Author Topic: Levin: ‘Lincoln Did More for American Black People Than Barack Obama Could Ever Do’  (Read 173 times)

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Levin: ‘Lincoln Did More for American Black People Than Barack Obama Could Ever Do’

Nationally syndicated radio show host Mark Levin [1] contrasted former president Abraham Lincoln with President Obama on his show Friday, saying that Obama will not tell the American people what he would do to end the slavery of black Christians by black Muslims in Africa.

“Abraham Lincoln was prepared to do anything and everything,” Levin commented. “Abraham Lincoln did more for American black people than Barack Obama could ever do or would ever do.”

Here’s the transcript of Levin’s remarks:

    “But Barack Obama will not tell you the whole story. Of course it’s a blight on American history. But that was a long time ago, and we have slavery going on today.

    “It amazes me, listening again to the ruling class Democrat, Republican. They’re so offended by Americans. They keep lecturing us about our values. We’re not enslaving anybody. We’re not decapitating anybody. We don’t practice wholesale rape and enslavement and all these other things.

    “And yet that’s practiced in the Middle East by one part of one religion. And we’re told not to blame it, or not to blame them, that these are just thugs, these are just terrorists, quite different, you know.

    “But back to my point. Obama can talk today, 150 years later, about slavery in America, but what he won’t talk about is what he would do about slavery in Africa today against black Christians by black Muslims.

    “What he won’t talk about is slavery today of Christians and Yazidis and others in the Islamo-Nazi Caliphates and what he’s prepared to do about it.

    “Abraham Lincoln was prepared to do anything and everything.

    “Abraham Lincoln did more for American black people than Barack Obama could ever do or would ever do. And I mean it.

    “There are some things you don’t compromise with. Slavery is one of them.

    “And let us be clear. It is conservatives and Republicans, not all, but most -- certainly many -- who are insisting that we take steps to defeat this enemy because it is a threat to this country, it is a threat to our allies, and because it’s the moral thing to do!

    “We are sick and tired of watching the video by the Islamo-Nazis of the people they’re decapitating, of the little girls that they’re raping, of the women that they’re enslaving! We are sick and tired of it.

    “And that, Mr. President, is the American tradition that you reject.”

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