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Chicago mayor cuts short vacation after latest police shooting
« on: December 29, 2015, 12:31:39 pm »
Chicago mayor cuts short vacation after latest police shooting
Reuters By Mary Wisniewski and Justin Madden
15 hours ago

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said on Monday he would cut his family vacation in Cuba short to address the fatal shooting of two more black residents by a city police department already under federal investigation over its use of deadly force.

The decision comes after activists stepped up calls for Emanuel's resignation over his handling of policing in the nation's third-largest city. A protest is planned at City Hall on Thursday.

"While Mayor Emanuel has been in constant contact with his staff and Interim Superintendent (John) Escalante, he is cutting his family trip short so that he can continue the ongoing work of restoring accountability and trust in the Chicago Police Department," said the mayor's spokeswoman, Kelley Quinn.

Emanuel is set to arrive back in Chicago on Tuesday afternoon, she said. The mayor's office did not say when he left for Cuba or when he had been scheduled to return.

The latest police shootings killed Bettie Jones, 55, and college student Quintonio LeGrier, 19. Family members said police were called after LeGrier, who had mental health issues, threatened his father with a metal baseball bat.

Jones' family is expected to seek video footage of the shootings, which occurred early on Saturday, if any exists, in an attempt to get a clearer picture of what happened, according to its attorney.

The release of a Chicago police video last month of the fatal shooting of a black teenager, which had been withheld for more than a year, led to the resignation of the city's police chief and the start of a U.S. Department of Justice probe into whether the city's police use lethal force too often, especially against minorities.

High-profile killings of black men by police officers since mid-2014 have triggered waves of protest, including in Chicago, and fueled a civil rights movement under the name Black Lives Matter. On Monday a grand jury cleared two Cleveland police officers in the November 2014 fatal shooting of black 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who was brandishing a toy gun in a park.

Emanuel called Jones' family to offer his sympathy, according to Ja'Mal Green, an activist and protest organizer in Chicago. But he said Emanuel should resign and his return will not help problems in the city's social and justice systems.

"Here or not, you know, is still like him not here," Green said.

The embattled mayor issued a statement on Sunday calling for a review of the police Crisis Intervention Team and better guidance for officers when dealing with mental health cases.

"There are serious questions about yesterday's shootings that must be answered in full by the Independent Police Review Authority’s investigation," his statement said.

Regarding the latest shootings, police said LeGrier was being combative, but have admitted that Jones, who lived on the first-floor of the building, was shot by accident and offered condolences.

Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said on Monday he did not know if there was video of the shooting.

However, attorney Larry Rogers Jr., representing Jones' family, said at a prayer vigil on Sunday that there may be a video from a house under construction across the street, and that police footage may exist.

The previous killing of 17-year-old black teen Laquan McDonald in October 2014, which was captured on video released last month, led to multiple protests and calls for Emanuel's resignation.

Emanuel, previously U.S. President Barack Obama's White House chief of staff, became Chicago's mayor in 2011 and was re-elected earlier this year in a run-off. He was already facing pressure over high crime and gang violence in parts of the city and had been criticized for closing 50 public schools in mostly minority areas.

Calls for his resignation started with the release of the McDonald video last month.

Civil rights activist Al Sharpton said Emanuel should step down in an interview on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' program on Monday, before Emanuel said he was returning.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 12:32:18 pm by rangerrebew »

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Re: Chicago mayor cuts short vacation after latest police shooting
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2015, 07:18:29 pm »
Rahm Emanuel, Stranded in Cuba as His Deputy Gets Assaulted

Yesterday I called Al Sharpton’s call for Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s resignation over a police shooting the “perfect Obama-era scandal.” It showcases Obama’s hometown, home of some of the country’s strictest gun-control laws, plagued by 2,937 shootings in the past year, about 350 more than the previous year; an entirely-Democrat controlled political system that engages in cover-ups and a culture of unaccountability; a microcosm of African-Americans, the most loyal demographic to the Democratic Party, feeling victimized and disregarded by leaders they eagerly elected and reelected. Elitism, double-standards, runaway state power, incendiary agitation, racial tensions – it’s all here. Now we see Chicago’s looking even more chaotic than usual: One of Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s deputy chiefs of staff was attacked Sunday evening while attending a vigil for Bettie Jones and Quintonio LeGrier, who were fatally shot by Chicago Police in West Garfield Park on Saturday. According to a source, Vance Henry was attending the vigil about 5:50 p.m. at the site of the shooting in the 4700 block of West Erie when he was attacked. The police department’s Office of News Affairs confirmed that a 50-year-old man was at the vigil when “he was approached by an unknown person who began to make verbal threats which escalated to a physical altercation.” The man was punched with a closed fist, tackled to the ground and kicked repeatedly, according to police. He went to Rush University Medical Center, where he was treated and released. In an emailed statement Monday night, City Hall spokesman Adam Collins said: “We are aware that on Sunday afternoon there was an altercation involving one of our staff members. We take this matter very seriously and the incident is under review.” No wonder Emanuel’s on his way back from Cuba! Mayor Rahm Emanuel is cutting short his family vacation in Cuba and will return to Chicago on Tuesday to deal with the latest crisis involving the city’s Police Department. Early Saturday, police shot and killed two people on the West Side — Quintonio LeGrier, 19, and his neighbor, Bettie Jones, 55. A City Hall spokesman said Monday that Emanuel left Chicago on Dec. 18 and was due to return at the end of this week. Take a moment to savor this irony: Meanwhile, the Chicago Sun-Times has learned that Emanuel was in effect stranded in Cuba and could not leave immediately after the shootings because there is no regularly scheduled air service. U.S. airlines run only charter flights to the island. Compounding that, a source said, Emanuel was in a rural part of the country for the past couple of days. Emanuel had been scheduled to return to Chicago at the end of this week. It is believed that Emanuel was on his way back to Havana on Monday afternoon. He was in constant contact with advisers via phone and text, despite sometimes shaky connections. Hey, just thinking out loud, if you’re the mayor of a major city that’s on edge because of a big cover-up by your police department and questions about what you knew, maybe you shouldn’t schedule a two-week vacation at a destination that doesn’t include regular return flights? Could you imagine if there had been, say, an ISIS attack at Christmas and Emanuel was stranded in Cuba? Presuming you intend to come back, of course…

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Offline Scottftlc

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Re: Chicago mayor cuts short vacation after latest police shooting
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2015, 07:41:32 pm »
Rahm has himself a real shit storm
Well, George Lewis told the Englishman, the Italian and the Jew
You can't open your mind, boys, to every conceivable point of view

...Bob Dylan

Offline ArneFufkin

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Re: Chicago mayor cuts short vacation after latest police shooting
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2015, 08:03:33 pm »
Emanuel couldn't wait to get a good look at Cuba it seems. 

Offline flowers

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Re: Chicago mayor cuts short vacation after latest police shooting
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2015, 10:00:28 pm »
two-week vacation at a destination that doesn’t include regular return flights?

i call pure BS on this. He is the ruling elite, no way he doesn't have a plane at his demand anywhere on earth 24/7.