Author Topic: What This Beautiful Yazidi Woman, Nadia Murad Basee Taha, Told The U.N. Will Make You Sick …  (Read 922 times)

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What This Beautiful Yazidi Woman, Nadia Murad Basee Taha, Told The U.N. Will Make You Sick …
V. Saxena
December 20, 2015

Ladies and gentlemen, I think I inadvertently fell hopelessly in love earlier today when I laid my eyes upon and heard the words of Nadia Murad Basee Taha, 21, a beautiful former Yazidi sex slave whose amazing fearlessness in the face of pure evil made my heart skip a beat both in great compassion and also adulation.

Last year, in the month of August, the twisted savages of the Islamic State abducted this prodigious woman from her home in Iraq and proceeded to put her through three months of pure hell, all of which she described in great detail to the United Nations Security Council earlier this week:

    Along the way, they humiliated us. They touched us and violated us. They took us to Mosul with more than 150 other Yazidi families. In a building, there were thousands of Yazidi families and children who were exchanged as gifts. One of these people came up to me. He wanted to take me. I looked down at the floor. I was absolutely petrified. When I looked up, I saw a huge man. He looked like a monster.

    I cried. I cried out, I said “I’m too young and you’re huge”. He hit me. He kicked me and beat me. And a few minutes later, another man came up to me. I still was looking at the floor. I saw that he was a little bit smaller. I begged him. I implored him for him to take me. I was incredibly scared of the first man.

    The man who took me asked me to change religion. I refused. Then, he asked for my hand in marriage, so to speak. That night he beat me. He asked me to take my clothes off. He put me in a room with the guards and then they proceeded to commit their crime until I fainted.

To hear her for yourself, please view the video below, though I must warn you that hearing her harrowing testimony will make even the toughest among you cringe in horror:

In concluding her speech, she had only this to say:

    I implore you, get rid of Daesh [ISIS] completely!

Excuse me if this appears tacky or disrespectful, but I promise that I mean it wholeheartedly:

You Go Girl

Seriously, just imagine the courage it took for this angelic beauty to pour her entire heart out to pretty much the whole world.

Think also of why she chose to do this — not just to obtain justice for herself, but to function as the only voice for God knows how many other girls and women who have been, are being or will one day be abused by the Islamic State savages.

You know, earlier this year a reader accused me of despising strong women as per my caustic criticism of Western feminists, who constantly complain about the most trite of things yet say practically nothing about the genuine torment experienced by women like Nadia.

No, sir, I say to this confused man; I do not despise strong woman, and neither do the male readers who frequent Downtrend. We sincerely love strong women, and to one of the strongest women I personally have ever in my life encountered, Miss Nadia Murad Basee Taha, I say this: I shall not anytime soon forget either your poignant words or the anguish you suffered.

May God be with you!
« Last Edit: December 22, 2015, 02:39:08 pm by rangerrebew »


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Does anyone really feel the United Nitwits gives a flying s**t what happened to her?  They are probably more afraid of muzzies than anywhere else in the world.  To them, she probably makes it "crystal clear" such abuse is due to global warming. :whistle: