Author Topic: Hillary once backed Muslim profiling. Post-9/11: 'We have to do whatever it takes to keep our people safe'  (Read 216 times)

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Hillary once backed Muslim profiling
Post-9/11: 'We have to do whatever it takes to keep our people safe'
Published: 11 hours ago

WASHINGTON – While now claiming Donald Trump is the personification of an ISIS recruiting poster and having Tweeted last month that Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism, Hillary Clinton was telling a different story post-9/11.

In fact, she once called for profiling Muslims and doing "whatever it takes to keep our people safe."

That's what she told ABC's Sam Donaldson in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

Donaldson asked: "Let's talk about American life now, though. What happens in the future from the standpoint of the question of security versus relaxation or giving up some of the freedoms that we've enjoyed in this country? How far do we go, for instance, on airline security?"

Clinton responded: "Well, I think everyone recognizes we have to tighten security. We have to do whatever it takes to keep our people safe."

Donaldson asked: "Including profiling, senator?"

Clinton answered: "I think we have to do whatever it takes, Sam. And I believe that, you know, Tuesday changed everything. Tuesday was a day that America has never, ever had to experience. And I hope to heaven that we never have to again. But we are in a war situation, and we're going to have to do things people do in times of war. I just heard your interview with the mayor, and I think he's right to look at examples in history like the Battle of Britain. Many of us have been studying what others did to carry on. And we know that we have to make tradeoffs in convenience, in our freedom of movement, without undercutting or losing our way of life and our values, which I really want to make America special and great. And we can't ever let anyone undermine that."

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During last Saturday's Democratic presidential debate, though, it was a different Clinton altogether. She said, in a claim found to have no merit, that Trump's tough talk on Islam has made him "ISIS' best recruiter."

She added ISIS is "going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."

On Nov. 19, she Tweeted this message: "Let's be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism."