Author Topic: Dear presidential candidates: A message from veterans. Here are just some of the veterans issues that a presidential candidate should consider  (Read 583 times)

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Dear presidential candidates: A message from veterans
Here are just some of the veterans issues that a presidential candidate should consider

    by Glenn French
    September 30, 2015
Dear presidential candidates: A message from veterans

(Photo courtesy Peter Stevens/ Flickr)

The most recent presidential debate hosted by CNN was a three hour marathon focused only on creating sound bites of the 11 republican candidates arguing amongst themselves. This wasn’t necessarily the fault of the candidates, as the CNN moderators clearly chose the direction of the negative school yard banter.

Two candidates however, took a couple opportunities to mention veterans and it wasn’t in response to any question posed by the moderators regarding veteran’s issues.

The first presidential debate wasn’t any better, as the conservative-leaning Fox hosted a debate and only on one occasion was a veteran issue was mentioned.

Here is a message to CNN, Fox and all of the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates: There is a 21.8 million person army of veterans in the United States that is tired of hearing lip service and is ready to battle for our issues. We veterans are strong, committed, humble personalities with the backbone to fight your worst nightmares while facing our own mortality.

Stop using our issues on the pulpit and newscasts to gain popularity and television ratings. Don’t underestimate the importance of the issues that concern us. All 21.8 million of us veterans may not have PTSD, suicidal thoughts, are unemployed, need daily quality medical care, or have to wait weeks or months to be seen by a doctor at the Veterans Administration.

However, we have something you probably never experienced. We have a brotherhood that not even the fear of death in combat can stop. We are tired of watching all of our brothers that need the proper care and attention being ignored. We are fed up with the lip service that Washington has provided veterans groups since the Vietnam war. We are putting you on notice that we are voters and we demand to be heard.

There are many issues and concerns that affect veterans. We veterans want to know how and when these policies will be implemented. If you’re truly concerned about the 21.8 million veterans let’s see an actionable plan that not only addresses each issue but is a real path to reform and change. 

Here are just some of the issues that as presidential candidates you should research and publicly share your policies or plan of action:

1.VA reform

2.Suicide assistance

3.Veteran unemployment

4.Privatization of the VA

5.How would you provide better care for women veterans

6.Education assistance 

7.Small business start-up assistance


My message to all the Democratic and Republican Presidential candidates is simple: Please hear our voice and become a champion for the 21.8 million men and women who served this country. Just provide us the humble respect and dignity that we deserve.

I know you may not understand what drives us to be soldiers or why we run into the ugly reality of combat without regard to ourselves but that’s okay. We understand why the sheep dog tends to his sheep without fear of the wolf. That’s something in our DNA, just address our concerns so that future Sheep Dogs can tend to the flock with no regard to the aforementioned issues.

Despite those issues, 89 percent of veterans that served in Iraq and Afghanistan post 9/11 said they made the right choice by serving this great country according to a poll published by the Washington Times in association with the Kaiser Family Foundation. We love this country and we are proud to have served. Candidates, there is an army of 21.8 million veterans watching you this election year. Will you become our champion?   

About the author

Glenn French Glenn French, a retired Sergeant with the Sterling Heights (Mich.) Police Department, has 24 years police experience and served as the Team Commander for the Special Response Team, and supervisor of the Sterling Heights Police Department Training Bureau. He has 16 years SWAT experience and also served as a Sniper Team Leader, REACT Team Leader, and Explosive Breacher. He is the author of the award-winning book “Police Tactical Life Saver” which has been named the 2012 Public Safety Writers Association Technical Manual of the year. Glenn is also the owner of Rubicon Tactical Strategies and can be reached at Glenn has instructed basic and advanced SWAT / Tactical officer courses, basic and advanced Sniper courses, Cold Weather / Winter Sniper Operations and Active Shooter Response courses, Terrorist Response course, Tactical Lifesaver Course and others. Sgt. French also served in the U.S. Army. During his military tenure Sgt. French gained valuable experience in C.Q.B., infantry tactics and explosive breaching operations.