedly began sexually assaulting and robbing women while the crowds were distracted by the firecrackers. It is not confirmed, however, the two groups were working together.

Five arrests were made in response to the allegations, however it is unclear if anyone was charged.

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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2016, 07:59:57 pm »
  Tue Jan 5, 2016 2:17pm EST
Germans shaken by New Year attacks on women in Cologne

About 90 women have reported being robbed, threatened or sexually molested at New Year celebrations outside Cologne's cathedral by young, mostly drunk, men, police said on Tuesday, in events they have described as 'a new dimension in crime'.

Cologne police chief Wolfgang Albers told a news conference officers described the men as looking as if they were from "the Arab or North African region" and mostly between 18 and 35 years old. "We have one complaint that represents a rape," he added.

Integration commissioner Aydan Ozoguz warned against putting foreigners and refugees, hundreds of thousands of whom have entered Germany largely from Middle Eastern war zones, under "blanket suspicion".

Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed shock over the attacks that police said occurred when about 1,000 men split into gangs as officers cleared a square to stop fireworks being thrown from the top of steps into the crowd below.

While politicians also urged people not to become wary of all refugees, the incident fueled calls from right-wing groups to stop letting in migrants.

Germany took in just over a million last year, far more than any other European country.

Cologne mayor Henriette Reker said it was "unbelievable and intolerable what happened on New Year's Eve" but there was no reason to believe those involved in the attacks were refugees.
Justice Minister Heiko Maas said Germany would not accept such attacks which he described as "a new scale of organized crime".

Around 150 people gathered in front of Cologne's cathedral on Tuesday evening to protest against violence against women. One of them held a sign saying: "Ms Merkel where are you? What do you say? This scares us!"

The right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD), which has gained in polls in part at Merkel's expense thanks to a campaign against refugees, said she should close the border.

"Mrs Merkel, is Germany 'colorful and cosmopolitan' enough for you after the wave of crimes and sexual attacks?" tweeted AfD chief Frauke Petry.

Merkel told Reker in a phone call the attacks deserved a tough response.

"Everything must be done to investigate those responsible as quickly and completely as possible and punish them, regardless of where they are from," she said, according to her spokesman.
There are almost daily attacks on refugee shelters.

"Events like that in Cologne foster xenophobia," said Roland Schaefer, head of Germany's association of towns and localities.

After a crisis meeting, Cologne mayor Reker said new steps would be taken to avoid a repeat, including increasing police numbers at big events and installing more security cameras.

She stressed that women must feel safe at traditional carnival celebrations next month when the city closes down for five days of drunken street parades and parties.

Reker was stabbed in the neck and seriously hurt in October, just a day before she was elected mayor. Police said that attack appeared to be motivated by her support for refugees.
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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2016, 08:58:00 pm »
Cologne in crisis meeting after reports of mass assaults
Cologne in crisis meeting after reports of mass assaults
A wave of reports of sexual assault in Cologne in Germany on New Year's Eve has triggered a crisis meeting between the city's mayor and the police. The perpetrators are by the women described as Arabs or North Africans.

The mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, Tuesday meet with the police to discuss the wave of assaults. She describes this as "a completely new dimension of crime."

Police have received 60 reports of sexual assault and a attempted rape. The women describe the assailants as a group of as many as 1,000 men who stayed in the area of the city's train station and the famous cathedral on New Year's Eve.

The women have told that the men were of Arab or North African origin, said Cologne police chief Wolfgang Albers.

Police estimate that more assault victims will come forward over the next few days.

The investigation of the reports police has received to date is ongoing, and so far five men have been arrested.

But reports of assaults and abuse during New Year's Eve celebrations in Cologne, has created fears in Germany about the consequences of the country receiving so many people claiming to be displaced by war and poverty. Both police and politicians have warned that right-wing groups could use reports of crime committed by refugees to feed the growing opposition.

Back in 2011, two women in their 20s were attacked and felt up by a large gang of immigrant men on the night bus in Oslo, Norway. After several women came forward and told of similar experiences, a researcher of violence then warned against what she called "a new and cynical way of assault and abuse", she told NRK.

So "a completely new dimension of crime." Only the increase in number of perpetrators.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2016, 08:58:46 pm by rangerrebew »


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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2016, 09:01:17 pm »
Yes sir, the "religion of peace," tolerance, and respect for women. :osama:


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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2016, 12:01:38 pm »
New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
AFP By Deborah Cole
5 hours ago

Berlin (AFP) - German leaders expressed shock over dozens of apparently coordinated sexual assaults against women on New Year's Eve in the western city of Cologne blamed on "Arab-looking men," but warned against anti-migrant scapegoating.

Chancellor Angela Merkel called for a thorough investigation of the "repugnant" attacks, ranging from groping to at least one reported rape, allegedly committed in a large crowd of revellers during year-end festivities outside the city's main train station and its famed Gothic cathedral.

Merkel's spokesman Steffen Seibert said she had called Cologne's mayor, Henriette Reker, to express her "outrage" over the violence, which she said required "a tough response from the state".

"Everything must be done to find as many of the perpetrators as possible as quickly as possible and bring them to justice, regardless of their origin or background," Seibert quoted Merkel as saying.

Police in Cologne said they had received 90 criminal complaints by Tuesday and quoted witnesses as saying that groups of 20-30 young men "who appeared to be of Arab or North African origin" had surrounded victims, assaulted them and in several cases robbed them.

Germany took in around one million asylum seekers in 2015, many of them fleeing war-ravaged Syria.

A plain-clothes policewoman was reportedly among those attacked.

"We assume more people will come forward," police chief Wolfgang Albers told reporters.

The northern port city of Hamburg also reported around 10 similar attacks.

On Tuesday evening 200-300 people, according to police estimates, gathered in front of Cologne cathedral calling for more respect for women.

One female demonstrator held a sign reading: "Mrs. Merkel, what are you doing? This is scary".

Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere lashed out at Cologne police for failing to stop the assaults.

"The police cannot work in this way," de Maiziere told public TV channel ARD.

Police said they evacuated the area because of fears people could be injured by fireworks -- and admitted the assaults then began without them realising what was happening.

"It is not acceptable that the square could be evacuated and then (the attacks) take place" in the same location, with officers "waiting for complaints" from victims before taking action, de Maiziere said.

"I am urgently demanding clarification."

- 'Exploitation' of refugee issue -

Justice Minister Heiko Maas said the assaults represented "a new dimension of crime that we will have to get to grips with," adding that they had appeared to be "coordinated".

Asked by a journalist whether refugees were behind the rampage, Maas said police were still working to identify the attackers.

"This is not about where someone is from but what they did," he said.

"Making an issue out of it, lumping it together with the refugee issue, is nothing but exploitation. Now is the time to determine the facts and then decide on the necessary consequences."

Meanwhile the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which hopes to gain seats in three regional elections in March, seized on the attacks as "a result of unchecked immigration".

"Here we see the appalling consequences of catastrophic asylum and migration policies on Germany's everyday reality," party leader Frauke Petry said.

The Cologne daily Koelner Stadt-Anzeiger said many of the suspects were already known to police due to a rash of pickpocketing and muggings near the railway station.

- 'It was terrible' -

Victims described terrifying scenes in the marauding mob.

Katja L., 28, said she was with three friends outside the station when they encountered a group of "foreign-looking men".

"Suddenly I felt a hand on my bottom, then on my breasts, then I was groped everywhere," she told Cologne tabloid Express.

"It was horrible. Although we screamed and flailed about, the guys didn't stop. I was beside myself and think that I was touched about 100 times across around 200 metres (yards)."

A woman in her 30s interviewed on rolling news channel N24 said she was groped by a group of "Arab-looking men".

"They didn't look at me aggressively, they seemed more curious than anything, and a little drunk," she said.

"I was furious."

Cologne mayor Reker, who was stabbed in the neck in October in an attack apparently over her welcoming stance toward refugees, called a crisis meeting with political officials and police Tuesday after the case made national headlines.

She pledged to step up security and violence-prevention measures ahead of next month's raucous Carnival, which draws hundreds of thousands to party in the city's streets.

Albers said security cameras and better lighting would be installed for the February 4-10 event, including around the main rail station.

Merkel in her televised New Year's address called on Germans to continue to welcome refugees despite mounting criticism and to reject far-right ideologues whipping up anti-migrant sentiment.;_ylt=AwrC1zHqyotWHRQAeavQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByNXM5bzY5BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMzBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 12:02:40 pm by rangerrebew »


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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2016, 12:04:32 pm »
The real problem is easy to see.  Germany does not yet have enough muslims.  They need millions more so Sharia law is instituted then rapes won't be against the law. :thud:

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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2016, 12:58:51 pm »
Teenage victim of Cologne 'African and Arab' sex mob reveals how she and her friends were surrounded by 30 men and groped as officials admit the city is a 'no-go' area for women

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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2016, 03:01:35 pm »
Cologne Mayor Defends Migrants After New Year’s Mob Sexually Assaults Dozens of Women
January 6, 2016 | Joshua Krause | The Daily Sheeple |

The stories surrounding the New Year’s mob of migrants that rampaged through the city of Cologne, Germany, are almost too shocking to believe. At least 80 people were assaulted or robbed that night, and 35 of them reported being attacked in a sexual manner. The victims reported being groped by countless men, having their clothes torn off, and in at least one confirmed case, raped. And all of this stemmed from a mob of around 1000 men, during a single event.

What’s more shocking is how the mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, has since responded to the attack. For starters, she is desperately trying to shift blame away from the migrants. All of the reports from that night described the men as “North African and Arabian” in appearance. So she has claimed that “It’s completely improper… to link a group that appeared to come from North Africa with the refugees.” She also claimed that “There are no indications that this involved people who have sought shelter in Cologne as refugees.”

The police seem to disagree with her and the media, both of who are still trying to tell the public, not to jump to any conclusions and assume that migrants did this.

    A policeman who was outside Cologne station during the New Year’s Eve trouble told the city’s Express news website that he had detained eight suspects. “They were all asylum seekers, carrying copies of their residence certificates,” he said.

    However, there was no official confirmation that asylum seekers had been involved in the violence. Commentators in Germany were quick to urge people not to jump to conclusions.

Cologne’s chief of police also said something along the same lines.

    A press conference hosted by Cologne’s chief of police Wolfgang Albers this afternoon confirmed the attacks had been perpetrated by migrants, all of whom were found to be carrying official immigration paperwork by police officers at the time. Mr. Albers said “the crimes have been committed by a group of people who mostly come from her in appearance from the North African and Arab countries”, and that he found the situation “intolerable”.

Besides, aren’t we splitting hairs here? Pretty much all of the eyewitness reports describe the men as “North African and Arabian” in appearance, and that they didn’t speak German. Considering that Germany has just let in a million refugees from those regions over the past year, what are the odds that they aren’t migrants?

And in addition to standing by the migrants, she also had some rather upsetting advice for the women of Cologne.

    Speaking on live television this afternoon mayor Henriette Reker, who was near-fatally stabbed in the run up to October elections by an anti mass migration campaigner, said in future women would have to be better prepared in her city to deal with migrants. She remarked: “The women and young girls have to be more protected in the future so these things don’t happen again.”

    “This means, they should go out and have fun, but they need to be better prepared, especially with the Cologne carnival coming up. For this, we will publish online guidelines that these young women can read through to prepare themselves”.

So what is she saying here? That the women who were assaulted didn’t do enough to protect themselves? That they simply didn’t take the proper precautions? If only they would have dressed more modestly and walked around the mob of 1000 drunken pervy men.

This is what happens when your country is run by multicultural progressives. Public safety is sacrificed in the name of political correctness, and foreigners can’t be rapists because it would be inappropriate to think that. And apparently, it’s up to unarmed women to protect themselves from the mob.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 03:02:20 pm by rangerrebew »


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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2016, 07:47:26 pm »
Cologne Mayor’s ‘Arm’s-Length’ Sex Assault Advice Stirs Outcry

Outside the main train station in Cologne, Germany, on New Year's Eve. The police say they have received more than 90 complaints of robbery and sexual assault, including two accounts of rape, involving groups of men who surrounded young women in the crush of revelers. Credit Markus Boehm/DPA, via Associated Press

BERLIN — The mayor of Cologne has inflamed a debate in Germany about migrants and sexual harassment by suggesting that women can protect themselves from men on the streets by keeping “an arm’s length.”

The remarks by the mayor, Henriette Reker, were made Tuesday to reporters after the Cologne police said they had received more than 90 complaints of robbery and sexual assault, including two accounts of rape, by groups of men who targeted young women in and around the city’s main train station in the crush of revelers on New Year’s Eve.

By Wednesday, Ms. Reker was being widely ridiculed by commentators and across social media for putting the onus on the victims of the attacks.

“It is always possible to keep a certain distance that is longer than an arm’s length,” Ms. Reker told reporters on Tuesday, suggesting that city authorities would provide guidelines for young women who find themselves surrounded by aggressive men attempting to grope them.
Continue reading the main story
Related Coverage

    Henriette Reker while campaigning for mayor in Cologne, Germany, this month, a day before she was attacked.
    German Charged in Attack on Mayoral Candidate Over Refugee WorkOCT. 28, 2015
    Chancellor Angela Merkel, left, and Manuela Schwesig, the minister of family affairs who helped a law requiring more women on corporate boards clear legal and political hurdles in Germany.
    Germany Sets Gender Quota in BoardroomsMARCH 6, 2015
    Rainer Brüderle, a prominent member of the Free Democrats, faced a backlash over remarks about Laura Himmelreich, a reporter for Stern magazine, shown this month in Osnabrück.
    German Politician’s Remark Stirs Outcry Over SexismJAN. 28, 2013

The police, who have yet to make any arrests, said the assaults had been carried out by several hundred young men, whom they described as having a “North African or Arabic” appearance.

The nature and scale of the assaults have shocked Germany and brought to the surface social tensions over the willingness of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government to throw open the doors to more than one million refugees last year.

Ms. Reker, who was elected last year, had already become a symbol of that embrace after being stabbed at a campaign event by a man angered over her welcoming attitude toward refugees. Her remarks have now made her a target of derision on all sides of the political spectrum.

Hundreds of women and men took to social media, posting angry responses and memes — including dozens showing the outstretched right arm known as the “Hitler Greeting” — under the hashtag #einearmlaenge, German for “an arm’s length.”

Even the country’s justice minister pushed back against the statement. “I don’t think much of tips for behavior for women, such as ‘an arm’s length,’ ” Heiko Maas wrote on Twitter. “Not women are responsible, but the perpetrators.”

The police have so far been unable to apprehend anyone, a fact that Wolfgang Albers, Cologne’s chief of police, attributed to the chaos in which the assaults took place, despite there being dozens of officers on duty in the area.

“The women were in a very difficult situation,” Mr. Albers said in an interview Wednesday with public radio WDR 5. “They were afraid, they wanted to get away, and of course they did not notice any specific faces.”

In Hamburg, the police said Wednesday that they had received 53 complaints, more than half of them alleging sexual harassment, from victims age 18 to 25. They appear to have been targeted in a similar fashion in that city’s Reeperbahn red light and club district on New Year’s Eve. Victims and witnesses in Hamburg also described the attackers as being dark-skinned or “looking Arabic.”

Continue reading the main story

Continue reading the main story

Although the authorities have offered no concrete evidence that the attackers were among the hundreds of thousands of people who have poured into the country since mid-August, the incidents have laid bare the challenges Germans face in integrating young men from more conservative societies into their liberal, Western democracy.

The mayor’s remarks also reignited a debate about casual sexism in German society. In 2013, Rainer Brüderle, a leader with the Free Democratic Party, came under fire for suggesting that a journalist could “fill out a dirndl,” touching a nerve particularly among professional women who say that relations between men and women are surprisingly backward for a developed country.

Last year Parliament passed a disputed quota law requiring leading companies to have at least 30 percent women on their supervisory boards.

Christine Kronenberg, Cologne’s commissioner for women’s affairs, who attended a meeting Tuesday called by Ms. Reker, said the mayor’s comments were “unfortunate.” She said they did not reflect her attitude toward women, or the victims.

“Sexual assaults are aimed at humiliating women and an expression of a male desire for power,” Ms. Kronenberg said in a telephone interview. “Until now, we have encouraged women to defend themselves through resistance tactics, but these are all aimed at individual attackers.”

The New Year’s Eve mass-scale assaults, the police said, involved groups of several men taking advantage of the crowds to target young women by surrounding them. While several perpetrators groped the women, others picked their pockets, stealing wallets and cellphones.

“This is a new phenomenon of a dimension that we have never been able to imagine before,” Ms. Kronenberg said. “We now have to consider, together with police, new suggestions for how women can defend themselves in such situations.”

Even if the authorities are able to apprehend suspects, they biggest challenge will be for victims to identify their attackers, given that several men appeared to have been involved in the attacks on each woman.

“It will be very difficult because it took place in a very crowded situation where many people were pushing to get in,” Mr. Albers, the police chief, said. “And this situation was used by the perpetrators to carry out this horrible crime.”

New Year’s Eve is one night when Germans are allowed to set off fireworks in public places, meaning the dark streets are also clouded with smoke and people who are trying to skirt the sparks, leading to chaotic scenes.

Witnesses who were near the city’s main train station, where the assaults took place, described the scene as threatening. Shortly before midnight, the police cleared people from a public square outside the station in an effort to calm what had become a dangerous situation, with people throwing large fireworks into crowds. Driven into the crowds, groups of young men began encircling young women.

Two-thirds of the complaints were filed by people who lived not in Cologne but in the densely populated surrounding metro area, and did not come in until Friday morning, Mr. Albers said.

He said many of the complaints lacked detailed descriptions of the perpetrators, which has hampered efforts to apprehend suspects.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 07:48:09 pm by rangerrebew »


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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2016, 07:50:28 pm »
I think she could make it safer yet if women were required to get permission from a male to be seen outside, would take away driver's licenses of women, and cover their heads and faces when in public - just like in the middle east.  :tongue2:

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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2016, 08:46:26 pm »
One can only hope when sharia fully takes over Ms. Rekers town......she will be one of the ones who find out what sharia is all about.  :smokin:
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 09:05:29 pm by flowers »

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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2016, 09:03:42 pm »
I hope Mayor Reker doesn't have a daughter.
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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2016, 09:06:49 pm »
I hope Mayor Reker doesn't have a daughter.
Let me take a wild guess here and say if she has one, she is no where around. Off in a elite private school with the best security money can buy.

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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2016, 09:10:56 pm »
Stolen from Facebook, but I think this should be spread.

In the John Irving book "The World According to Garp" (a book I read way too young and way too fast) there is a society called the Ellen Jamesians.
These women cut out their own tongues as a form of protest against rapists and eventually men in general. They are one of the many groups that surround Jenny Fields, Garp's mother and a feminist icon who builds a safe space for women before they were trendy. In what must have been Irving's viewpoint on the extreme with in Feminism, Garp's reaction to meeting the first Jamesian is disgust.

Without ruining the story for anyone who has not read it, or seen the movie, Feminism today is filled with Ellen Jamesians. They are silent on certain topics because they chose to be. They safely victimize themselves when needed. And they are only vocal when needing to vilify certain man at certain times.

Europe is seeing the beginnings of what many people, women especially, have fled from for years. And as the women of Europe are now being subjected to the treatment many women in the Middle East and African Nations are forced to live with, the Feminist response has been silence. Or worse, instructions on "being at arms length". The Rape Whistle and Pee tip of Europe. A place were acknowledging the truth about the attitudes some cultures have towards women means you are a hate-filled racist. So you will also cut out your tongue and be quiet.

What happened on NYE in Cologne is not a well produced video of a women being Cat-called occasionally over the course of a day. It is not the horrible and oppressive practice of Man-spreading on the subway. It is not the dangerous and violent pretend world of video games. It is a very real, very frightening attack on women by hordes of men in the center of Europe.

And the truth of it needs to be addressed.

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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2016, 09:13:04 pm »
Good post, Millee.
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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2016, 11:30:58 am »
Muslim sex-mob cover-up grows in Germany
Mayor tells women to stay 'arm's length' from Arab gangs
Published: 9 hours ago

The cover-up of New Year’s Eve sex mobs of Arabic and North African migrants in Germany continues to grow.

Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker said Wednesday that women should adopt a “code of conduct” to discourage men from committing sexual assault. Gangs of migrants went on a crime spree last Friday night, which overwhelmed police and left scores of women at their attackers’ mercy.

RELATED STORY: Donald Trump scorches Islamic rape jihad on women

The mayor suggested women keep “at arm’s length” from strangers, travel in groups, and to ask bystanders for help.

“It is important to prevent such incidents from ever happening again,” Reker said, the Independent reported Wednesday.

Reker’s comments appear to ignore the fact that victims, often traveling in groups, were systematically targeted by gangs.

“I don’t think much of the how-to-behave tips for women such as #arm’slength. It is not women who are responsible, but the perpetrators,” German Justice Minister Heiko Mass responded Wednesday on Twitter.

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Pamela Geller, president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, told Breitbart News on Wednesday that “Europe is doomed” because there is “a break between the people and the E.U. elites.”

“People are going to rise up or they’re going to succumb” said Geller, WND’s Woman of the Year.

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Cologne’s police department received more than 100 criminal complaints since last Friday. Similar attacks happened in Duesseldorf, Hamburg and Stuttgart, CNN reported Wednesday.

“We were at the cathedral and from there walked to the Ludwig Museum and passed down to the Rhine. There were suddenly 20 to 30 men who surrounded us, and more and more came,” an 18-year-old victim named Michelle told N-TV on Wednesday.

“It was scary. Mainly because a nobody helped. I feel so dirty, so used,” an 18-year-old identified under the pseudonym Annika said, Bild reported Wednesday.

A German sex-assault victim told Radio Television Lëtzebuerg that police in Cologne were overwhelmed on New Year's Eve and could not help everyone who needed protection from gangs of African and Arabic men.

A German sex-assault victim told Radio Television Lëtzebuerg that police in Cologne were overwhelmed on New Year’s Eve and could not help everyone who needed protection from gangs of migrants.

Four days of silence at the national level made the ordeal worse for victims. Outrage over the media blackout prompted German public broadcaster ZDF to apologize on Wednesday, Breitbart London reported.

“The news situation was clear enough. It was a mistake of the 7 p.m. ‘Heute’ (Today) show not to at least report the incidents,” Elmar Thevessen, deputy chief editor, wrote on the shows Facebook page.

Bild accused German media seven days ago of ignoring stories that make Chancellor Angela Merkel look bad. Merkel ushered in 1.1 million migrants from the Middle East and North Africa in 2015.

The aftermath of the New Year’s Eve attacks convinced a reporter for Huffington Post Deutschland that a cover-up was attempted.

“The media’s handling of this issue is a slap in the face for every victim,” Anabel Schunke said Monday, WND reported. She added that television stations declined to give descriptions of suspects.

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A civilian investigator close to Cologne’s investigations of the attacks said “nothing will happen” to most suspects because “the judiciary is lax and uses legal tricks in order to drag out asylum procedures.”

Cologne Chief of Police Wolfgang Albers told Der Express on Sunday that five suspects have been arrested.

Published: 9 hours ago



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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2016, 04:36:21 pm »
07 January 2016
More New Year's Eve Fun in Germany:
Underage Girls Gang-Raped by Mob of Syrians
'Multiple Times' in Weil am Rein

I sincerely hope these families are all suing this traitor personally....

Scanning through the German blogs brings more suppressed-to-this-point news from the first terrifying New Year's shared with their new Muslim neighbors, and lost in shadow of appalling lawlessness in Köln are a number of other stories- in fact every major city and town in Germany experienced sex-crimes at the hands of Middle Eastern and/or Muslim men on NYE.

In the southern German town of Weil am Rein -which is basically a suburb of Basel, Switzerland- underage teen girls -a mere 14 and 15 years old- were gang-raped 'multiple times' by four young Syrian men -now in police detention- 'aged 16-20'.

When you add the 1000+ offenders at Köln to all the other stories now slipping by the semi-official news blackout in Germany and it seems the German police have all but capitulated.

And PLENTY of shame-n-blame to go all around over there-- Merkel for inflicting this on her people, 'Migrants welcome' idiots over there who supported her in all this, and German husbands, brothers, and boyfriends for not ripping the perps limb-by-limb in the street.... I know I would, do that to my daughter and you'll be wishing ISIS had finished you off.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2016, 04:37:09 pm by rangerrebew »


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Re: New Year's sex assaults stoke German migrant debate
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2016, 04:38:28 pm »
What was the name of that muslim author who wrote How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies? :whistle: