Author Topic: COMING TO YOUR SUBURB; THE GHETTOS  (Read 607 times)

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« on: December 28, 2015, 12:09:47 pm »
I just saw this.
This article scares the hell out of me. I have dreams of one day living in the suburbs. This will DESTROY any good neighborhood America has. America will soon be 3rd world trash.  Hussein Obama is a radical Communist. He needs to go back to Kenya where he came from.( and take BLM with him) People on this forum have accused me of being "unpatriotic" for considering leaving America. If Hillary wins, I'm either headed to Hungary or Queensland Australia. So you expect me to live in a 3rd world, morally bankrupt,  Socialist dictatorship? I've said it once, and I'll say it again. If Hillary wins, it's OVER.( unless conservatives are willing to start a violent revolution) Congress has done NOTHING about this. They could've stopped funding HUD.. The GOP nominee must promise to repeal ALL welfare programs. That includes food stamps, public housing, and EVERYTHING passed during Lindon Johnsons.(  the Great Society era)  If that means people starving to death and living on the streets, so be it. Cruz, Trump, and Rubio call themselves "conservative" Really? Have they promised to repeal ALL welfare programs( food stamps, subsidized housing, etc) if the nominee can't even  promise that, he's not conservative.