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5 Facts to Know About the California Methane Leak

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"I must ask why the political accusations?

I live in the county, and heard nothing of it. Maybe it isn't as big a deal."

Maybe not, but don't forget this is occurring in a state and a governor which has put itself in the forefront of the battle against climate change.

"Prior to the gas leak, California has put forth legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions altogether. Governor Jerry Brown has been working diligently to impose stricter standards that would prevent future methane leaks from refineries, pipelines, and storage facilities.

Yet the huge gas leak near Porter Ranch is a significant setback to reduce emissions.

“It is one of the biggest leaks we’ve ever seen reported,” said Tim O’Connor, California climate director for the EDF. “It is coming out with force, in incredible volumes. And it is absolutely uncontained.” (

And yet, as Rangerrebew noted, "The other thing missing is coverage by the MSM.", which is definitely odd given the environmental impact of the leak.


--- Quote from: Paladin on January 02, 2016, 12:40:14 am ---"I must ask why the political accusations?

I live in the county, and heard nothing of it. Maybe it isn't as big a deal."

Maybe not, but don't forget this is occurring in a state and a governor which has put itself in the forefront of the battle against climate change.

"Prior to the gas leak, California has put forth legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions altogether. Governor Jerry Brown has been working diligently to impose stricter standards that would prevent future methane leaks from refineries, pipelines, and storage facilities.

Yet the huge gas leak near Porter Ranch is a significant setback to reduce emissions.

“It is one of the biggest leaks we’ve ever seen reported,” said Tim O’Connor, California climate director for the EDF. “It is coming out with force, in incredible volumes. And it is absolutely uncontained.” (

And yet, as Rangerrebew noted, "The other thing missing is coverage by the MSM.", which is definitely odd given the environmental impact of the leak.

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I readily found it in the "MSM" so there is not "missing coverage"

I repeat: What do you want done about this situation?


--- Quote from: truth_seeker on January 02, 2016, 12:57:32 am ---I repeat: What do you want done about this situation?

--- End quote ---

We want like every other environmental 'disaster'...

"I readily found it in the "MSM" so there is not "missing coverage".

Undoubtedly. But what you haven't seen is the story pounded on every night by the majors, or banner headlined on the NYT, WaPo, and the other usual suspects, or featured on "60 Minutes", or as Gourmet Dan puts it, "We want [hysteria] like every other environmental 'disaster'..."

Nope, the story is being spiked as are all stories which reflect badly on the GW/CC crowd as seen in one of its leading spokesman, Gov Jerry Brown.


--- Quote from: truth_seeker on January 02, 2016, 12:16:39 am ---I must ask why the political accusations?

I live in the county, and heard nothing of it. Maybe it isn't as big a deal.

No deaths to date. Oil and natural gas are a "natural" occurrence in the area.

Leaks to the surface do occur. Like in the offshore area, where people often mistake tar balls as leaks from wells, on offshore platforms.

Are you opposed to natural gas? Are you opposed to heating homes and cooking with natural gas?

The resource is owned by a private company, who in turn has employed private contractors to try to remedy the leak. They continue work.

I don't get the hysteria of these daily postings. You must search 24 hours per day searching for only negatives.

What do you want done about this situation?

--- End quote ---
It is a huge event. Erin Brockovicth is involved now. It is a whole town....2 schools so far have shut down so far. EVERYONE in the town is sick. For months. The property values of each and every single home is at risk. Business have lost over 1/2 of sales. Gas company  wouldn't answer phone calls for 2 months from all the people who had dogs with bleeding eyes. Kids with bleeding noses. People with major headaches, sick to stomac. Not just one or two......the whole town.

I tried yesterday to do a Porter Ranch story search. I see I will have to spend more time finding the articles I have read in the past. They aren't at the usual places anymore.  I will check next week.


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